400 mint cases wanted.. ARGHHH!

Started by chicagojerry, January 13, 2006, 09:18:44 PM

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i have a 75 400 motor that ran great but the cases are trashed in the rear motor mount area.:(   warbled out but the cases are starting to crack as well. anybody out there have a set of bare cases? do the 250 cases work with my internals?  any help would be appreciated.      chijer


Dr2Stroke's website lists NOS case halves. I did business with him before and was very happy with the results. He sent me a very lightly used pipe for my 76' 125 GS. Give him a shot



thanks for the reply back. i got on dr2strk site last night and looked around some. i'm not bilingual but i thought that the cases were around the 600 to 700$ range if my exchange rate math was close. thats pretty pricey but obviously worth it to someone, especially if they are doing a concours restoration job. hey dr2strk, do you have the accuate price or maybe even a used set? hopefully someone else may have a used set as well that they are willing to part with. trying to get the bike ready for gainesville..  [8D]   chijer


Jerry, sad fact is you just missed a 400 motor on Ebay, sold Thursday night pretty resonable. The Penton parts catalog does show 250 and 400 case #'s as the same. maybe thats a route? I always wondered whether the top end could be swapped on a 250 to make a 400.

rob w

The 250's (54) cases will not work as 400 (55) cases, and top ends between the two are not interchangeable. The dia.'s of the cylinder sleeves / skirts are not the same.

Jerry, have you tried Barry Higgins?



i haven't tried barry higgins, but i will. the guy i bought it from actually thought that it may have belonged to barry at one time. thanks for the suggestion. if anyone else has a set of cases please drop me line. thanks, chijer


Hi Chitown Jerry,go on evil bay and look up seller tbernert.Ted is a good guy and i think he has a lot of 400 stuff.i know he recently got some more stuff.good luck, Ric

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


i sent a note to tbernet. thanks for the heads up. hopefully i'll find a set before too long. any other suggestions from anyone?
 :) thanks all     chijer


can someone please post the link to DR 2Strokes web site? I have bought parts from him in the past and may be in need of other things for my KTM 420 project. Thanks in advance.




Hey,Jerry"  Marine -Tex'em it should do the trick!:Donce you use it you'll be a believer!;)Bob


Jerry, think I have a set of 400 cases.
I'm "On the road" at the moment, but will be home tomorrow.

I'll check the extra set I have, ,think they are pretty nice.

By the way, had my shoulder done, needed complete replacement!!!!
No small deal; my scar is much bigger them yours!!!!!

Chuck Purinton

Big Mac

If you want to try the repair route, our superstar vintage machinist/racer/all around good guy here in the NW, Charlie Brown at Superior Sleeve (//www.superiorsleeve.com , 888-700-5839) can help. I got a free KTM 250 motor that was shelved because the rear motor mount area was cracked with a large chunk missing where the steel insert threads in, and the other side was oblonged.

Charlie mag-welded up the missing piece & crack from inside and outside, filled the oblong opposite side, then re-bored through the cases to correct size, even had the right tap to re-thread for the steel insert on the left side. Think he charged $50, can't remember. He turned a junked/parts motor into one of my most reliable motors for next to nothing and even made it look pretty good cosmetically. Give him a call to discuss it, there's almost nothing we've thrown at him that he can't do. He also does great work for us on rod rebuilds, porting, etc, and is a damn fast expert racer.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR


thanks mac, i got on that website. i will definately try to salvage those cases if he can do it for a reasonable price. i think the damage is just a little too extensive for marine-tex. (but thanks wolfman for the suggestion)i have a lead or two on a set of cases but even so i will try to get those repaired.
 who's going to phoenix? i'll be there [8D]  chijer


Hello fellows. Nice to read that my website is watched! im always working on  it, but needs really a lot of time!And somewhen i will also describe the parts in english.Here is the link://www.sdi-ktm.ch
referring on 400 cases, i havent got new ones, but used ones which are in top condition.here is my Email. [email protected]
Thanks again for watching!