Steel Tank Questionnaire Is Back!

Started by Admin, January 18, 2006, 07:34:51 PM

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The Steel Tank Questionnaire has just been restored from the website crash! :D

I don't know hurts more--crashing a website or crashing a Penton.  To date, we have over a 100 quetionnaires returned.  Doing the math, that's like answering over 5,000 questions.  I, as well as the Penton Owners Group, can't thank you enough for your participation in this time-consuming project.  All this valuable information is critical to documenting the history of the steel tank bike, and you are a part of that...


Paul Danik

If any of you guys who own a steel tank Penton have yet to fill out the questionnaire, please do so.   Not only will it help us with our research, you will most likely learn alot about your machine.