
Started by sixdazed, January 29, 2006, 09:49:42 PM

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Hi Guys,First of all Mert is taking to his new meds fine, which is quite a relief.apparently some dogs get worse with treatment as their immune system goes haywire.I can't make the national as Mert is still on seizure watch and hates long truck rides anyway,but the truck left today and thanks to you guys my only Penton that's a runner(the 250)was not on it with a for sale sign.IT's safe at home where it belongs.Also some projects and parts bikes i bought quite a while back from oregon and was picking up at the race won't have to be sold for now as Thom Green said i could pay him fuel money whenever i get it for delivering that stuff(super nice guy),and Bob's picking that stuff up for guys have really helped out and the support and kindness is incredible.just knowing i have you guys in our corner for this fight makes me more of Mert will be posted by Bob monday hopefully.Robert "Skip" Page must get a special thank you (for incredible support-amazing!)Skip-I have your footpeg you need but lost your phone #,please call-I'm home all weekend..And thanks so very much again to all of you-i'm so proud and honored to be associated with POG .i'll keep you posted....Mert,Malcolm, and Ric                          P.S.-Good Luck to all our Poggers racing out there this weekend-go fast,stay safe,Pentons Rule!

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


Hi Guys,I've been so busy i have neglected to update you so a quickie.Mert is hangin in there.His next vet appt. is Thusday.I hope to know more then.i'm trying to spend most of my free time with him as he has a little seperation anxiety thing going.can't say i blame him after what he's going thru.i have a list of people i really want to thank on this thread and personally-have been trying to e mail at least quick thank you notes and will continue asap as there are more i need to thank.i'm real tired tonite- so i have a list and will get to it,please excuse my of my buddy will be up the meantime-thanks to all from the bottom of my heart.and please say a prayer for Tom Benolkin's son who is very ill.Goodnite All,Mert,Malcolm,and Ric.............

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


To Everyone,
  Here is a picture of our new POG mascot...I haven't checked with the bosses yet, but it might be nice to have Penton Owners Group mascot named Mert.  Thanks to Gavin Housh for getting the ball rolling with a great idea.  We have helped a fellow POG member and helped save a neat Puppy.  Thanks to Gavin and everyone who helped with the special gifts.  I would also like to say a special thanks to a POG member by the name of Skip who went over the top on
help and even visited Ric in person.  Great People.

Ron Carbaugh

Gavin Housh

Thank you Ron for your help and everybody else too! I like this mascot idea. Maybe we should rename the POG to P&DOG (penton and dog owners group):D, just kiddin. Gavin


Thanks for posting the photo Ron.Tomorrow is Merts big day as he goes back to vet for more testing.I'm working on a thank you list but i don't want to forget anyone so i hope to include it with the next update on Merts condition.Mert told me he would be elated to serve as POG Mascot if you chose to bestow that high honor on him!Maybe we could have a yearly-(or monthly) mascot,if the higher ups approve.That's one of my favorite pics of him in one of his favorite places-riding the couch!sounds like a good idea to me(couch riding)as i worked a little late tonite.He will lay up there above me on couch and insist on animal planet on tv(they watch it all day!).Randy Kirkbride-thank you so much for the help,the calendar, and the picture of your beautiful german shepherd Nala and lovely Berkshire.I'm framing it and it will hang in my living room.I'm praying for her recovery as well.Yes Ron,-i can't thank Skip and the rest of you guys enough,and again those who i have not personally sent a thank you note to,i haven't forgot-i will,it's just been so hectic lately,i thought he was taking a little step back (bumping into things)but it may just be the meds...Please cross your fingers and toes once tomorrow if you would, as we see the doc's tomorrow(i get to pay a visit to cardiologist myself after Merts Vet visit-Oh Boy!)anyway off to the couch my friends- and i'm very proud to call you my friends,Take Care-Mert,Malcolm, and Ric....

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...

rob w


Hello Friends,Well it wasn't a great trip to the Vets as he did bring up the subject of a timeframe for euthinasia if he does not improve-i guess if it has gone too far he will only get worse and suffer,which i would never want.I told the Vet,Dr. Baker (one of my Honda quad customers) that i would not consider putting him down until all options are exhausted or if he is really suffering with no hope of i'm a little bummed,although there was a bright spot as he now has regained reaction to the "blink" test the vet gave him at least in the one eye,so in that respect he is improving.He still has trouble with his hindquarters kind of being out of sync with his brain as he has trouble getting up on the couch or bed.I'll keep ya posted as today (and the last few days)have been very busy.i changed jobs to be closer to home and now i can check on him at lunch.besides i've been asking for my overdue vacation since july to have some time to take the dogs up to the mountains(they love it there),but was told we were too busy and they needed me too now i can take some time as soon as i get the new shop i work at caught up a least a couple three usual i've rambled on-just wanted to let you know Mert's hangin in there-Thanks, Mert,Malcolm,and Ric

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


Thanks Ric.  You are a great person and really love your Dogs.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ric, I finally got back home Wednesday and 11 pm. I drove from San Jose to my place in one shot. 18 hours.... I am still trying to recover. Pheonix was great, I am sorry that you could not make it but understand why you could not, I hope the parts and things i brought for you are what you were expecting....I saw clay yesterday at the races, He was taking pictures and generally enjoying the beautiful day we had.. The track was perfect and the track was fast..... and I managed to win my class.
Please know that we will keep our fingers crossed.... in prayer for you and your dogs, hoping for a full recovery for your beloved Mert. (nice picture by the way)  After all they are his creation as well and he takes notice when even a sparrow falls. Take care my friend!!!

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
75' GS400 (project bike)
72'sixday (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Thanks Thom,I hope the parts i gave you for your sixdays were what you needed (if not, please let me know) and i will send you up fuel$  asap.As you know i purchased that stuff quite a while back (before Mert got sick) and without your help delivering them i would have been lost.More proof that you guys are the best!On to Mert-some good,some bad.He's adjusting to the meds and tends to wander around, sometimes bumping into things, but all in all i'm encouraged-he's hangin in there.(He's asleep with his head on my foot right now!)I have many to thank, but my list is in the other room and don't want to wake Mert!And i definitely don't want to leave anyone out,that's for sure!My many good friends-thank you all,and i think all we can do for know is maybe a little prayer if you think about it.Take Care,-Mert,Malcolm,and Ric...

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


you are so welcome, yes the parts will work just fine. I have a seat after all, well sort of, the seat base is aluminum and has been fixed more than once and is in preatty bad shape. I had thought of fixing it and then making a mold to make a fiberglass replacement, but that is probably alot more than I can really do. but the seat foam is in good shape and getting a new cover should be pretty easy. by the way, when you get around to sending me money don't send the money instead to my friend and your Firstturn, He gave me the Sixday bike a year and a half ago and then when things got tough for me, told me not to worry about paying him, do me  a favor and give him the money, He would not take it from me but he might take it from you. Ron is a great guy and a highly valued friend. you are right about this group they are the best, in a league by themselves, though I must admit there has been very few vintage folks that have not treated me like a long lost friends. While I was at the race in pheonix I lost my wallet and I had so many people looking it was amazing, everyone was so helpful... on sunday afternoon I found it.... I had tucked in a place that I would normally never consider doing and there is was nice and safe.... That was a rough 24 hour period, but I am thankful to have it back, sure made my return trip alot better....
Take care and I am glad that Mert is doing better, I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers....

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
75' GS400 (project bike)
72'sixday (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Ron,Looks like i.o.u-again,still,or more! let me know your needs (as far as parts go)i'm still trying to go thru the mettco stuff and see whats needed for THE replica.Thom-Just from corresponding with Ron Carbaugh,never meeting face to face,i can tell you he has ALWAYS treated me like a brother,that's why i got so upset and couldn't hold my tongue when there was bad words said about him in this forum(but please let's NOT go there-OK!).To further make my point i have entrusted to him my somewhat meager estate of motorcycles,parts,and my tools-(not meager!) for liquidation to help my family out when i go to the big trail in the sky.He did not hesitate and immediately agreed to take care of it for me and my family when i pass on.Just a super guy always ready to help.I told him he WILL have my Penton 250 for doing this-(He refused)so you guys make sure he takes it!This made me feel much better when i had a scare a while back.And one 71 steeltanker will go to POG for the group-that bike was GIVEN to me by a cancer victim to whom i promised i would restore it to its former glory.So as you can tell Ron and I are pretty much on the same page-i consider him a blood brother-partly because of our Honda roots,and mostly because he's one hell of a guy.So yes Thom i will force him to take the money somehow-one way or the other if thats what you want.If you need a seat pan i think i have one-call me.Thanks again Thom-for the favors and also the kind thoughts,.....Ric,Mert,and Malcolm...............

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


Hi Guys, I feel like the least i can do is keep you guys updated on Mert's condition so here goes-He is still stable with only 2 setbacks-no more seizures,just a wobbliness in his hindquarters and growling at his shadows,etc.If he stays at this state and things don't get any worse, that would be fine by me as long as he doesn't suffer.Though it would be great to have him 100 percent,and he's having everything done to give him a shot to get there.I've sold some non Penton things to cover the "just in case" expenses so there is no real need for any more help-Please,just buy something nice for your Penton(or your dog or even your wife!).Also i need to add Gary Ellis and Ron Corporon to my "guys to thank" list.As long as you guys want to be informed I'll keep you updated as to his condition.Thanks Again and Take Care, Ric,Mert,and Malcolm...................

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


The wife and I saw that movie "8 Below" last night made me think about you and Mert. Wish you luck.

Rod Whitman
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Hi Rod,Haven't heard of that movie-usually wait till it hits cable,what's 8 below about? Thanks for the well wishes, Ric,Mert,and Malcolm....

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...