ID Guide

Started by thrownchain, March 28, 2006, 05:46:12 PM

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Has anyone given any thought to compiling an ID guide?? It could be set up year by year. What models were produced, colors, ID numbers, what if anything changed yr to yr, put in a few photos to help. If you've seen the Honda ID guide you know what I mean. Doesn't have to be fancy, could be same basic format as the calenders, worth a consideration. There should be more than just a list of numbers.


There is a production year guide on the main page, it is very accurate and gives the details you suggested.



Yes I've seen that, but a nice booklet would be nice to have if you're going to look at a bike or to a swap meet, somewhere when the computer wasn't handy. If no one feels it's feasable, that's OK, not the first idea that bit the dust here.


I printed out the "Production Years" section on heavy white card stock along with some of the gallery photos, punched it for a small three ring binder, and added blank pages for my disassembly sketches and notes.
Alongside a good manual from Mr. Buehner, I can only blame myself when it does not go back together.

Just a thought,
Patrick Houston