Magura Throttle?

Started by imported_n/a, April 09, 2006, 09:01:27 AM

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POG, I'm shopping for a new throttle assembly. What model/design Magura would have come on my 74 Six Day? Right now there's a newer Magura on it made entirely of plastic with a larger tube and a waffle grip that appears to be an inexpensive replacement. I have an older NOS set of Magura grips I plan to use when I get the correct throttle and I'm eyeballing a Magura "whirlpull" sp? from a KTM wxc on evilbay, but it appear to have the larger plastic tube diameter. Are these tubes interchangable? What are the 2 diameters? And/or did they make an old style grip to fit over the larger diameter tube? Thanks again to all you POG members who are helping to restore my bike!

chris h.