Frustrating Conversation in Nebraska

Started by cubfan1968, April 28, 2006, 05:16:10 PM

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I'm a salesman, so I run into alot of folks in my travels. When the opportunity presents itself I try to bring the conversation around to dirt bikes. The conversation usually goes along pretty good until I'm aked my ride of choice. When I reply, a Penton, I usually get a blank stare. The reply is usually like they heard me wrong and they say "whats that a Penta?".  Then I need to explain what a Penton is. Now mind you these are 50ish type males who proclaim they were heavy into dirt bikes in the 70's.

Thats why this story does my heart good. The other day my wife, a nurse in one of the local hospitals, was taking care of a 50ish year old patient. Well the guy had a buddy visit and with my wife in the room the conversation came around to dirt bikes. My wife said that I was in to dirt bikes. When they asked what I rode she replied "a Penton". Hallelujah brother, they knew exactly what she was talking about. They wanted to know the year, model how it ran.

Why, may I ask you, does she get folks like that I get the guy who asks "Whats a Penta?"

Rod Whitman
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)

Big Mac

Even more painful is to answer the "wha's a Penton" question from the 20-something guy sitting on a KTM, with a KTM jersey on and KTM decals all over the back window of his truck. They should know better.

I put lights and my quiet pipe on my '73 Harescrambler and rode it down to the local DMV to apply for a license plate and to take the driving test to get the MC endorsement (after many years putting it off). The Tester out back in the lot called my number, then about fell down in disbelief when I fired up the Penton and rode over...turns out he was a 50+ something guy who used to race a Steeltanker back in the day, said he hadn't seen a Penton in 30 years. All he kept saying was "wow, this is great". He also passed me on the driving test, of course.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR

Rain Man

Rod, just remember 1 thing,   most guys 50ish dont.. or cant ride dirtbikes,     never mind a souped up Penton   [:p]

  They may of ridden dirtbikes back when they were young, and if they loved it... why did they quit riding?

  Remember: winners never quit, and quitters never win !!

2nd place is the first loser... but ya gotta line up..  either that , your a (hopefully paying) spectator !!

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Paul Danik

I remember the first time that I mentioned that I rode a Penton to a younger dirt rider and he had no idea what I was talking about, I got the same feeling that I got when the AARP sent me an application.

    The POG set up a display a couple of years back at the International Motorcycle Show in Cleveland, we had a Jackpiner on display and it was it's KTM engine that drew the younger guys over to the display.  



I've had the same things happen to me here in CA too many times. I was in the KTM dealer a few years back trying to find an Air Filter for a 73 Six Day. Not a singel employee there ever heard of a Penton. Even the service manager, who was at least 50. However on the positive side, I was once chased down by a fellow that saw my Six Day in my truck and he followed me about 35 miles just to look at it and talk about the old days. Another time, while I was working at Boot Barn a guy came inside and wanted to know who had the Penton. I had a Jackpiner in the truck that time and parked at work. Turns out this guy once rode a Hare Scrambler, and now rides an 81 KTM 495.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings


Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Rain Man

AARP=  Antique Association of Running Pentons  :D

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Paul Danik


   American Association of Retired People, I like Raymond's answer better.  



Since I moved to CA, I find less individuals who know what a Penton is...however, when I vist Malcom Smith Motosports in Riverside, CA, once in a while Malcom's there and tells a story or two about his Pentons...and the youngsters get all "big eyed" to hear it.

I am usually one of 2 or 3 guys out here on Pentons and I always here how the 50 + year old guy always wanted one, but couldn't afford it.

The METTCO guys brought them to light out here, so I'm told from the Penton King...(LG)

Victor Monz
Too Many To List !


I have to tell this story about "what's a Penta? I took my 1981 KTM 250 out for a ride at the ranch this weekend. There were a couple fellows there - one was on a new Honda CRF 450, the other fellow was on a 04 or 05 KTM 450 with an electric start, both with more stickers and decals than I have on my old shop Fridge.  They had all the newest gear plus more fancy stuff than I have seen in a long time and one guy even had a shiny chrome triangle stand.  The bling was gruesome.  As I unloaded the '81, they both came over and asked.. "Dude, is that a antique bike or something?"  and "what is it?"  I told them it was a 1981 KTM.  They both gawked for few seconds like I was crazy and the guy with the 04 KTM claimed .. "Dude - you been ripped off.. that ain't a KTM." I assured him it was.  Then the other guy sees the metal tank badges and asks me.. "Hey.. where did you get those?  Those are bitchin'..I want some for my CRF."  Imagine my thoughts as I pondered "who the hell gave these guys money to buy a bike?" At this point, I finally said..well..I'm going riding.. and  I'll try to stay out of your way..and those shiny new bikes ya'll got which they both gleefully laughed and said .. "if that old thing quits on you, we will give you a ride out."  And thankfully, both then took off for the woods.  A few minutes later, I hit the slobber button and I fired her up. The exhaust was crackling and as I felt the cylinder come up to heat I could tell, this old gal was pissed at them boys that had insulted her and she was hungry for some revenge.  I had  re-jetted the carb and today she was spot on.  I always appreciated the way the old air cooled 250s rip when they are on the pipe.  And guess who I caught up with about 6 miles into the woods.... none other than my two new friends moving along briskly, but to tell you the truth, they were no match for one pissed off "antique KTM" and me.  I passed the first guy on a flat curve flat tracking around him and then passed the other dude in a long whooped out section (Tom Brosius, you rebuilt the Fox's spot on - they soaked up whoops without a whimper)  While the heavy four strokes was wallowing around in the whoops, I was on gas and catching the next gear.  I ..uh..did make sure I did not let the Zooks get intimate with the sand too much as I did remember a time or two when those forks made flexing a whole new exciting activity which you prefer to not experience that much.  Now .. honestly, these guys were probably just new at riding in the woods and the big four strokes were their first ever bikes.  But it did feel good to roost past them on an 25 year KTM.  I was smiling so much that when I got home, my wife said to me.."ok fess up.. you went to the strip club instead of going riding.. didn't you?"  


Mick Milakovic


John Ehrhart

I hear ya, man! My '81 was my favorite bike. Glad to know it will kick modern butt.
If only they had brakes!

\\"If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.\\"
--Johnny Carson


Quotequote:Originally posted by John Ehrhart

I hear ya, man! My '81 was my favorite bike. Glad to know it will kick modern butt.
If only they had brakes!


Might have been the reason I was going so pretty good... Central Texas had a couple inches of rain just before the weekend and water was actually in some of the dry creek beds and after going through some wet spots I had zero front brakes.  Of course, we use to pick on Husky boys that if it was cloudy, they would lose their brakes.


John Ehrhart

...and the Huskys would all drown out anyway!
\\"If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.\\"
--Johnny Carson