Looking for a track

Started by pdserra56, July 02, 2006, 05:36:06 PM

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Hi Guys,
any suggestions on where is possible to enjoy some laps on the saturday afternoon? Looking for dirty track, motocross track, ahrma race track open to practise in the DC, Northern Virginia or south Maryland area.
Thanks for the help.

Lew Mayer

Check out "The Landing" MX course in Easton, Md. Never ridden there but it might be close enough to you. I hope this helps some.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


There is a very active Vintage club in your area called the Potomac Vintage Riders with a lot of good info on the web site:


They also have an active Yahoo group that is very helpful with questions like this.


John J Slivka
John J Slivka