First 30 years

Started by Dave Withrow, August 04, 2006, 06:41:28 PM

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Dave Withrow

I'm not one who usually goes in for the mushy stuff, but I just got back from riding.......with my dad.  He taught me how to ride and was a major source of support through my young riding years.  Then one day I took a pretty bad spill...broken femur, broken jaw, bruised kidneys.....pretty bad.  Anyway, my dad immediately sold his bikes and never rode one again........until today.  He has been again in my corner since I started racing again but had no intention to ride...until today.  I've been home visiting for a few days and came staight from Mid-Ohio to West Virginia to ride the Hatfield-McCoy trails(awesome, by the way).  I had a little '75 Kawasaki 100 (sorry it wasn't a Penton)on the trailer.  Dad mentioned something about remembering riding back in "the day" and so I invited him to take the bike a few turns around an empty parking lot nearby.  He jumped on and was off like he'd been riding all along.  I don't know who was smiling more........him or me!  Anyway, after 30 years, at age 80, my dad fulfilled a dream of mine (and I believe his).  He rode again.  Sorry if I took up too much space but I wanted to share this with POG family.  Every day really is a new start!
Dave Withrow

Doug Wilford

Great story Dave, Thanks for sharing.

Dennis Jones

That's cool Dave, good thing the Kaw didn't sell at M/O. Are you going to take him down the New River Gorge while your back home?

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Dave Withrow

No.  Dad's not much of a river rat He's more content to sit on shore and watch.  I should be on the river sometime tomorrow AM.  Wish you were here Dennis!
Dave Withrow

Mike Lenz

Dave, Cool story.  My dad also rode for the first time a in about 30 years after we purchased a 1971 Honda SL 125 a couple of years ago, which was his first dirt bike, he is 78. Whats this river stuff? You know Im also a river rat dont you?  Where and what is it?

Dave Withrow

    The New River in West Va.  We went on a float/fish trip today. Probably the first time I'd fished that stretch in about 20 yrs.  We slayed the smallies!  My son and I had a blast.  Tomorrow it's back to the Hatfield-McCoy trails.
Dave Withrow


Wonderful story Dave. Thanks
