Race or show?

Started by Randy Lamp, September 11, 2006, 09:41:18 AM

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Randy Lamp

I just attended my first regional AHMRA motto cross race on Sunday. I have been thinking about giving racing a try again after about thirty - five years or so. I didn't think I should try to race Mid Ohio right out of the box ,so when I heard about the race in Salem ,Ohio, I thought it would be worth a look. However ,the turn out on Sunday was pretty lean. Maybe twenty bikes half of which were the newer longer travel style.

Someone said the turn out was higher on Saturday , but it rained and I understand,many of those riders went home rather than deal with the mud. It was pretty sloppy in the morning ,but by mid day the track was drying out and it looked like it was getting closer to perfect dirt. No dust!

My question is, where was everybody? I think there are at least four hundred POG members alone, some of which must live pretty close to the Western Reserve MC track in Salem ,Ohio. It looked like the folks at the track put some work into making the race course vintage friendly and ,I wouldn't think they would be interested in continuing putting in that kind of work ,if the races are not attended well.

There were two Pentons there. A husband and wife team.They both did great and got some very nice Pentons real dirty in the process.  

I hope most of the Pentons are not sitting in garages, beautifully detailed, collecting a fine layer of dust that can be blown of with an air hose. I guess there is a place for that ,but if they could talk ,they might tell us they would be happier out there getting dirty. I hope this was a case of bad weather and maybe everyone being raced out this close to the end of the season. I did take the first step towards racing and joined the AHRMA. So maybe I can fill a spot at the gate next year.

Randy Lamp
Massillon ,Ohio


  Since you and I first visited, when you were talking to me about buying one of my Pentons, I have followed you in buying and getting ready to get back into racing.  I am happy to hear you have made you first step by joining AHRMA.

  I think the answer to you question as to where are all the Pentons is fairly simple and a fair question.  We have about 400 active POG members and that includes the 50 states and members from other countries.  So say you have on average 7 members per state, there is very few member to attend a smaller races and a lot of people burn themselves out on trying to make Mid Ohio their main race and/or motorcycle vacation of the year.  Of those 400 members, you have a large membership of people over 55 years of age that either can't race anymore or choose not to and just collect or help others with their Penton hobby.

  With all that said, Gary and Toni Roach, who you saw at the race, are the premiere spokes people, racers and extrememly knowledgable historians of the Penton Legacy.  So with you making you first race in 30 plus years, it is up to you to do what you want to help keep this Legacy and Mystic of the Penton Name going.  As said in other posts on this  I/We on this site really try and support Racing, Collecting and just generally saving Pentons from being tossed out in dumpsters (literally).  I hope you continue with your choice and start competing and keep us posted.  And ask questions when one of us can help you.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Jay Jones

Randy glad you got to go!I did'nt get to make it,maybe next year?Jay:)

Lew Mayer

as much as the "Gummint" doesn't want to admit it, gas prices ,I believe, are keeping attendance down, somewhat. Also, as I have heard, some classes are decided by now and attendance drops off. Personally, I like to attend all the races I can afford but it gets expensive in gas alone. Luckily, at present, gas prices seem to be easing a little. Funny, how that happens just before elections. Just my opinion. Race to have fun. That's what we're doing here.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


My guess is that people are not really concerned with a regional event.  I was there both days this year, and have been there since they started the vintage stuff in 2002.  The track is always nicely prepared and vintage friendly.  The rain and mud have to be somewhat of a deterrent.  I'm not a big fan of it, but I like it better than driving 10 hours to race somewhere else.  I don't understand the low turnout either.  There is no pressure, the location seems good, but maybe it's not, I don't know.
There has been talk about starting an Ohio series, so hopefully people will start bringing out their bikes.  Maybe some people will chime in to let us know what they want so that they will show up at the races.