The Dave Mungenast book

Started by Jeff D, November 07, 2006, 12:09:21 AM

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Jeff D

Just finished reading "Take It To The Limit:  The Dave Mungenast Way" by Ed Youngblood.  In case you don't already know, it is the biography of Dave Mungenast, early Penton ISDT rider and good friend of John Penton...and definitely one of motorcycling's best friends.  The book is expertly written in the usual Youngblood style...easy to read and hard to put down.  Most of us knew Dave through motorcycling and perhaps his automotive empire, but the book goes into the other facets of Dave's life that most of us were unaware of.  The portions about the Dave Mungenast way of doing business alone make the book a worthwhile read for anyone who comes in contact with the public in their daily grind.
Needless to say, I highly recommend the book, whether you knew Dave or not.  His life and his lifestyle are to be both admired and emulated.  Ed was commissioned by Dave's family to write this book, and I believe that all proceeds will go to support the various charities and organizations that Dave and his wife and family were fond of.  Contact Classic Motorcycles LLC for more info on purchasing this fine book.  //

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


I also recomend this book, and I noticed a lot of simularities between Dave and John Penton. Alot of the same work values, and people preferences. [^]