POGGER in for repairs

Started by Paul Danik, December 19, 2006, 05:57:52 PM

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Paul Danik

POG's number one trouble maker, Ted del Solar, is in the hospital. I just spoke with Ted and he said that he hopes to be released on Thursday.  Ted said, " please tell everyone that I really appreciate them all".  Well Ted, we all really appreciate you too. I have listed Ted's address for anyone wishing to send him a card.


> Ted del Solar
> 425 East 59th Street
> Westmont, IL 60559


Talked to Ted today and he wanted to thank everyne for their cards and Prayers.  He said he didn't want to worry anyone[:0]...that is the Ted we know, love and respect.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Hope our Michigan trail boss, Mr. Young Ted, is feeling back to normal. I was thinking about him today.
Now starting preparations towards my new single-tracker, a '76 250 MC5.



  Glad you brought up this subject.  Ted is fighting his way back to full srength.  I have been in contact with him on and off since his release and fell we should all keep him in our thoughts and Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Steve Minor

Please tell me more about my dear friend Ted....what happened? Is there anything I can do for either him or sweet Connie?

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor

Paul Danik

I just got off the phone with the old trouble maker himself, Ted. He is making progress and he is really hoping to make the Feb. meeting at the Museum. Ted is not just sitting around as he gets his strength back, he is trying to make a difference in his local area by writing a letter to his local paper about an issue that he is concerened with, and also working on some other local and national issues. Davie might be sitting idle, but Ted isn't.



  Thanks for the update...Davie needs to go out and play soon.  I haven't called Ted because I may be one of those National Issues.  You never know when it comes to Ted.;)

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Steve Minor

Someone please tell me what happened to Ted.....

Sickness? Injury?

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor

Paul Danik

Ted needed a little bit of surgery and that all worked out just fine.  It is what Ted found at the hospital and took home with him that is holding him back,pneumonia.


Young Ted

Steve and all - I didn't want to make a big deal of this at the very beginning and have therefore been on the quiet side, strange as you may find that. I knew the cat was out when I received a call from Mars at the hospital. How it got out is not being persued as I don't want to put anyone in the position of being a snitch.
     The pneumonia came as a result of goofs by the ER people. If I should ever hear - we have to get you to the ER - there will be one whale of a fight. I feel confident the stream in the valley has been crossed and it is up the hill from now on. No dales in sight. This is under power too, not the momentum 125's require, as I've rarely ridden anything but a 250.
     I gave the surgeon my word that I would not pull any Evil Kneivel things before April 1st. DAVIE is scheduled for a special ride in early April with KTM Mike. After that it will be the Vanguard way - steady as she goes and hold your course.

Thanks to all in the Penton Family, and it is truly family,

Young Ted and still full of P & V


I'm working my tail off to see if I can get my new hip in shape before you get better. I'm doubting that will happen, but at least I'm trying. Good to hear that things are coming along better for you.



Quotequote:Originally posted by Young Ted

Steve and all - I didn't want to make a big deal of this at the very beginning and have therefore been on the quiet side, strange as you may find that. I knew the cat was out when I received a call from Mars at the hospital. How it got out is not being persued as I don't want to put anyone in the position of being a snitch.
     The pneumonia came as a result of goofs by the ER people. If I should ever hear - we have to get you to the ER - there will be one whale of a fight. I feel confident the stream in the valley has been crossed and it is up the hill from now on. No dales in sight. This is under power too, not the momentum 125's require, as I've rarely ridden anything but a 250.
     I gave the surgeon my word that I would not pull any Evil Kneivel things before April 1st. DAVIE is scheduled for a special ride in early April with KTM Mike. After that it will be the Vanguard way - steady as she goes and hold your course.

Thanks to all in the Penton Family, and it is truly family,

Young Ted and still full of P & V

Well TED,..my friend and age-class partner,..Now since they snibbelt that thing off you had no use for anyway,..you can sit and ride a lot easier then ever before.There is nothing to worry about it anymore.
Say,..did your voice change???I may have the same enlightment done just any voice change I would not like because singing in the shower lets Hannelore know that it is me in there and not a stranger,..
(no,.shower is not big enough for two).On the other side,...I here that the DON Kossacks are looking for new members,and since there are no borders anymore and no KGB,..they take anybody and pay with GAS-GOLD or oil.[:o)]
Maybe we should go together???:D
Sink about it,..[}:)]

 Ontario Canada
2 x Sachs MC-GS 250-7A
1 x Hercules 350-7A 77
2 x Hercules 250-7A 76
2 x Hercules 250-7A 77
Zuendapp 125 GS 72-73

Young Ted

Speedy - As was said years ago - speak for yourself John. I'm afraid you are grosssly off the trail. My surgery had absolutely nothing to do with any possible voice change. As for don't use anyway, I believe you come to the events or meetings solo while Connie is always with me. I don't buy the excuse that it gives you freedom to flirt or do your cup therapy exercises.
    Whatever that Don stuff is about, is beyond me. Keep in mind that no way will you find me on any public transportation.
    Should we end up in the same final moto at the Reunion Ride this year, I'm ready to give you as good a chase as I can. And if I get the chance to cut you off at the pass, you are going down. Just like you did off the bleacher seat the last time we were in New Blaine.

Dane - If I'm part of a goal to help you get in top shape, it is an honor. The trail of life can be tough, but we can be tougher. Looking forward to signing you in February 3rd and perhaps comparing notes.

Young Ted


Quotequote:Originally posted by Young Ted

Speedy - As was said years ago - speak for yourself John. I'm afraid you are grosssly off the trail. My surgery had absolutely nothing to do with any possible voice change. As for don't use anyway, I believe you come to the events or meetings solo while Connie is always with me. I don't buy the excuse that it gives you freedom to flirt or do your cup therapy exercises.
    Whatever that Don stuff is about, is beyond me. Keep in mind that no way will you find me on any public transportation.
    Should we end up in the same final moto at the Reunion Ride this year, I'm ready to give you as good a chase as I can. And if I get the chance to cut you off at the pass, you are going down. Just like you did off the bleacher seat the last time we were in New Blaine.

Dane - If I'm part of a goal to help you get in top shape, it is an honor. The trail of life can be tough, but we can be tougher. Looking forward to signing you in February 3rd and perhaps comparing notes.

Young Ted

Hello Young TED,...
I know what you are trying to do....
I have to keep my dear HANNELORE at home so she is safe from you.
And at the final MX in New Blaine in October I will keep an Eye on you.Burchard may not come this year so I have to concentrate on YOU.

 Ontario Canada
2 x Sachs MC-GS 250-7A
1 x Hercules 350-7A 77
2 x Hercules 250-7A 76
2 x Hercules 250-7A 77
Zuendapp 125 GS 72-73


Serious "Bench Racing" has always been going on :D There are books and phrases captured for moments, forever. I was, and am still lucky to have been near both. Speedy, you can say what you want to, but you might cause some pain in the process... A man's accomplishments are measured by his peers. Young Ted, has never crossed me in any respect, and I do not wish to expose his Gonnads.
He is a member of the POG, and should be granted everything that is due.
Tom Brosius
Mile High Pentons
Thomas Brosius