Steel tanker chain guard questions Help wanted

Started by t20sl, January 26, 2007, 07:25:21 AM

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I am interested in the steel tank models pertaining to this. When did Penton go from the short steel chain guard to the aluminum? Or were they always steel on the 1970/1971's? If aluminum was used, was the  guard painted or left plain?  thanks Ted


I will tell you what I know about 3 1972 models, 2- 125's & 1 JP.
One of the 125's had a steel,black painted, chain guard.  The other 2 bikes had aluminum guards with no paint.

This may not be correct, but I suspect KTM went to aluminum when they ran out of steel guards and I doubt if they painted aluminum guards.
Probably a cost savings on both.



I don't know about the 70 / 71, but my new 69 had a short steel.

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR