Started by Larry Perkins, February 05, 2007, 09:00:22 AM

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Larry Perkins

I am writing this because someone called me and said people on the site had said some stuff about me that was derogatory and I should defend myself.  It made me think hard about this and in parting I wanted to share some things so that perhaps I was understood better.

I realize it won't come as a shock but I have anger issues.  I thought since that had been vented on some occassions in this public forum that I would share some very private things that might help explain publicly.  This is not an excuse for when we get really angry there is no excuse. It is just the reason for it.

I grew up in a very brutal household with what was far from an ideal Father.  My Dad abused me mentally, emotionally, physically, and in ways I do not care to share.  I am talking about brutality that brought about stitches, broken ribs, a broken nose, and more.  He once beat me with a board that had nails in it.  I do not know how many times as a child that he poked his finger in my chest and told me I was stupid.  He also was very strict and everything was done by the rules of the Marines.  Our beds had to be made a certain way and everything had to be organized the way he said.  It all left a very deep emotional mark.  I am proud and thank God for having never spanked my kids nor abused them.  

I think if you reflect on the times I get angry here it almost always begins with someone getting in my face.  When someone says a bike I have invested a good amount in and am proud of is stupid I am 10 years old again, that finger is in my chest, and I am being called stupid.  Most anytime someone gets in my face I lash out because I am not ten and won't stand for it anymore.  This does not make it right but that is why it happens.

My Father's overbearing rules have unfortunately rubbed off on me and I get miffed if things are not done all according to the rules like a for sale thing in the discussion section.  On another note I am an extremely messy unorganized person perhaps in protest to having to be anally tidy as a child.  I have improved over the years with counselling but it will perhaps never totally go away.  I have learned that if I avoid the things that set these things off I am better for it.  I just am not always good at doing that.  

This is why I need to not play here.  For my friends please do not tell me if I am being mailgned or discussed and please don't try to keep me here.  I welcome my friends and anyone to call or e-mail me anytime to visit.  If I can ever be of help to any member please let me know.  To those that do not like me I am sorry for that and anything I did to cause those feelings.  I ask of you to not malign or discuss my short comings anymore and let it go so I don't get a call that brings me here to see if I need to defend myself.  

I would like to appologize on my part to Generalbay, Kent Knudson, Maicobuddy, anyone else I have lashed out at, and even whoever was posing as Terry Everett.  I think if you guys are honest in your heart you might see how you pushed my buttons before I lashed out but I am still sorry for my actions.  By the way Maicobuddy I meant the jab comment as verbal not physical.

I do not write this looking for sympathy.  I only share these very private things here because I have shared unfortunately from time to time the effects of them.  I am trying to give you some insight to understanding the madness.  I hope you too can forgive but if you just understand that will be good enough.

I truely do wish each and everyone of you the best of lives.  Now just go forward, try to forget, and do what this site was intended for-Have Fun!

Larry P


Thank you Larry and as I have told you before we will be Friends forever....that is my pledge to you as your Big Brother.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Damn...............Larry, you do what you think is right for you. I don't think any of us here ment to drive you away, and if and when you come back, I at least will welcome you with open arms and a slap on the back. Have a good life........................thrownchain


 I have never met you, but have follow you around a motocross track. As I dog you for two or three laps, going wheel to wheel, I was impressed with your controlled riding style. Never looking back, keeping the the same fast line,smooth and fast.
 Me on the other hand was all over the place, try to get you to make a mistake. It didn't happen.  Hope to see you at a race and we can bang bars again.
  Peace my brother. Paul (socal)


Larry, You are my Bud and if there is anything I can do for you just say.I hope to see the "Flying Monkey" at several of the races I go to.

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Dave Withrow

    In my opinion, you're are a stand-up guy.  As for your past, we ALL have baggage we bring to the table....some better and some worse.  It's just part of who we are.  The fact that you do strive to deal with and overcome problems puts you way up on my "OK dudes" list.  To me, and I hope I speak for all of us at POG, you're Larry Perkins......fellow POGGER, FAST rider, good guy, and part of the great mix that makes up POG.  Do what you think you need to, bro.  I think the site would suffer if you left.  GO PENTON!

Dave Withrow



Life is too short.  Be yourself, and don't look back.  The past all too often can be a terrible burden.  Believe me, I know!  I struggle with "haunting" memories virtually every day.  All I can say, is that if it comes from the heart, speak your mind.  Personally, I go so far to the opposite extreme - trying to be politically correct all the time - that people can't even understand what I am talking about.  Just consider doing it this way:  State facts, make your point, call it like it is.  Period.


You are still my buddy and I will miss your posts that creates a LOT of discussion.
Rod G

Dennis Jones

Larry ( THE PENTON MAN ) Perkins, See ya at the races bro.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Larry,From the first time we spoke a few years back i knew that you knew what you were talking about motorcycle-wise.After meeting you at the ISDTRR that only cemented my belief that you know what you are doing and are a good guy.Opinionated-maybe but a good guy in my book.Do what you gotta do-i think you just miss the Terry Everett and company posts!Just kidding!I got your phone number so i'll still be calling to bug you.See ya at the races my friend....
p.s.-Larry and Raymond made good points about less time typing and more time wrenching.I've caught myself in this rut and have made myself a promise to limit computer time until some of the projects get done or close to it.The computer is a necessity pretty much,but sometimes its too easy to surf the web when the garage is a little cold!                                             ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


Good Job Larry. You're a "perfect human being", we all are, capable of error and, as you have done, made ammends.

Your Friend,

Victor Monz


Larry Perkins, the gift of a post, is an honor that is bestowed upon us by, our for-fathers.
The POG has meant so much to me.
I do not wish, that you abandon it so!
VALUE, is @ the top of our Mast-head

Take "good care, of each other"

Where would 410 members BE, if we did not practice this philosophy

I was once a "boy"
totally confused, but, had a motorcycle......

And now, itsa a "Penton"
 Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius



I have VERY MUCH enjoyed visiting with you and reading your posts.

Say it ain't so.

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time

Jeff D

The content of your soul-baring post makes you ten times the man any of your detractors might be.  You are not along in having ghosts in your closet...only 99.9% of us keep them there.
I hope you decide to stay with POG, even if you just lurk to see what's going on.  Your knowledge of racing and mechanics has made you a valuable asset to all.
God bless

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


Ghosts-shoot,i have a man eating Monster in my closet-(ex wife)!Seriously with all the weather related problems Larry has had lately he still found time to send my watermelon tank i bought from him.A true"Penton Brother".Thanks Larry,

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...