Newby with dad's Penton

Started by PNWbinder, February 13, 2007, 10:54:24 PM

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Hello all! I've been checking out this message board for the last few day's since I've dug out my dad's '73 125cc Six Day over the weekend and it seems to be the perfect place to colaborate with other enthusiest's and learn about the machine I'm about to tear into.  Maybe I shouldn't consider myself an enthusiest quite yet but I'm definitly excited to restore this bike.  

To give you some background, my dad bought the bike new in the Portland, Oregon area.  I was only three years old then.  So yeah, I'm 36 now.  I first rode the bike when I was about 18.  I had an '84 Honda XR200 at the time but I decided to fix up the ol' Penton before an annual camping trip and ride it instead.  I sure thought it was cool.  I guess I had an affinity for nostalgia.  The last few years I've known I wanted to fix up this bike and now is the time.  I'm eager to learn everything there is to know about this Penton and other Penton's as well.  I'll include a picture if I can manage and I'd appreciate any feedback you guys could give.  I've got some specific questions but I'll save them for later.  

And, yes, I saw that '73 Six Day on ebay.  Very nice, but don't expect to see mine for sale, it's a keeper!

PS.  I don't know how to insert an image.  I tried but no dice.  I could use some help with that too.  Thanks.

Mark Seelbinder
Brush Prairie, Washington

Lew Mayer

Welcome to the group! You'll find the most knowledgeable and helpful people here. You probably should first get a manual and parts book. Look under suppliers for one. Don't forget to use the "search" heading at the top. Many questions have been discussed before and at great length. It's a great tool to use. Most of all, Have Fun with your Penton whether you ride it or restore it.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Big Mac

PNW - If you're still in the Portland area and wanting to ride in vintage events, check out for schedule around here. A vintage cross-country and mx coming up in 2 weeks over by Yakima.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR


PNW, Welcome to the group. These guys are the best when it comes to answering Penton questions. Don't be afraid to ask anything, just about everyone on this page has done some kind of restoration and had question that only these guys could answer.
I put a Six Days together out of a box a while ago and could  not ask for a better group of "advisors".
You are lucky to have a bike which you know its complete history.
Enjoy it and cherish it!

Conrad Pfeifer
1972 Penton Six Days
Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library


Dear Newby, There's some things in life that are priceless, owning your dad's old Penton is one.  For me, e-bay has made it possible for my sons to tear my ol' KDX down, sell her off piece by piece without my knowledge, only my wife's, and replace it with a new WR 250F Yahama.  And to make it easier on ol' dad they added an automatic clutch and bore kit and then throwed in extra padded seat and other goodies. Point being you should really relish the fact that you have your Dad's bike to restore for yourself.  If you will send me your address, I can send you a tape I made showing from start to finish of the restoration of a 125 6-day.   About the only difference in the whole project is that yours will have plastic fenders and most likely a different tank. Good luck, crazy dave


Wow, thanks to all you guys for the kind replies.  I'm more excited than ever to do this project.  My dad's got the manual.  I'm not sure about a parts list.  I'll get them in my hands next week sometime.  

Thanks Lew for the Search tip.  I didn't think of that.  I have so many questions that I would probably overload this message board and it would shut down or something.  

Big Mac, I figured I would attend some vintage events and race a little.  Too bad Woodland MX is shutting down.  I know a lot of vintage races were held there.  I'll check the website you listed and see what's going on.  

Thanks everyone and you'll be hearing from me soon.
Mark Seelbinder
Brush Prairie, Washington


Crazy Dave, I don't know if I should give my address out to someone who admits to being crazy, but I might take a chance.  Wouldn't the tape be about 20 hours long?  How do you make a tape of a restoration?  I plan to take plenty of pictures that's for sure.
Mark Seelbinder
Brush Prairie, Washington

Paul Danik

It sure is great to see all of you new guys on the website, the goal is for you to learn from us old guys and then you help the next ones that need some help.

     There are several features on this website that you may wish to use.  One is the Photo Gallery, you can access it from the homepage.  Just take some time and look at some of these great  pictures of lots of different Pentons and Penton folks.

    Same goes for the Video Gallery, lots to learn and see.  Actually I would recommend that you take time and explore all of the icons on the homepage and get familier with what all is available.

   Lew mentioned the search feature already, but incase you missed his post, the search feature is very handy to look for the answer to your questions, lots of information is contained in the old posts, the search feature will gain you access to that info quickly.

   So welcome aboard, have fun, and remember there are NO dumb questions.


Pnw, It is sad that woodland is closing.but the good news is that vintage racing is alive and well here in the northwest. There is still several races in the next couple of months and a bunch of races this summer....the VDR web site has a listing of the vintage scene. and there is a yahoo chat site for local vintage racers too, If you come out to the local races look us up... ask around almost everyone knows who Jon and I are. ask for "the rev." we would love to meet you.....

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
75' GS400 (project bike)
72'sixday (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


PNW,  The tape is only 55 minutes and shows my other restored Pentons as well, plus some crazy woods riding with a helment cam.  You can e-mail me at  [email protected] and I'll send you a copy. This tape shows a lot of up close work on both a 1972 175 Jackpiner and a 1972 125 Six-day. Later, crazy Dave


Woodland is closing down? Noooooooooooooooooo!  Let me guess, housing, new developments, sound issues, developer bought it? One of those?  Bummer, I used to race there in the late 90's on my Husky 510.


Big Mac

Kinda, sorta right on the fate of Woodland MX...owner are old, very ready to sell out and retire, but wanted about 3x what it's worth as a track or as development land. Been in a screwy 2 yr contract with a flake of a developer, on-off again, owner shut down after last season, logged it all and made a big mess. Still no buyer, so now running a halfway season and still waiting on the big cashout some day.

When the trees came down the place lost all its character. Shame too, as it was a scenic, old-school '60s timewarp of a track, which was extremely cool for racing old bikes.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR