Combs AR Warm Up Ride

Started by Ernie Phillips, March 07, 2007, 03:12:12 PM

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Ernie Phillips

I'm New to Vintage Racing.  I was told that the Cross Country event in Combs AR Apr 21-22 is a IDST 'Warm-up' ride.  Does anyone have any details - a web site?

For those who have ridden this type event, how tought are they?  Miles?  I ask for 2 reasons:

1.  The rebuilding of my 1971 Penton is turning out better than expected.  I don't want to trash it.
2.  I haven't ridden competitively in 25+ years ...  I ride dual sport for fun.  Can a "average guy" finish without killing himself?

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Dennis Jones

Hi Ernie,
An average guy can finish and have fun. The ride will probably be 35 to 45 miles each day and the trails will range from fast and easy to rocky and challenging.
There is no reason to trash your bike but it will show use, did I mention rocky? I would reccomend a better skid plate than the stock one on your 71, did I mention rocky?
I have attended this event since it started and it is well run and a lot of fun but it is still a real dirt bike race through the Ozark Mountains so expect to be challenged especialy on a steel tanker.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


 Extra Heavy Tubes, Strong tires,check your spokes, cut your bars down has far as you can. Get a jar of Boudreaux's BUTT paste. At the end of the Two Days you will feel pain, But it's a good pain.
 Ps. Come out early we go for a great trail ride(bring a modern bike if you like) with Rik Smits as trail master( had us lost most the day) and then a big ol chicken dinner in town at AG chicken house, yum!

Ernie Phillips


That is just the kind of info I was looking for.  Thanks


Is the trail ride Friday?  Count me in.

(Ps) I'm the guy who just bought the Maico head & pipe from you.  Was thinking of riding the Maico at Combs but think the Penton to be a better choice.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


 As you know both bike have there plus and minus. I have rode an open bike and a 200cc at this event. I would bring the bike that don't mind a little bit of a beating.
 I can get you a Maico alumumin skid plate for a real good price.  I will be going to Maico only shop on monday, I will have one shipped out to you. Email me your address again. A skid plate is a MUST!!! The first year I was at the race, I think three bikes had smashed engine cases.



I have been riding either a Jack Piner or a Hare Scrambler in the three years the event has run. I would LOVE to ride my Six Day, but I think I need the bigger bikes to compete successfully in my class (+60). This really doesn't make any sense because Dwight Rudder always rides 100cc or 125cc bikes and beats everybody!!! I will be standing on the pegs going blazingly fast as far as I am concerned and Dwight will just pass by sitting on the seat. I don't get it!!!

It's a fun ride, I hope you can make it.



I never tore any engine cases up while riding this event in Combs, AR.  However, in retrospect I did ruin first gear on my 79 KTM 250 once.  Pobably from barrelling through the rock strewn trails faster than what's actually necessary I will admit.  If you're not going fast - then what's the point?  I could go slow in my rocking chair but there wouldn't be the adreneline rush of pushing the envelope either!

The first year the trails were chosen perfectly, the second year they were very rocky and difficult, the third year (2006) I was whipped after Day 1 and was grumbling to myself.  However, I didn't go there to sit on the sidelines and whimper but persevered.  I rode Day 2 on my KTM and had a ball.  We all love the physical challenge of enduro's.  But please, just no more MX special test through trees no wider than 28" - that was diabolical & inappropriate for a "grass track" in my personal opinion.

Will I be back - of course silly!  It's a great event but be prepared with your wicking underwear and get yourself some of Pablo's "Butt Wax".  You'll sure to need it!

"Phast Phil"
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


The View Over The Handlebars
by Bob Canfield
Revisiting Combs, Arkansas 2-Day, and a year in review.  The motorcycles have been cleaned and stored, the aches and pains have healed, but the memories linger on.  Yes, and what wonderful memories of the fun and adventure of a year of racing the AHRMA Cross Country series.  Now it is spring again, a new racing season has begun, and it is time to go make more memories and seek new adventures.  I won't be able to make as many races as I did last year, so now comes the hard part.  How to choose which races to ride this year; which races did I like the best last year?  Truth is, I liked them all!  The climax of my racing year was the Leroy Winters Memorial Reunioin Ride.  It ws a real challenge for me (remember all that great Missouri mud?) and I loved it!  Hmmm, well maybe "love" is a little strong.  How about I had fun and will ride it again!
Thinking about all the races that I rode last year, one comes to mind that truly stands out from all the rest.  The Combs, Arkansas 2-Day Warm-up event stands alone as the one event to ride if you like to ride a motorcycle off road.  Combs has it all, and lots of it!  Combs, Arkansas in April was just about the most scenic place I can ever remember with the dogwood in full bloom, the weather mild, and the people the friendliest you could ask for.  Here is the real reason that Combs was special:  it was a true cross country event with some of the best terrain anywhere.  It was long enough that when it was over I felt like I had ridden enough to warrant the trip to get there.  Unfortunately most of the AHRMA Cross Country races are very short, only one hour and sometimes less than that.  Combs is unique because it is really four events in one.  There is a cross country each day; there is another event that is scored like an ISDT event, with points combined for both days for medals; and, there is a team event made up like ISDT events.  The race course is just as  tough or as easy as you want to make it.  The degree of difficulty is in direct proportion to how fast you want to ride.  Slow down for easy, go fast and the course will make you work.  The host club has enough land available that they don't have to run us around and around the same course like a motocross.  The members of this club make you feel like you are really special and they really appreciate you being there.  The course last year was so well marked that it was hard to get lost!  The scoring of four events in one must be a real nightmare, but it came off without a hitch.  Each event I rode last year was special in its own way, but if I had to pick just one event to ride this year it would definitely be the Combs 2-Day Warm-up in April.  Hope to see you there!
About the author:  In 2006 at the age of 71 Bob returned to Cross Country racing after being away from motorcycles for 30 years.  He won the 2006 National Championship for Novice +60 Vintage Cross Country, and in October moved himself to Expert class for future AHRMA racing.
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Teddy Landers asked me to post this on the POG group.  It's the updated entry form for the ISDT Warm-Up in Combs, AR.  I'd sent my pre-entry in over a month ago and didn't notice it was missing the fields where you could choose your team members, this one has that.

I think pre-entry registration ends in early April (5-6th?) so don't delay.

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Pre-entry did just expire, but please get them in as quickly as possible. It is possible that AHRMA is behind in processing them and you will not be late. AHRMA will be sending me the entry forms and I will be assigning the rows this week, if you forgot to tell us who you want to ride with, email me at [email protected].



For those who are still sitting on the fence on the Combs, Arkansas Two-Day Warm-up please note that post-entry costs are only $5.00/day more than if you'd pre-entered.  So don't let any post-entry gouging fears keep 'ya from coming.

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group