New National Enduro Format

Started by t20sl, March 09, 2007, 11:32:28 AM

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What's anybody think of this new format for national enduros?  Closed course only, no time keeping equipment needed, mx bikes ok, 65 mile or more in length etc...
This sure has eliminated a lot of great clubs who used to put on enduros from ever having a national.  I was told, but am not sure of it, that Dick Burelson was one of the people pushing for this.  Idea was to get OEM motorcycle manufacturers to help support the series.  Since Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki don't make a street legal enduro bikes, the AMA thought this might help the factories pump some money into the sport.
Personally, I think it sucks big time.  Enduros have always been a combination of time keeping and riding.  Now it is nothing but a hare scarmbles with frequent rest stops.  Why does someone always want to come along and fiddle with everything.  It is very hard in Ohio and I am sure other eastern states to come up with 65 miles of riding without using some roads.  Back in the 1970's if I remember correct Ohio had between 5-7 nationals in one year.  Now we won't have 1,  this is just wrong.
I would like to hear whay others have to say.  If anyone is against this new format please speak up and also write the AMA.  If you for it maybe you can explain how this is going to benefit the sport. Ted

brian kirby

While the US style enduro is a time honored tradition here, we will never win an ISDE until we move away from them. This is a step closer to FIM enduro style rules.



i do believe we won the vase this year ,06 "junior team". this was before the new format.  what we need is a larger qualifer series, factory/corporate help, and  interested ,motivated, and fast riders. did i mention fast?

steve barber
steve barber


Sounds like the AMA as adopted ISDE format.  Why do we need both series?  I for one would like the AMA to go back to the old enduro series rules PLUS make it manditory that the enduro be 150 miles long with frequent resets.  Riders that can't figure time should learn or ride ISDE's and hare scrambles as mentioned earlier. I have already written the AMA when I received the 2007 enduro schedule.
Brian, we just need more dedicated riders not new rules in my opinion.  Yes we could have the factories pay for the best riders but that doesn't assure a gold for the team.  The Americans have fielded some impressive teams in the past but we have just been out ridden or had bad luck.  Period. Kevin

brian kirby

Dont get me wrong, I prefer the traditional American enduro, but I am surprised it has taken this long for us to move closer to FIM rules.


dennis brown

i rode a lot of enduros i ohio ,western ,ny ,penn. and up to ontairo,can. they were the most fun. they were tough events no one ever had perfect 1000 points, you did well if you finished. this was in late 60s -80s it was fun trying to keep time it took time and practice.i understand the use of the new rules for enduros it must change or the enduros will die out. as for the 6 days our rider did the best they could ,our riders then were not factory riders like the euros,and lets be honest they cheated better than our riders,if we learn to cheat better and use our mx riders as they do we could win the six days

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Dennis:  I am wondering why you think the new rule change will keep enduros for dying out?  I am just asking and in no way trying to argue.  You rode some of the best areas that enduros in the midwest used and yet, with this format most of the local clubs here in Ohio have decided to stay with old format and thereby loose any chance at a National.  We simply can't loop together 65 actual miles of enduro without using any public roads.  I hope someone from the AMA will read this and explain their point of view.  Ted Atkinson

dennis brown

ted, the only reason i think it will help is it is easier to ride the events,no computers,route sheets,watcher holders and maybe motorcycle builders will help with the enduros,please do not get me wrong i would rather have the old rules,they are takeing the thinking out of enduros and as someone said it is just atrail ride with special test. i wish there were more enduro around

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown