ISDT Qualifier Warm-Ups

Started by tlanders, March 22, 2007, 12:15:07 AM

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Hey gang,

I am really behind in getting this to you, but attached is the information on the Qualifier in Combs, AR next month. It will be like last year - LOTS OF FUN, similar to the ISDTRR, and gets you two days of points for AHRMA if that is important. I hope we have LOTS of Pentons there!!!!

The ISDT Qualifier Warm-Ups
Two AHRMA National Cross Country Events
April 21 –22, 2007 in Combs, Arkansas

Cost, Events, Trophies and Rules
The cost of the event is $40 each day. You may pre-register up until April 6. Pre-registration Entry Forms are available at  If you pre-register you may pick one or two riding buddies to be assigned to your start minute. Three riders will start on each minute. You may also sign up to be on a team made up of three riders from any class. Team members do not have to start on the same minute, but they may if all three have pre-registered and you so request. There are no team entry fees. You may create teams at late registration. Late registration at the events will cost an extra $5 for each event (day). If you late register at the event, you may not be allowed to ride on the same minute as pre-registered riders or team members. Gate fee is $5 per vehicle. You must be an AHRMA and AMA member to ride the event. If you are not an AHRMA or AMA member, you may join AHRMA for one year for $45 using the Entry Form and AMA for $39 at the registration building or at

The racing on each day will not be the same but will follow the two day ISDT qualifier format with various different special tests interspersed with the enduro type trail rides on each day including a five lap grass track motocross at the end of the second day. You may ride in different classes each day and receive AHRMA National Cross Country points and trophies for each day. You must ride on the same bike and be in the same class both days to receive ISDTQ Gold, Silver and Bronze metals and three man Team Trophies!!!

This is an AHRMA National event so there will be tech inspection. Any bike classes, rider classes, points, scoring and rules not specifically covered in this flyer for this event will be covered in AHRMA's Rulebook for the Cross Country series with this flyer taking precedence in cases of conflict. The Rulebook can be found at There will not be any modern bikes or other support classes allowed. Any ISDTQ scoring rule not specifically covered in this flyer will be covered in AMA's rules for Reliability Qualifiers at under amateur/enduros. The AHRMA Cross Country Rules Committee will have final say on any conflicts that may occur.

Coming from the west on I40 out of Fort Smith, Arkansas, go east about twenty miles to Rt. 23. Coming from the east on I40 from Little Rock, Arkansas, go west about one hundred miles to Rt. 23. Turn north on Rt. 23 and go about twenty-five miles to Rt. 16. Turn west on Rt. 16 for about three miles to Combs, Arkansas. At Combs, turn south on Madison County Rd 4275 and go for about two miles to the Razorback Riders campground. From the north, go to Fayetteville, Arkansas and take Rt. 16 southeast for about thirty miles to Combs. Or from the north if you go through Springfield, Missouri, take Rt. 65 south to Rt. 412 in Arkansas. Turn west on Rt. 412 to Huntsville, Arkansas. Turn south on Rt. 23 and go to Rt. 16. Then turn west on Rt. 16 to Combs. Then proceed as described above to the campground. While driving to the campground and while riding this event, you will be going through some of the most beautiful scenic areas on the face of the planet!!!!!

Large camping area. Camping is encouraged . There is a dump station for RVs. No hookups.
In Ozark, Arkansas, 20 miles from campground – Oxford Inn (479) 667-1131 $35-$45, Days Inn (479) 667-2530 $45.80, Ozark Motel (479) 667-1500 $34-$40.
In Fayetteville, Arkansas, 30 miles from campground – Clarion Inn  (479) 521-1166 $64.99, Best Western (479) 587-1400 $79-$120, Red Roof Inn (479) 442-3041 $59.99, Super 8 (479) 521-8866 $52, Holiday Inn Express (479) 444-6006 $99.00. These are not firm prices. More motels are listed at

Concessions will be available during the weekend. Saturday night there will be a catered dinner in the registration building at the campground for around $7/person. Combs has a store that sells food. Fayetteville has everything. Ozark has a number of restaurants.

Bike Equipment Requirements
No license plates required. No lights or horns required. Efficient silencers required. It's forest service land so spark arrestors are recommended.

Contacts for More Information
Call Rick Owens of the Razorback Riders any time at home at (479) 677-3028. Email: [email protected]. Call Teddy Landers, AHRMA liaison for the ISDTQ, at home (417) 256-0699 or work (417) 256-2002 or mobile (314) 479-1612. Email: [email protected]

Schedule and Scoring
Wednesday through Friday: Come early and enjoy this wonderful place.
Friday 4:00 - 9:00 PM: Sign-in and late registration in the registration building. Everyone has to sign in and get their packet of information. In the packet will be three of your three numeral ISDTQ numbers in plastic to tape to your number plates, a scorecard in plastic to tape to your front fender, and other information. The first digit of your ISDTQ number will be a 1, 2, or 3. The last two digits of your ISDTQ number will indicate on which minute you will start after key time. There will not be a need for a checkpoint schedule in real time because all the checkpoints will be by the row/minute number and not by the clock.
5:00 -9:00 PM: Tech inspection at the Parc Ferme. We highly encourage you to do it during this time and avoid the morning rush. You do not have to leave your bike at the Parc Ferme at this time but you can if you wish. The Parc Ferme will be open all the time for you to work on your bike until one hour before key time each morning at which time it will be closed to everyone until fifteen minutes before key time. In addition to your registration papers, you will need to have your ISDTQ numbers and scorecard on the bike for tech inspection. If you have brought a spare bike, it will need to go through tech inspection also without the ISDTQ numbers and scorecard.

6:30: Sign-in and late registration at the registration building – Do it the night before if you can.
7:00: Tech inspection at the Parc Ferme.
8:00: Parc Ferme Closes – Your bike must be in and you must be out of the Parc Ferme by now. You will receive a 120 point penalty for violating this rule. This penalty can easily make the difference between winning a trophy or not!!!!!
8:15: Riders meeting.
8:45: First row of three riders will be allowed into the Parc Ferme to push their bikes out to the start line. You may not start your bike until your start time. Starting your bike during this time will penalize you 50 points.
8:46: Second row of three riders allowed into the Parc Ferme, etc.
9:00: Key time, dead engine start. Three riders will depart every minute until all have left. If your bike will not start and go sixty-five feet under it's own power within one minute of your start time, you will receive a 10 point penalty.

A terrain test will occur somewhere and sometime during the morning trail ride. The score of a terrain test is the total time in seconds it takes you to complete the test section. The scorer at the start of the test section records your start time, the scorer at the finish records your finish time.  Later on, back at the scoring building, the difference in the two times is calculated and this is your score. The terrain tests will range from two to five miles in length.

Checkpoints. There will be a number of known checkpoints along the trail. Just like last year, you will simply start on your minute each time. The morning ride will be between fifteen and thirty miles long with an average speed set in the 8 to16 mph range depending upon the difficulty of the trail between the checkpoints. The ride has been designed so that you will arrive early to stop and enjoy the scenery and visit with your friends. However, even if you arrive early, don't check in early because you will be assessed penalty points for checking in early or late at each checkpoint. There is no early grace period but there is a two minute late grace period from the time you are due at each checkpoint, in which no penalty is recorded.  If you are more than one minute off your scheduled time plus the grace period, a penalty of 60 points is assessed for each minute or fraction of a minute. If you are sixty minutes late to any checkpoint (houring out), you are disqualified from continuing on for that day. If this happens on Saturday, of course you may start again on Sunday, it is a different race. If you are less than sixty minutes late or check in early to any checkpoint, you are not to reset to a new minute, stay on your original minute. Example: You are five minutes late to a check.  You will receive a 180 point penalty (five minutes minus two minutes grace = three minutes x 60 = 180 points). If you arrive three minutes late from your original minute at the next checkpoint, because you made up a couple minutes, you will not be penalized again for the minute over the grace period. However, at the next checkpoint, if you are four minutes late from your original minute, you will be penalized another 60 points for being one minute later than the last checkpoint and you are still outside the two minute grace period of your original minute. The bottom line is this, if you are late, work your way back to your original minute.

There will be no penalties at any time for receiving help or replacing broken components to keep you and your bike running except you cannot change riders!!! If your bike breaks down and is not repairable, you may use your, or borrow somebody else's, previously tech inspected spare bike, as long as the bike is in the same class as the one you are replacing that day. Do not forget to transfer your ISDTQ numbers and scorecard to it. You may not use a spare bike just for the grass track special test on each day. Changing bikes at any time disqualifies you from receiving ISDTQ medals and team trophies but does not disqualify you from receiving AHRMA Cross Country points and trophies. Your bike, but not the spare bike, will be specially marked for the ISDTQ.

The morning ride will end back at the campground where we can meet our pit crews, have lunch and gas up. We will allow more than forty-five minutes in the schedule to accommodate this. There will be no checkpoint coming into this area, but there will be one leaving it. Make sure that you are not late for this checkpoint.

Leaving the campground area checkpoint is the start of the afternoon ride. It will have numerous checkpoints and the next special terrain test (s) will occur sometime and somewhere in the afternoon trail ride.

At the end of the twenty-five to thirty-five mile afternoon trail ride, there will be the last checkpoint for the day after which we proceed to the grass track. You can come through the last check of the day up to fifteen minutes early with no penalty. Of course there is a penalty for being late. At the grass track, we will be timed one rider at a time for a single lap. Your score is your elapsed time in seconds. You may now impound your bike at the Parc Ferme, but you do not have to until 8:00 Sunday morning.

4:30 – 6:00PM: Tire changing contest and maybe knobby toss contest. $50 cash prize to the winner of the tire changing contest. It is limited to the first 12 entrants. You will receive a new rear inner tube just for entering.

6:00 – 8:00PM: Dinner at the registration building.

8:00: Park Ferme Closes – Your bike must be in and you must be out of the Parc Ferme by now. You will receive a 120 point penalty for violating this rule. This penalty can easily make the difference between a trophy or not!!!!!
8:00:   Non denominational Christian worship service at the registration building.
8:15:   Riders meeting.
8:45:   First row of riders will be allowed into the Parc Ferme to push their bikes out to the start line. You may not start your bike until your start time. Starting your bike during this time will penalize you 50 points.
8:46:   Second row of riders allowed into the Parc Ferme, etc.
9:00:   Key time, dead engine start. Each row of riders will depart every minute until all have left. If your bike will not start and go sixty-five feet under it's own power within one minute of your start time, you will receive a 10 point penalty.

There will be one trail ride of thirty to forty miles on Sunday with a few terrain tests that will get us back to the grass track area a little after noon. Scoring same as yesterday. There will be some time to eat lunch.

2:00:   Five lap grass track motocross run in groups by rider classes. The length of time it takes you to complete the five laps is recorded in seconds. This is your score. If you complete less than the required number of laps, you will receive the score of the last place finisher in your class plus 1000. You must complete one lap to qualify to have run the motocross.

Scoring and Awarding of Trophies
Your score each day is the total of all your special test scores, route points (check point penalties), and other penalties.  For AHRMA cross country placement points, the rider with the lowest score in his/her class wins, and the rider with the next higher score in his/her class gets second etc. Riders who houred out will be placed lower than those who completed the day. Houred out riders will be placed according to how far they went with the rider going further placing better. If two riders in the same class hour out at the same checkpoint, the rider with the lowest score at that point will be placed above the other rider. Trophies will be awarded each day according to AHRMA guidelines based on the number of participants in the class.

Riders that rode the same bike for both days, will also receive ISDTQ medals according to their total score for both days and according to the following formulas:
Gold medal.  You must have completed the course without houring out or otherwise being disqualified, have completed and received a score in all tests, and your total score must be no greater than 10% higher than the rider with the lowest score in the class.
Silver medal.  You must have completed the course without houring out or otherwise being disqualified, have completed and received a score in all tests, and your total score must be no greater than 40% higher than the rider with the lowest score in the class.
Bronze medal.  You must have completed the course without houring out or otherwise being disqualified, and have completed and received a score in all tests except that you do not have to run the final grass track motocross.

Riders that rode the same bike for both days and also registered on a team will be eligible for a team trophy. Rider team scores are calculated by adding the differential of each team rider's score above the rider's class leaders' score each day. Any day that a team rider does not finish or hours out, his/her team score will be 15000 points for that day. The team with the lowest total score of its' three rider's team scores at the end of both days wins first place. The team with the next higher total score wins second, etc. There will be individual trophies for all the riders on the top six teams.


 Thanks for all your hard work on this event. Will see you in a month. Go Hogs!!!


Pablo and brother Mikey are coming out to play? I'm going to be there too.  Why don't you bring brother Rico out with you?  What are you going to ride this year Pablo?  Perhaps another Kool Bike award winner?

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Phast Phil,
I will be coming out solo, Bro Mike is going for a AHRMA MX title and will be at a MX race in Socal. Maybe I should get Rico to go and help with the driving. But I am full of bikes 84 KTM 250 for Mike Rosso,Yamaha it200 I am leaving with Stan OHD, so I can fly out and do mid-west events,KTM 520 trail ride,Looks like the Maico 400 for the race.
 I have a couple of new bike in the works a 74.5 Jackpiner and a 72 DKW 100 ISDT bike,73 Penton 125.
 You still have the KDX 200? Bring it out for trail ride on Friday. I am bring KTM 520, we have about 10 guys so far,then dinner in Fayetteville. AG chicken house. What motel we useing this year??



Do you remember the name of the motel we stayed at the last time.  I think Rico/Okie used that hotel too didn't they?  It was next to the Waffle House which was adjacent to the Wal-Mart.  If you don't remember I could call around and find out.

No, no more '94 KDX 200.  I sold that and my '82 RM125 to a good vintage MX friend but can't seem to get him to attend any of the Reunion Ride events yet.  His kids are almost grown so he's taking the opportunity to race MX with them in the MOVMX series (which allows kids), vs. AHRMA which doesn't.  Once they get out of the house I bet he won't be able to pass up any good enduro like the RR.

I've been drooling over the pictures of the Jackpiner you're building buddy.  What a sweet looking bike you're going to end up with!!!!  Good choice!

Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group