Spoke Offset

Started by imported_n/a, June 13, 2007, 09:18:12 PM

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POG, did my homework by searching earlier posts first but sort came up with conflicting info. Is there and offset to front spokes for my 74 Six Day? Also, does rim width factor in to offset. I switched from WM1 to WM2. One posting by Kip Kern says there is no offset and a couple others say anywhere from 3/8" - 5/8". If there is an offset which side would it be on. I'm leaning toward Kips recommendation that there isn't an offset since it's a straight hub. I'm also assuming there is no offset for the rear since I didn't see any discussion on it. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Just dropped my wheels off to have 'em laced and that's the first question the fellow asked me.

Thanks, Chris H.

Randy Kirkbride

Does your bike have 32mm forks or 35's?  I think the 35's have no offset, but 32's do have about 3/8".


Randy, thx for the reply. They are 35mm.
