125 Newbie Questions

Started by Alan Krov, October 23, 2001, 05:22:28 PM

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Alan Krov

Just bought a new project.  The frame s/n indicates June 72 manufacture.  Is there a way to tell if it was originally a 100 or 125 from the s/n?  I ask because engine is a Sachs 125 6/B, but the tank is a small red gel coat (w/ 125 Six Days decal?), (also got a larger green tank w/ large penton decals)  Are the frames, pipes, wheels, etc. the same for 100 and 125?  I'd like to get it running before spending a lot to clean it up.  What spark plug?  I got the timing info from the board.  What manuals do you recommend?  Are there parts lists available?  Thanks again.  Alan in Austin TX.
Alan Krov

john durrill

Yes to the frames and all being the same. Post the vin # on the frame and someone hear can help you ID it. The plugs that have been recomended by the POG members are A bosch W3AC and an NGK B8HS.
For a Parts manual or shop manual You can Try Allan Buehner or Larry Perkins . Their #'s arelisted on The POG  Parts Page.
Hope this helped,
John D.

Edited by - JOHN DURRILL on 10/23/2001  7:32:55 PM

Paul Danik

What color is the airbox?  Even though it could also be changed from the stock color, it may give you a clue as to the original engine size.  Red is a 100 and green is a 125, as I am sure you already know. A tank is a lot easier to change than an airbox.  Paul


Alan Krov

Hey all, Thanks.  The s/n is 20655702.  The airbox and aluminum side panel are painted red, although I can see some original yellow under the number plate.  It's no biggie as long as all the parts are the same.  I'm not restoring, but fixing up a rider.  Anyway, my wife likes red and I like the small tank.  Is the air filter a donut shape squeezed between the box and side panel?  Mine had none and there is an oval ridge molded in the box, but I can see no other mounting points.  Alan
Alan Krov


I think you've got a 100 frame & cycle parts with a 125 engine (easy enough to do). Check the thread on "What year is it" and get more details about fork diameter, etc., which may indicate more than just the engine was changed (or not!)

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