Broome-Tioga / Beldon Hills

Started by thrownchain, June 30, 2007, 08:27:12 AM

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Just a brief idea, there was a decent turnout of Pentons for the cross country run, and a few were staying for the MX.

Got to meet and talk to: Ted and Mary Landers, Dennis Foley, "Chijer" and Lew Mayer. All very friendly people. [ if I forgot anyone, sorry]

Very good turnout for the Larry Weiss Memorial Flattrack. Drew people from all over the east coast and the mid west. Great racing.


It was great to meet you also. Rosemary and I want to thank everyone for the support in getting the Hare Scrambler ready for the CC race. Chicago Jerry brought me a rear brake backing plate and took the time to stop at Al Buehners to pick up the other broken parts from the Marion race. He got to Broome-Tioga around 10:00PM and I had the bike ready to go around 12:30AM. Then up at 6:00AM to sign up the CC racers into MotoTally and then the siting lap and two CCs later, post the results on the website. A great day and a wonderful grass track. The course was too short however, around 2+ miles, so we got in 9 or 10 laps in 1 hour. Marion was perfect, 3.5 miles for the vintage and 7.5 miles for the PV race. We did 6 and 3 laps respectively and went way longer than an hour each race.

Dennis Foley was fantastic and offerd me parts and then his beautiful bike if I couldn't get the HS going. Someone else also offered a backing plate to Rosemary when I wasn't at the RV. Was that you Thrownchain? Anyway, the POGGERS came through and helped me so much. The Hare Scrambler ran beautifully for the 1 hour CC, and in the vintage MX on Saturday, the ignition started acting up again on the Mint 400, so I rode the HS in the second moto and was still able to beat two foreign 400cc bikes, a Husky and a Yamaha. Thank you guys for all your support and help.


Lew Mayer

That was about the best race event I've been to in a long time. Weather was perfect, about 69 degrees. CC track was cool, sorta like a scrambles track with a little woods, not too fast, not too tight. And the track facility itself was first rate. I had a whole lotta fun. You guys out midwest gotta come East sometime:D.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer