
Started by rob w, October 03, 2007, 01:17:53 AM

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rob w

I met one of the neatest racers at Moberly, and could he ever ride  for a 74 year old young man ! He traveled with fellow Penton racer Greg Troyan. His name is George Singler, and he owns Smithroad Raceway in Medina, OH. He was the talk of the day, and everyone's favorite. George rode back to back motos on his BSA's, usually always in the lead, and put forth an effort that you very rarely see from anyone, OF ANY AGE. He's pretty amazing - it was inspirational !

Moberly, MO.'s track was awesome, and that could be an understatement. Probably the nicest track I've ever raced VMX on.

This was two AHRMA Nationals in a row I placed 1st O.A. in the Sportsman 500 Int. class. Better yet I placed 2nd OA in a larger, faster field of +50 Int.'s.
 Now my 400 Penton's engine is making lots of ugly sounds. After 5 years of hard use, it's finally time to rebuilt at least the top end - it's shot.
So I'm NOW, done for the year. And what a great year of racing it was.
Bob W

Ernie Phillips

Bob,  Congrats on the great results and thanks for sharing your Moberly experience.  Sounds like a track we would all enjoy racing on.  And a 74 year young racer!  Back to Back motos -- WOW!

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Good Job Bob!

You're right about George.  He's a tough old young dude that's very entertaining to watch.

Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings


I sure had fun hanging with you at the races and hope it continues in 2008. I have some pics of your ride in Michigan, e-mail me:
[email protected]

Despite low rider turnout 2007 was a fun season!
Tom B.
Wish I knew more about Pentons to keep mine on the track:(

Ernie Phillips

Quotequote:Wish I knew more about Pentons to keep mine on the track

Tom,  Your M-O Penton 125 was just responding to Newton's 4th Law of Motion:  Blown motor = no motion, corollary #1:  Big Horsepower = Little reliability!
Your problem on the 125 Penton is "finishing."  You are a good enough rider to win on a mostly stock bike.  Go for reliability!

On the other hand, for me, I need all the help I can get so I'm running a ported engine, bumped up compression, big carb, trick pipe and other secrets[8D].  However, I'll be swapping over to a stock motor this weekend 'cuz the "trick" motor is on its last leg :(  Seems that the perky Big Bore Berkshire has loose main bearings ... the difference between perky and puke is very small on a 125[xx(].

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Lew Mayer

Ernie, Tom could win on MY bike with a fouled plug. My Six-Day,that is. I'll lend it to him anytime he wants it.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer