new 100 cc Class

Started by Lew Mayer, December 05, 2007, 05:22:16 PM

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brian kirby

BTW, I think I've beat this horse to death so I wont harp about it anymore.


'72 Six Day (on loan from Ernie P.)

[email protected]

O.K. this will be my last post also about this. Sorry guys I did not mean to stir up a hornets nest. I was only using this great forum to state that the Hodaka guys are with you and support having six speed Sach's motors eligible. Cool we all agree I think ?

Ron thank you ! What you say means more than you will ever know. I truly appreciate that.

Brian after looking through posts on Vinduro yes I do see where it was you that came up with the " Super Rat class " and I can see where you were coming from in light of the rules. No worries on my end at all.I would just want all to know that "Hodaka" did not know of this until the decision had been made for the class.

Brian you spanked all of us in the MX at the ISDTR this year and I could only hope to try and chase you on a bike in the 100cc class this year. Your ability sure shows and I hope I can keep up. Let's get you and all the other guys out there on whatever bike but let's race. Being a brand new class there has to be rules or ideas that need to be tweaked. I do not think any of us are smart enough to have all the answers first shot so if we can communicate with " Ahrma" this will be a positive thing.
Like Gary said send emails , send letters but DO contact Ahrma and let them know politely how you feel and ask maybe why this rule was placed in effect. Gary how is your shop coming ?

Paul I absolutely understand where you are coming from also. I love the fun you poke at us Hodaka guys like "putting DDT in your tank to fumigate the pesky Hodaka's at the ISDTR " or something like that. Dang that was a GREAT line and I loved it as did all the other guys :-) I as the rest of the guys know you are just having fun and when this sport get's so serious that we cannot have fun I for one am out .
 I really can see where you guys are passionate about how you feel and what you believe. Let's all work together please to at least see this rule change through and possibly get better clarification on other rules. Gary's idea was perfect.

Bobby I think and that is a big think that Van Tech also made kit's for Yamaha and others too. I have a brochure someplace in the shop but cannot find it at the moment.Been to busy raking leaves. Do you know you cannot get a high school kid to rake leaves anymore ?? Anyone of us came from a time when we would rake leaves all day for 50 cents an hour. Where did those day's go ?

I guess my point is please let's all work thought this together. the Hodaka guys all want a level even playing field and want this class as it seems you guys do too. It might take a few weeks but with effort and hope we will succeed.
Thank you
Paul signing off.

Larry Perkins

I will only bring this up this once.  I promise.  You guys can work through this if you wish but remember what I have to say on this as there is a pattern to it like the D motor thing and it will come up again.

It would be good to know WHO at AHRMA proposed the 6 speed portion of the rule.  If you could get to the bottom of it my money says that it is the same source that ran the D attempt and that person wishes to exclude Pentons.  They are NOT a friend.  What else does this rule really eliminate?

By the way, in 1974 when the only venue for a National 100cc Championship played out it was a 100cc six speed Berkshire special that stood on top.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  AHRMA is the only real game for Vintage on the National level but in all honesty they STINK!  

Larry P

tooclose racing

Well..I'll admit - the class sounds interesting, especially to a guy with a 16 yr. daughter that wants to go racing for the first time.  AHRMA/ACRMX scene just seems like a great place for her to give it a go, and do the family thing.  

First question - minimum age IS 16 in AHRMA, right?  Second - gosh, just what bikes would meet the rule that were manufactured thru 1974?  Of course the Hodaka models, and I know that Yamaha made an MX100 (yellow) in 74, but did Suzuki make a TM 100?  

BTW, while I'd love to have a Berkshire in the "stable", the reality is this year will be a learning year for maintaining my own "brand new" 72 125 SD, and two Pentons might prove a bit much for now. : - )

God I love the passion on this site...a 100cc class is announced and there's three pages of discussion.  BTW - I do think the letter-writing campaign is a great idea.  Heck - give me the address. I'LL WRITE a letter!

Finally - the tree is in, and outside decorations are up.  Cross those off the honey-do list.  Next up - screen print the POG items page and let Santa know I want a 2008 calendar and the JP Story.  Happy Holidays to the members of this board!


AHRMA is using a Performance Index of the bikes. To try and  keep the playing field as even as they can ,(or they think they are ? ).[8D]


Just a side note for some of the newer members of this site and POG.

Larry Perkins was the 1974 School Boy National 100 Expert Champion on a 100 Penton in the Astrodome.  He beat all comers including the highly modified DG and FMF Suzukis, Hondas and Yamahas bikes.  I hope this new 100 class is as fun as it was in the early to mid 1970's.  Larry still has that bike and it still as beautiful and as fast as it was on that day back in 1974.  I believe this is the last National MX Championship that was won on a Penton.  Please correct me if I am wrong[8D].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

brian kirby

Sounds like Larry has some first hand experience with Hot 100s. Who was his tuner?


'72 Six Day (on loan from Ernie P.)

Ernie Phillips

"Hot rod 100 or trail bike class?"  If one examines the racing up to and including 1974, there is no basis for a "trail bike" class.  The 100cc class was a full-blown racing class.  Which one will ARHMA rules support?  Photo of my hot-rod 100 (Hodaka) circa 1972-74.  Betor leading axle forks, lower/lengthened frame, custom swing arm, long girlings, reed/ported, down pipe, alloy tank... sweet!  

added new link:*DIl2TYcWlVv4xQp5Fd3Ig=

National Champ 100 Penton -- way to go Larry!

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Dwight Rudder

The 100cc class was considered a Trail bike class even then.  I believe that AHRMA intention is to keep this class as close to stock and low tech as possible.  I don't see what the complaining is about. I personally don't see a problem with piston port 6 speeds either.  Another complaint is that the rules don't include smaller cc bikes.  73cc K80GS Sachs Boondockers went pretty good too.  We even have a K50GS Hercules in our collection too.  Why should they be excluded ?
I wonder also if they will open a 100cc class for Cross Country events too ?

brian kirby

It would be nice to see a 100cc class in CC Dwight, but they dont usually have more than a handful of entries in Sportsman 200 and even less in Classic/Premier. I imagine that a lot of the Hodaka guys that currently run 125s in Sportsman 200 (Gary Copeland) or 100/125s in age classes (like Johnny Friedli, Leo Stinnett) might run a 100 class if they had one.

A 100cc class also seems like an ideal if one was interested in haveing a 12-15 yr old class, but that is just another pipe dream that AHRMA will never implement.


'72 Six Day (on loan from Ernie P.)


5 or 6 speed gearboxes should not matter IMO. One of the reasons I no longer participate is the fact that there was no 100cc class so we were forced to race with Huskies, CZ's and all the other bike bikes. While it is fun to go around the course nobody wants to get smoked!
 At the Elsinore GP a few years ago the opened a 100cc class. I thought Hooray until a sleeved down(supposedly)honda Elsinore lined up next to me. The next year a couple of really trick Suzuki TM100's showed up and darn near lapped everyone.
 I don't have answers for these situations. Maybe 72 should be the cutoff date but then you limit a small class even further. The technolgy jump from 72 to 74 was massive. In looking through my old Cycle news want ads from 74/75 there were all kinds of Pentons,dkw's and other euro bikes being sold and waiting lists at the honda-Yamaha-Suzuki dealers.

Larry Perkins


Not to argue but in 1974 in Texas at a MX race the 100 class was quite large and it was NOT a trailbike class.  It was filled with many High Tech for the times, bikes.  Highly modded Hodakas though lagging, Sleeved Elsinores, sleeved YZs, and a decent amount of Berkshires.  There was even an Ultra-Fast Rotary Valve Bridgestone.  If you ran at the front the crank was stuffed, it had a pipe, a bigger carb, small rotor ignition, and porting. There were complete bikes and mods from DG, FMF, E.C. Birt, and Banke.  For a few months I even raced an E.C. Birt sleeved one-off Pursang that ran a Banke Snail pipe.  There were trail bikes but they were WAY back.

AHRMA has a pattern of wanting to re-write History on one hand and then allowing some of the Hodakas and Huskys to run pipes today that are beyond 1974 thinking and technology.  Please do not help them with what is mis-information that may not have applied everywhere.  We are talking MX not woods!  Perhaps Texas was unique but I do not think so.

Larry P

Dwight Rudder

But, Larry,  How modified were the frames and suspension on most of these bikes ?  How big a carb were actually on these bikes ?  Other than the rear shocks I bet the frames and suspensions were mostly stock. Tweek them a bit if you must but lets keep the spirit of vintage racing in this.

Quotequote:Originally posted by Larry Perkins


Not to argue but in 1974 in Texas at a MX race the 100 class was quite large and it was NOT a trailbike class.  It was filled with many High Tech for the times, bikes.  Highly modded Hodakas though lagging, Sleeved Elsinores, sleeved YZs, and a decent amount of Berkshires.  There was even an Ultra-Fast Rotary Valve Bridgestone.  If you ran at the front the crank was stuffed, it had a pipe, a bigger carb, small rotor ignition, and porting. There were complete bikes and mods from DG, FMF, E.C. Birt, and Banke.  For a few months I even raced an E.C. Birt sleeved one-off Pursang that ran a Banke Snail pipe.  There were trail bikes but they were WAY back.

AHRMA has a pattern of wanting to re-write History on one hand and then allowing some of the Hodakas and Huskys to run pipes today that are beyond 1974 thinking and technology.  Please do not help them with what is mis-information that may not have applied everywhere.  We are talking MX not woods!  Perhaps Texa

s was unique but I do not think so.

Larry P

brian kirby

Look above at Ernie's "Super" Super Rat. The frame was modified, engine lowered in the chassis, it had a reed valve, square section lengthened swingarm, leading axle forks, it was trick and this was just out of a little shop in Pensacola, FL. Hardly the epicenter of trick stuff, but there it is. He has an article in the old Dixie Cycle News about his bike called the "$2000 Super Rat".


'72 Six Day (on loan from Ernie P.)


I have a feeling Suzuki TM100's just doubled in value [:p]

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...