Started by Larry Perkins, December 26, 2007, 06:25:36 PM

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Larry Perkins

My shop Flying Monkey Motorsports has a team that will race in the SCORE San Felipe 250 March 15th and we are hunting a Pogger not so far from the border that has a 4 wheel drive truck to be our 2nd chase vehicle should we have problems or get hurt.  We will pre-ride March 11th to 13th, Tech on the 14th, and race on the 15th.  We can house and feed you as well as supply gas.  We have a house rented for those days.  So who is up for an adventure?  Bring a bike and pre-ride with us.  A passport is a must and could still be gotten if done quick.  Good Spanish is a plus but not a necessity.  We will return to race the 500 in June and the 1000 in November.  E-mail me at [email protected] or call the shop at (417)862-3478.  Thanks!

Larry P


Very cool, Larry, good luck!

Ambr Milakovic
"Black Beauty"
Ambr Milakovic
\\"Black Beauty\\"

Larry Perkins


Larry, Good luck and be safe!!And as a good friend says "Have Fun":D

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Larry Perkins


Thanks!  We as a team are all about safe and sure hope that luck stays with us as it has taken me far in the past.  I believe it will be fun too.  For certain it is the greatest adventure and racing undertaking I have ever attempted.  We are learning about the logistics it will take daily and should learn more with each race.  I love the Parnelli Jones quote, "Racing Baja is like a 24 hour plane crash".  Sure hope we can find another chase driver for San Felipe.  We may have another truck now going there and may just have to find a driver with the time and lack of fear for the Old West atmosphere.  Our Mantra for this season is from Transformers=No Sacrifice-No Victory.

Larry P

john durrill

 you will have a great time. It sounds like one of those adventures we get to do maybe once in a life time. Wish we could go with you.I'm down one wing for a month or so and may need some work to get up to take off speed after that. It was great to get to see you at the RR. You helped me and Peter a lot with the 175. Finding a new cylinder and good head would have taken a lot longer with out you.
 Lord bless and keep you and have a great trip!
John & Peter D.

rob w

Larry, Tell us you'll be riding a Penton in these races... bet the supporters will come out then. :D

What ever you're on - remember we'll be thinking of you. Ride hard and far - be happy and proud ! You'll do well.

I've got one : In 1981 I was down in San Felipe, sleeping on the beach and play riding. (It must be changed so much now) The bar we'd go into at night had dirt floors (expect for a dance floor in the corner), and you could ride your dirt bike right inside and park it next to your table.
 Well, after an over-extended stay, and as I was leaving, I started the bike I was on (XR100), then gassed it to get sidways on the dance floor - then low sided and crashed.
 As I was trying to get up, I noticed there was a machine gun in my face, then the Federallies coaxed me with the nose of that gun until I was in the back of their police car.
My pal, and the only Spanish speaking guy in our party, also jumped in the car with me - told me to shut-up, and started speaking Spanish.
 I pictured myself sitting in a Mexican prison for the rest of my life, and having to eat rotten vegtables thrown in through an outside window. It was'nt a happy feeling.
 I could'nt have made it without my buddies help. Whatever he said to them, they delivered me to my tent site, and I've been scared straight (at least in Mexico) ever since.

Good luck Larry, say hi to the wicked witch for me.

Bob W


Larry Perkins


We are on Red this season.  It is so far a Flying Monkey Motorsports/Dick's Honda effort.  We are working on our other sponsorship still however.  It will be my first racing on a Honda since about 1976.  They have a changed a bit since then.:)  If you race Baja it is hard to not go Red.  We are fortunate enough to get to use the new Johnny Campbell Racing/Honda pits which will be invaluable in our quest for success in the Dez.

Your story was GREAT!  Another sign that your tombstone will surely read-He Lived!  While in Mexico I will do my best to keep machine guns away from my nose.[8D]

Larry P