Started by Larry Perkins, November 09, 2001, 10:26:57 AM

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Larry Perkins

AHRMA has in my opinion screwed one of our members and blessed another one.  Chad Danik and Ted Landers were tied going into the final cross-country.  Now all other cross country races are one hour events with a clear(most of the time) winner in each class.  AHRMA in their infinite wisdom chose to make the ISDT reunion the final cross country.  It is a two day event and so AHRMA decides that if you get a gold you get first place points, silver second place points, and bronze third place points.  Chad beat Ted in the scoring at the ISDT reunion but both of them recieved a Gold which left them still tied.  AHRMA's tie breaker gives the nod to the older rider which is Ted.  So Ted becomes the overall winner on the season by getting the same points as Chad even though Chad clearly beat him.  

Both of these guys are friends of mine but my opinion is Ted was blessed with a gimme and Chad got screwed.  

Thanks AHRMA!



Yes this is correct.  I would like to point out that Ted was at the Cross Country event at Casey, IL.  Chad did not attend.  The race was cancelled due to rain.  Had this event taken place or points given for being there, Ted would clearly be the winner.


Larry Perkins


In auto racing the 1st place trophy goes to the driver who has the most 1st place wins.  I don't know how that would work out between these two.  I do believe it is a better way to decied.



If a chicken had lips...

Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at //www.delphi.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at //www.delphi.com/grandpaul
Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/grandpaul

Heinz Raidel

You know... its hard to find anyone outside of us offroad, enduro and isdt/e guys who understand/understood how you can get a gold medal and still not win your class.  Tell somebody you were third in class and still on gold (or fiftyfifth and barely on silver) and you'll get a confused look!  

The folks at AHRMA probably don't understand it either and that might be because they never played our game.  A few calls and letters to David Boydston (480-464-7898) might do wonders.

\\"Sometimes the only mark we make in life is in our shorts.\\"

Jeff D

It is evident from Larry's post that Reunion Ride entrants were aware of the event scoring rules when they signed up.  Are Chad and/or Ted griping about the outcome...Or did they just have a great weekend of fun with a little competition thrown in?

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


ACTUALLY ,, here in the midwest in Auto racing,, ( and the state I live in has the highest # of dirt tracks per capita ) the season winner is determined by points earned,, a guy can finish 2nd or 3rd a lot,, run real real consistently in the top,, never miss a show,, and win the season points,, is rare,, but could happen ....

Using this formula ,, the winner would be reversed,, I think most forms of racing are that way ... the points system  is there to let you know how you did overall,not simply if you won a bunch o' races, but I think a good point was made when it was said " Are Chad and/or Ted griping ?? "

 ACTUAKLLY WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS :if something needs fixed so this doesnt happen again,, lets let someone know so it can be fixed ....  If you had a broken shock mount or something on the swingarm that was knocking your master link off,, would you replace the master link and l;eave the arm messed up ,,, or would you fix the arm so the problem didnt keep happening ???  

 By the way Larry,, it was nice to say Hi for a sec. in Mo and put a face w/ the name !



Yes this is correct.  I would like to point out that Ted was at the Cross Country event at Casey, IL.  Chad did not attend.  The race was cancelled due to rain.  Had this event taken place or points given for being there, Ted would clearly be the winner.


Larry Perkins


In auto racing the 1st place trophy goes to the driver who has the most 1st place wins.  I don't know how that would work out between these two.  I do believe it is a better way to decied.



If a chicken had lips...

Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at //www.delphi.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at //www.delphi.com/grandpaul
Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/grandpaul

Heinz Raidel

You know... its hard to find anyone outside of us offroad, enduro and isdt/e guys who understand/understood how you can get a gold medal and still not win your class.  Tell somebody you were third in class and still on gold (or fiftyfifth and barely on silver) and you'll get a confused look!  

The folks at AHRMA probably don't understand it either and that might be because they never played our game.  A few calls and letters to David Boydston (480-464-7898) might do wonders.

\\"Sometimes the only mark we make in life is in our shorts.\\"

Jeff D

It is evident from Larry's post that Reunion Ride entrants were aware of the event scoring rules when they signed up.  Are Chad and/or Ted griping about the outcome...Or did they just have a great weekend of fun with a little competition thrown in?

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


ACTUALLY ,, here in the midwest in Auto racing,, ( and the state I live in has the highest # of dirt tracks per capita ) the season winner is determined by points earned,, a guy can finish 2nd or 3rd a lot,, run real real consistently in the top,, never miss a show,, and win the season points,, is rare,, but could happen ....

Using this formula ,, the winner would be reversed,, I think most forms of racing are that way ... the points system  is there to let you know how you did overall,not simply if you won a bunch o' races, but I think a good point was made when it was said " Are Chad and/or Ted griping ?? "

 ACTUAKLLY WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS :if something needs fixed so this doesnt happen again,, lets let someone know so it can be fixed ....  If you had a broken shock mount or something on the swingarm that was knocking your master link off,, would you replace the master link and l;eave the arm messed up ,,, or would you fix the arm so the problem didnt keep happening ???  

 By the way Larry,, it was nice to say Hi for a sec. in Mo and put a face w/ the name !