Newsletter/ DVD/ Directory

Started by thrownchain, March 09, 2008, 06:34:52 PM

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DVD #2, again a living history of Penton. It's one thing to read it in a book, but to hear the people who lived it, tell their stories and recount their lives as they relate to one another alot of the times, is SPECIAL.
The newsletter, again a wealth of info, and good reading.
The directory, what can I say. It's good to know that I have a source of names and contact info at my finger tips. Imagine my surprize to learn that theres a POG member not too far from me, [about 12 miles] And I didn't even know it. And it's nice to be able to look up your state and see who else is out there. Or you could use it for extra help in a state that you may buy a bike from or for general travel info if you need it.    Good use of time and money.

I look forward to the next round.  thx

Ernie Phillips

Ditto.  Great work Al B. on the news letter & speial thanks to Ted & Reb for the DVD.  If you are not getting these ... you're missing a real treat!  The member directory is neat too.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Lew Mayer

I must have let my dues lapse. I'm not in the directory.[:0]

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Mick Milakovic

Me too, Lew, but I got the DVD and Still Keeping Track, and those are more important!  Anyway, I'm not hiding and you guys know where I'm at:)



Hello all. I missed being listed also, but my card says I'm in. I still get and enjoy the newsletters and I am really tickled to see the DVD"s. It"s got to be hard to keep track {no pun intended} of all of us. At least thats what my mom always said. {three boys}. No snow today!   Hank

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart


Hello again. I got to thinking about my last post and wish to say something else.I hope no one feels slighted by anything I said. In this day and age of , whats in it for me, I just want to point out what an upstanding job our officers and volunteers do. Yes, volunteers. Every one from our president to the newest member is a volunteer. They are here because they love the sport, the brand and the people involved. Kinda rare now days. I'm honored to be allowed to associate with you all. Thank you. Hank

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart

Paul Danik

In respecting the privacy of our membership, only those members who indicated on their membership application, or on their renewal application, that they wanted to be included in the directory were included.

    I have pasted a link to the membership application for easy observation of the section pertaining to the directory.

    Any and all of the feedback on the DVD, membership directory, newsletter, meetings and any other POG related items are greatly appreciated as it gives your board a sense of direction. If you wish to not make your comments on the website please feel free to email any of your board members with your thoughts, they are greatly appreciated and valued.

[email protected]

Lew Mayer

That's OK Paul. People know how to find me. Thanks for all your hard work and Congratulations on your plaque in Daytona.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer