Cervical fusion

Started by Lew Mayer, March 16, 2008, 05:07:50 PM

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Mike Burgess

Hey Lew,

Most people i have been involved with that has had cervial surgery for the most part have been very succesfull. Having said that i had a 3 level done that needed to be 5 levels but the 2 lower levels were so bad they did not attempt it. I also had several nicks/cuts to the cord area also. Having said that my days of a normal life changed drastically but when ya ride bikes your whole life and thats what life is all about it kinda stings pretty bad when they get taking away. My advice is to have several nuerologist give you opinions and go from there. When i was still living down in La. and was schooling a upcoming MX rider named Dustin Manuel he had a bad getoff and had to have a 2 level fusion done. At 16 you tend to heal alot faster and recover alot quicker. I'm glad to say Dustin's been back racing for years and has taken many a nasty spills and all has been fine. Like i said i would get a couple opinions and go from there with it. Also, St. John's in Chicago has a spinal institution available online with alot of great information. As for me, Hard lesson was learned, Never leave a dirt bike to go and try and kill Bambi in the woods!! I wish you the best of luck and let us know how you are doing.

MIke Burgess Jr.


L5 S1 for me.  Lower back and the minute I woke up from the anesthesia I knew I was cured.  As I said it was a quality of life issue for me and I don't regret it for a minute.  Good luck and I'm sure technology has advanced since the dark ages of the 1980's.


Lew Mayer

Thanks for the well-wishes guys. I get a second AND third opinion next week. Donny Smith needs the "get well" prayers. He recuperating from it now. Donny, do you have to drink beer with a straw till the neck brace comes off? [?]
Heal fast.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Dwight Rudder

I go in for a myelogram Friday morning about the weakness in my arm and hand.
Come help hold me down !
Needle Phobic,

Lew Mayer

Just don't look. It's a lot easier.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Tell them you need DRUGS first!

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Dwight Rudder

Quotequote:Originally posted by Lew Mayer

Just don't look. It's a lot easier.

Lew Mayer

You can't exactly look when they have you flat on your stomach on a cold table and sticking a needel into your spine.

Dwight Rudder

Quotequote:Originally posted by OUCWBOY

Tell them you need DRUGS first!

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

I did and 3 Xanax later I got through it and have been out for 24hrs.

Dwight Rudder

Mike Burgess

Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

Quotequote:Originally posted by OUCWBOY

Tell them you need DRUGS first!

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

I did and 3 Xanax later I got through it and have been out for 24hrs.

Come on my brother Dwight, In the last 6 years i have had a total of 12 mylograms,There has been somewhat decent ones and then again, I feel ffor you because there was 4 of them that created total havoc in my life for quite some time. My Prayers are with you and Deb Dwight. If ya need anything just give me a shout my friend! Best of Luck to you and keep in touch when ya can. Give us a update on just exactly what the Mylo reveals Dwight! May GOD be with you my friend!


Dwight Rudder

Well, The Doc ruled out my neck as the problem. The surgery stuff looked good, even with me bouncing my noggin off a couple trees .  
The good news is that I don't require surgery.
The bad news is that I have "Parsonage-Turner Syndrome" ( Look it up )[xx(]
It usually gets better on it's own but doesn't start showing improvement for 1 month to 6 months.  6 months to 6 years for full recovery.  [V]
That sucks as I can't ride with it as weak as it is right now.
Dwight :( :(


That really sounds bad! I think it's better to really know what the cause is and get it treated than to go on NOT kowing. I looked it up and it appears that you will be in recovery for a while. I have you in my heart and on my prayer list for a speedy recovery.

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


  You are in my Prayers.  But I hope you keep making the races...it is good for the soul.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Ernie Phillips

Lew will have surgery today (Thursday May 8) at 1:00 PM.  Keep Lew in your prayers. Get well soon my friend. -EP

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Thanks Ernie for the update.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh