Cervical fusion

Started by Lew Mayer, March 16, 2008, 05:07:50 PM

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Lew Mayer

For all you racers out there, has anyone had a cervical fusion and raced afterwards?

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


I've had a fusion.  It was 24 years ago and I've had basically no problems since.  I am not a racer but I wouldn't hesitate to do anything I did before my back injury.  However I have friends who have had nothing but problems after back surgery.  I was at the point my lifestyle was severely degraded by my back and I needed to have something done.  I guess I was lucky.

Lew Mayer

Was it a cervical(neck) or lumbar(lower back) fusion? I've had a lumbar fusion 25 years ago and no problems. A 3 vertabrae neck fusion has me skeptical.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

brian kirby

I believe Dwight Rudder just had one last summer and he seems to be riding as well as ever.



Lew, I would check into the "Prodisc". Its a  artificial replacement disc that the FDA approved a year or two ago . Thats is a brand name and I think a couple companies make them. I am pretty sure they are using them instead of a lumbar AND cervical fusison as they retain motion. I waited 5 years instead of having the rest of my lower back fused and hopefully (or not) I will get this done soon. Check into it as it may be a better option. TTP


hi lew, my son had a lower cervical fusion a few years back due to a significant atv accident. he has raced a few times since then with no issues and is going to start riding some vmx races with me this year. fortunately it all went pretty well for him considering the extent of his injuries. i believe that riding in the vintage world is easier on the back than riding modern events because the tracks are toned down some as to not require the air attacks necessary in modern racing.  chi-jer

Rain Man

I got this thing called degenerative disc disesae in my neck.  The neurologists said I would live, thank God !! I guess until your hands go numb it isent an issue... yet.
 My biggest issue is I cant throw wet 80# 4 foot logs onto  the back of the 1 ton, 80# bails of hay up in the loft, and swing a 3 # hammer, never mind the 20 # sledge hammer any longer than 4 hours a day,anymore .:(
 Oh ya I really miss shoveling 4 feet of snow all winter too.  But other than the snowmobiling and dirtbike riding all day, I only got like 1/2 the use of my neck left.
 She said i was too young to have it repaired,  I'm definetely gonna spend the 395 bucks for the Leitte neck brace though. It sure and heck would be  alot cheaper than the 10 grand my Insurance co. spent on taking 3 MRI's in less than a riding seasons time.
 I guess the DR. hasent quite figured out how to read them yet. All  Just to tell me I got a pain in the neck !!
 I dunno.. go figure, theres definetley alot of nerves in that area , going to your brain[:0]
 I dont think 12 oz pain killers and Advil will work for ever , but I am hoping they do...
 This neck thing to me is called aging, I think thats not repairable,

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Dwight Rudder


I just had surgery done this past Thursday. disc after C6 and C7 both ruptured. Replaced one with man made disc, the other with cadaver bone and C7 and C8 fused together with titanium parts (lighter weight) just so I can go faster. LOL. Dr said after the 6 weeks of Neck Brace and no driving, not working and not picking up anything heaver that 5 lbs that I should be able to rejoin any activity I did before the surgery. C2 & C3 fused together in 1973 due to an injury. It had very little effect on neck movement, but made this creaking noise when I furned my head. No one could hear it except me. Kinda freaky. Worst part of the surgery is they run a tube down the throat and have to move body parts because they go into the neck from the front. No nerve pain or soreness, but couldn't swallow for 3 days and it still hurts some to eat. I am sitting home bored to tears, can't drive and the kids are all working during the day and we are a few miles from town, might try to walk into town next week. Also this town is so small they don't have a cab company or public transportation so unless I walk or someone takes me, I'n stuck at the house.
Lew, have it done, you won't regret it. I didn't.

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


  Happy to hear you are doing well.  I couldn't believe when you called me the day of the surgery.  I will be in touch and you are in my Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

It's good to hear from you Donny, just great to know you're still alive. More than a few times I thought to myself, "gosh I wonder how Donnys' doing ".

In the latest newsletter - hearing something from Glenn Sonntag really made me feel good. Glenn is a wonderful old friend, and knowing he has'nt left us, gladdens me heart.

I certainly hope the best to you Lew. You're still young, so I'm betting it'll be a short pit stop.



Hey Ron and Rob!
Bored to tears here. And I have 5 1/2 more weeks of doing nothing. Already watched On Any Sunday three times.
Good to hear from you both.
Ron, I told you I would call you, so you should not have been suprised when I did.
Rob, yep still kicking, but have just been too busy working and traveling so much with work, been to MI, but both trips were short notice and didn't have time to make plans to visit. Same thing when I went to Ohio, I wanted to visit Doug W, but couldn't make it happen.
I was on the road 297 days last year. Spent so much time at the Holiday Inn Express, that it felt like home. I'm gone more now than when I was in the Navy.
Keep in touch.
Brother Donny

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Lew Mayer

Thanks for all the response. I knew I came to the right place to get good advice. I have a new street bike and can't even ride it, plus I'm gettin' the itch to get racing again. I'm feeling better about this.


Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

swamp fox

I'll throw in here and wish you the best also Lew.
I'm lucky to not have had any issues with my health, other than mental.[:0]
My wife just says I'm a pain in the butt.;)

Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT
Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
17 Ktm 300 Six Day (50th Aniversary) ;)

Lew Mayer

I got mental too. [8]

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer