Perris, CA AHRMA

Started by OUCWBOY, April 20, 2008, 03:17:36 AM

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Today I went to the AHRMA event at Perris CA. There was some very good racing, however I was very disappointed. There was only about 1/10 of the turnout compaired to Diamond Don's. Not a single Penton!!!  Funny thing is they had about 4 guys on the track watering the entire race. Of course, they would turn the hose away when the riders came by, but always putting water on the track. Track looked like a mini Carsbad GP track. For you 100cc guys, there were about 15 Hodakas and 3 Yamahas. Have to say, that a Yamaha won the Expert class by a mile. Funny that there are very few Penton riders on the left coast. It was a good day, because there was some racing, but, could/should have had a much bigger turnout. I am guessing that the $3.89 - $4.29 // gallon of gas might have kept some folks home.

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Donny, sorry I was not there , Iam up in the northwest this time of year and will be doing some  of the events up here. Did you find Victor Monz at Perris ? He has the Penton banner for the west coast he flys in the pits!


Did not see Victor and I was looking for him

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Lew Mayer

Are you driving yourself now Donny or still being chauffeured?

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Still being chauffeured! Flew to San Diego 10 days ago to visit 2 of my children and friends. Had my fried drive me up. She loves Vintage racing too. Fly back to Memphis on Tuesday evening. My daughter is picking me up. I have an appointment on the 25th and should?? be released to drive and go back to work. I hope that happens, because I have to drive to Kansas and then to NW Arkansas to pick up a couple of bikes I bought. Hopefully, I will return to work on the 28th.

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR



I went to the PV at Perris on Sunday. This gave me an opportunity to hang out with Tom B. and company and ride my RM 125...a little softer on my bones.  Also, just couldn't do both days.

My Pentons are in "rehab" for another race day or two.  

Also, my dear Friend, I won't mention his name "RC" reminded me I am not "bulletproof and "indestructable" and my job should come first, thanks.

They did "overwater" the track Sunday...kinda unfair when the two guys or gals, in front got a dry turn and bam it turned to grease for the next guy or was overcast and cool, hardly any dust if you didn't even water.

I did wear my Team Penton hat from you Donny....sorry I missed you.

I'll be on the Penton soon.....and will fly the banner at the next CALVMX Race.



  Keep us updated on your condition.  See what happens when you have down buy bikes.[:p]

  Glad to hear you are recovering and trying to enjoy the racing from the pits.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


There are a few Pentons out her on the left coast even if none showed up at Perris. You have to remember that we have a 12 month season so we can pick and choose our races. The Perris track is so so which might have kept others from coming out.

Lew Mayer

Donny, I go under the knife May 8, sooner if I can get it moved forward. I'm signed up for Mid-Ohio cross-country already. Have to heal fast.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Best of luck to you. Have them give you a device called OrthoFix. It speeds up the healing process (or so they say). Creates a magnetic flux that makes the bones heal faster.
I am Sooooooooo ready to get this brace off and get back to normal (if you can call me normal) Sometimes I think I may be Abby Normal....

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


  Keep us updated and I will keep you in my Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

Uh, Ron, if ya do, kinda, don't mention my name.
I don't want The Big Guy finding out you hang out with a bad crowd. He might hold it against ya.[:o)]

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Big Lew,
  Just read back up this list....I am in Good Company.  Now all we need is Tony F. to get into this conversation.  Seriously give me a call anytime.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



What hospital will you be in?  I'll stop by a bring a couple bottles of your favorite brew.  RC may be around these parts in late May and we are planning a Penton-MD get together with Tommy G & Jerry C.  You are included in the bash.

Heal quickly.
