Keeping track of known Pentons / frame numbers

Started by rob w, April 27, 2008, 11:10:24 AM

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rob w

Do you think it'd be a good idea for someone to keep track of all the Pentons' and their frame numbers we see on Ebay, etc.
Chances are they'll never make it to our registery here
- but we would know that they still exsist, and are out there somewhere.

Maybe even print out the auction ad with a picture of the bike for later reference.

Example - Are'nt we hoping to get a registery of all the known steeltankers, to learn more of their evolution ?
Right now on Ebay you will find V4169 and V5551.


  I think it would be an excellent to keep track of these bikes.  I have in the past kept records of different models of Pentons, frame numbers and who purchased them off ebay.  SadlyI did not keep track of the steeltankers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh