Pentons for Casey??

Started by ossaracer, June 07, 2008, 05:27:27 PM

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Whos in for Casey??  the vintage track there is the best!!

125 and 400 for me and Casey.   Working on getting a 100 ready  before season is out to punish the Hodies....

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love \\\'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet


terry, wish i was going. i was entered but i blew out my acl at tomahawk. i was going to help write the stories for vintage views too but with gas being what it is, i'm not driving 8 hrs each way just to spectate, especially when i can't hardly walk. see ya VMD though, but won't be riding by then, building up some bikes for other guys to ride. chi jer [8D]

Ernie Phillips

Terry,  Kid Christopher and I will be there for both CC & VMX and will race 2 Berkshires, 1 Six Day, 1 large Maico.  What makes Casey "the best"?

What gearing are you running on your 125?  I'm running 60/14 (4.286) on my unported 6A.  Was thinking about going back to 60/13 (4.615) but don't want to run out of top end (like I did at Barber VMX and Evansville CC). The Kid runs 54/13 (4.153) on his hot 125-6B but he is 40 pounds lighter. Our 100-6B is geared 54/12 (4.500) and is still pretty doggy.  I heard Casey was fast.

A 100 Penton has yet to punish any Hodies.  Get'er built ...

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Hey Terry, Good luck at Casey...we'll see you at Mid-Ohio as usual.

Ernie, Casey is a long, wonderful "old school" type track that is always well prepared.

Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings


terry, wish i was going. i was entered but i blew out my acl at tomahawk. i was going to help write the stories for vintage views too but with gas being what it is, i'm not driving 8 hrs each way just to spectate, especially when i can't hardly walk. see ya VMD though, but won't be riding by then, building up some bikes for other guys to ride. chi jer [8D]

Ernie Phillips

Terry,  Kid Christopher and I will be there for both CC & VMX and will race 2 Berkshires, 1 Six Day, 1 large Maico.  What makes Casey "the best"?

What gearing are you running on your 125?  I'm running 60/14 (4.286) on my unported 6A.  Was thinking about going back to 60/13 (4.615) but don't want to run out of top end (like I did at Barber VMX and Evansville CC). The Kid runs 54/13 (4.153) on his hot 125-6B but he is 40 pounds lighter. Our 100-6B is geared 54/12 (4.500) and is still pretty doggy.  I heard Casey was fast.

A 100 Penton has yet to punish any Hodies.  Get'er built ...

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Hey Terry, Good luck at Casey...we'll see you at Mid-Ohio as usual.

Ernie, Casey is a long, wonderful "old school" type track that is always well prepared.

Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings

kevin k

I,ll be there all weekend.

76 MC-5 250  in Historic open expert for friday,s cross-country
75  Mint 400  in 2 classes on Sunday.

Kevin Kline