Started by Larry Perkins, December 03, 2001, 02:40:03 PM

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Larry Perkins

I want to throw this out for discussion and feedback.  

Last night there was something on ebay I wanted but a fellow POG member was the current high bidder.  I did not bid on the item even though I really wanted it because some of the POG members have had hard feelings when a fellow member outbids them or makes the price run up.

My question for discussion is what is cool?  It's an auction and all is fair or should we talk out some etiquette?  If a member has seen it first should they have the shot at the item?

Variety of opinions appreciated and please no one take any comments personal.  Thanks!


Steve Minor

Good question.....tough answer..It's MY opinion that it's ethical for bidders, who also happen to be POG members, to communicate with each other about the item up for bid....I find nothing wrong if, for example, I saw that Larry was bidding on an item that I needed, for me to email Larry and say "I really need this (what ever) to finish my project.Would you consider not bidding on it?" I believe it's a matter of wants vs needs......if you merely WANT an item, that's one thing. But if you NEED an item, that's another thing...

Again, just MY opinion.


Steve Minor

Kip Kern

I have to agree with Steve, I don't have a problem with someone contacting me if they want a particular item.  I have "backed off" on several items to other folks.  No problem for me!  Good Point Larry/Steve



Its probably a very legit topic to discuss, also remember that EBAY is a commerce driven entity that does make a living out of free bidding by anyone who wishes to participate...do they also not permit free discussion amongst the bidders to protect their interests...when I put an item up for bid , I should know it's value and be ready to accept what bid was offered, luckily I have not been disappointed with Ebay or any other faction that happens on the sidebar!!!

lets not destroy or beat to death this issue!!!

Thanks, Tom........

Thomas Brosius

Mark Annan

I think communication between bidders is fine.  The need/want issue if great.  Talk to each other when ever possible.  The guys in the Vinduro group routinely notify others when they are bidding on an item.  Helps keep everyone happy.  If more than one person has a strong desire for an item then let the bidding war commence.  ;)  

The seller has the protection of setting a reserve price and they can also cancel the auction at any time.  The latter kind of sucks.  My wife has had a couple of auctions cancelled out from under her at the last minute (she was high bidder).  I'm not sure if the seller didn't like the price they were getting or if they were using ebay to see what an item might sell for and had no intention of actually selling the item.

Mark Annan



Last week while reading the POG message board a member notified us about a '74 Penton/KTM 250 on E-Bay that I both needed and had to own. As a new member of both Vinduro and POG I would have welcomed any feedback on the bike and bid process in general. I won the bid and take possesion this weekend but will need to depend on the POG membership for service and parts knowledge. More communication helps us all.



Hi folks,
Here is my take on this issue. Sometimes I don't always know all the POG members screen names and a lot of people don't use the same name on E-bay. I have had people that are members jump in at the last minue and out bid me. It makes you think?? "What was that all about?" SO, I feel that if you know someone that is a member and is bidding on an item that you have bid on, or, want to bid on. Contact that member and discuss it. I'm bidding on a kickstand that I need 4 of and a member just mailed me to inform me that they need the item also. What does a person do? I think that the one that NEEDS it the least should back off. But, it is free enterprise. Supply and demand.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


I am a somewhat new member and a licensed Real Estate broker and Auctioneer in the state of Virginia, and I have purchased many items on Ebay. Larry's topic of discussion is excellent food for thought.

In my 16 years in this business, I have seen "friends and family" Back Off or Not Bid on property, both real and personal,in an auction setting when other "family and friends" are bidding. Guess what usually happens? Another party, not "family or friend", gets the winning bid at a price that was acceptable to the "family or friend" and the items gone forever. Then the "family and friends" are all mad!

I therefore firmly believe, "may the best bid win". If you want an item bad enough you will bid. My wants and needs may be greater than the next guys, POG member or not. Who's to say when, or how much.

An auction is an honest way for a seller offer his or her item to the world for all interested bidders to determine the price. Remember, you determine the price! Your price may be higher than my price, only you know how high you will bid. I therefore feel that when it come to an auction, that POG members treat fellow POG members just like anyone else in the world, because that is what we are. I'm sure there will hard feelings, but that is life. If two POG members want the same item, then there is bound to be hard feelings somewhere. What happens if a POG member sells something on Ebay. Will that member want the auction price determined in a public forum. I would not like that. Gentleman it is a simple concept, supply and demand. If a POG member outbids me, then his demand must have been a little more that mine. What else can I say.


Harris Ferguson


Bob Ross

Harris...right on, supply and demand..you can not control the bidding, nor should you attempt to, member or not of POG...Bob Ross


Mark Annan

I don't think it is a matter of controlling the biding.  I see it as a friendly courtesy to friends and fellow Penton enthusiasts.  If someone decides to back off an item to let another person have it I see nothing wrong with this at all.  It is still allowing a free market to determine sale prices.


Dwight Rudder

Our Vinduro group has a code of ethics that we will contact each other and see how serious they are about the item. I have backed off several times for Vinduro members.
We have a Data Base at Vinduro that lets us see what the Ebay User names are. Most of the time that works. I don't bid if I see one of our own already bidding. Not unless he gives me the go ahead.

7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.


As a pretty new POG member and having just discovered e-Bay as a source for Penton parts, my two cents would be that it's probably most important that we report to POG when we see Penton and KTM items that our membership may desire.  After we're aware that something is available, dialogue among members, in my opinion, is appropriate, just so long as the items don't "get away."



I have had the unfortunate experience to have a POG member ask me to not bid on an item which they said they needed, only to find out, after not bidding, that they needed the item as a spare.

I have also had the unfortunate experience to have a POG member not reciprocate in not bidding when I did the same for them.

I believe that an item should sell at what the market will bear.  I also believe that I don't have to bid on every item, and I can pass on an item in favor of friendship and loyalty.

Edited by - skipperclyde on 12/10/2001  8:00:12 PM


On  EBay , I bid to buy ,, I also sell things with the expectation that they will sell for what is fair on the marketplace,, I have started many items, Penton and otherwise, at a figure I would have hated to see them sell for ... if we start deciding who buys what ,, it will most likely make the seller start things out at a higher price,,,

 I try to use some common sense,, one time I wanted to bid on a bike not too far from me, but Donnie was the other bidder,, so i knew he was a more qualified buyer than me ,, and I only sorta wanted it ,, Im sure not bad enuff to outbid Donnie,, so I backed away,, I can assure you that if I want something badly enuff,, I will do everything within my power to buy it ,,
 Its not cuz i donlt like you ,, I DO like you all,, this is a very informative board ,, and everyone here is great,, I am in the process of obtaining another Penton because of the awesome support ,, but if you and I both want something,, I will bid,, I will most likely be sneaky,, and I will bid absolutley as much as I am willing to spend,, and please dont get mad if I come in ahead of you at the last second,, I dont buy too much too often,, and E Bay is the only place I will come in ahead of you ! NEVER on a race track ... I can bout guarantee it !

 E bay is an interesting forum,, and i DO support the idea that if someone REALLY needs something bad,, they should be allowed some room,, but I really think there is room for competition there too, I am invloved in buying at auctions at work,, and its hard to bid against the same customers that support me every day,, but it has to be done for the system to work !



I am an old POG member, since soon after the start, even though I post on a very seldom occasion. I like ebay. It is free commerce and if I want or need something I set a personal price that I do not exceed. If I have outbid you and paid too much, I am sorry. I have never sold anything there, but reserve the right... or privilege to do so, at my discretion. If I have something Penton related to sell, which may never occur (I keep everything), I will offer it here first...which also is free commerce to a select audience. If I am not happy with the response or price, I will excercise my options elsewhere. If you choose otherwise, that id your perogative. I will take comfort in knowing I have put an enthusiasm for the sport/ brand first, and let free enterprise reign.  If you contact me about an auction that I am bidding on, I will yield to you. How does this fit? I just like Pentons.

'97 KTM Jackpiner 200LE
'80 KDX 250
'73 Jackpiner 175 (2)
'72 Jackpiner 175 original owner
Downeast Pentons- Central Division