40th Anniversary Celebration

Started by Kip Kern, August 28, 2008, 03:17:50 PM

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Hi all, i made the most un-thinkable blunder in my 51 years of life, i thought the 40th was the end of the month {27-29}, i just called Al B. to get some last min. parts to finish my 69 Steel Tanker to bring to the 40th and he asked me why i was calling from home {NJ} and why i wasn't at KTM, i thought he was pulling my leg until i grabed my paperwork from my desk and saw the correct date {shoot me !!!}, i am sick to my stomach as i sit here and write this stupidy letter, Al said he would pick up my 2 packets and mail them to me {i pre-paid for my Son and i}, i would load my truck and make the 500 mile ride but my Fathers 70th B-Day {catered} party is Sunday and i guess i would be looking for a new state to move to when my sister's got done with me, OK, hope everyone has a great time, regards, Mike G. {i am SICK !!!}

Mike Gallagher, Camden County, NJ.- 69, 70 + 71, 125 Steel Tankers, 72 Berkshire, 72 x 2, 73 x 2, 125-6 Day's, 74-6 Day, 73 Jackpiner, 75 - 250 H/S, 74 1/2 Mint 400
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]

Kip Kern

Mike  Don't feel too bad, I missed it also.  Had too much going on by late Friday evening and too, Kaleb's birthday party is Sunday so I called the trip off.  The final straw was the $100 gas I put in my van and only got 3/4 tank of fuel.  That would get me to Amherst then I would have to fill her again!:(  Hope everyone has a great time, sure had beautiful weather.


  Please say Happy Birthday to Kaleb.  I have watched him grow up.  Thanks for all you do for Penton Owners.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern


He is 20 now, 6'2" tall and a Sophmore in college!;)


  POG has brought many people together and I have made great Friends and watched Families grow.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Kip, 20 ??? 6'2" sophmore in college!!! Man where does time go? It seems like yesterday playing golf with him and yourself. Please tell him I said Happy Birthday!!! Boy 6'2" I bet he can hit the white off the golf ball now!!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


wow! what a weekend!    a good time was had by all.    thanks to everyone that helped make it happen. especially jack penton.  he REALLY worked his tail off..    chi jer [8D]


Hey, who came up from North Carolina? I would have liked to go but its kinda pricey paying for the trip just to haul 1 scoot. Maybe next trip or hopefully the 50th. TTPaul

Kip Kern

Thomas  He just won the Grant County mens 1st flight golf championship this summer!  He's too good for me.  Go Team USA at the Ryder Cup!:D  The "Six Days" of golf[:p]

Mick Milakovic

Golf seems to be the topic, and golf is the reason I couldn't make the celebration this weekend.  My only consolation is that my team won the sectional tournament and now moves on to the regional next Saturday.  Hope everyone had a good time; can't wait to see the pictures!




Kip, you as well as any other POG'er who couldn't make it, were sorely missed.  It's a daggone shame that gas costs can be a major factor in making it to very special events.  I'm practically around the corner from Amherst, but nontheless blew $100 in fuel for the weekend.  

Thanks to all who made the anniversary event such a fantastically special time.