Penton / POG celebration writeup

Started by Paul Danik, September 22, 2008, 07:41:12 AM

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Paul Danik

Larry Lawrence from Cycle News was at the event and has already posted a story and photo online, I have included a link below.

For anyone who was not at the event, the photo was taken while we were preparing to take a group photo at John Penton's home during our layover during the Parade Of Pentons. It was a very appropriate location for the group photo as the Penton apple orchard in the background was also the setting for many of the Hi-Point accessories catalog photos from days gone by.  

Thanks to everyone who made the event such an resounding success.


Doug Wilford

Thanks to you, Jack and others.   The anniversary (in my opinion) was a huge sucess.   The weatherman was very good, the food was good, the tours were good, the motorcycles on display was excellent. Thanks to all who were in attendance, you all are what made this event so good.
Havin Fun!

Randy Kirkbride

All I can say is "FREAKING AWESOME"