ahrma trustee

Started by Glenn Berry, December 06, 2008, 09:43:17 AM

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Glenn Berry

Does anyone know if chicagojerry is still running for 09 trustee,I just looked on the ahrma site sample ballet and his name is not listed.

Glenn Berry
Glenn Berry


I talked to Jerry last month and he mentioned to me that he was not going to run this time around. He will probably give it try some time in the future and I am sure that he will reply to this post.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


hi glenn. thanks for keeping me in mind. intitially i was planning on running. in fact i was doing some campaigning and handing out my candidacy letter early in the weekend at barber. i was approached there by a couple of people asking that i reconsider running to prevent the vote from getting split again. after much thought and after i spoke to dave lamberth, i decided not to run after all as a method to try to help get dave lamberth elected. he would be a good person to be able to sit on the exec committee as well, which the other trustees elect. i thought that i stood a decent chance of getting elected since the "iron is still hot" with some good press that i received for putting together the CC race at mid-ohio. i'll run in 2009 instead. and hopefully many of the members will still remember me.  thanks again for keeping me in mind and i hope that all the poggers that are also ahrma members take the time to vote. chicago jerry