Steel tanker on eBay...going, going..$$$

Started by tooclose racing, December 16, 2008, 05:21:53 PM

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tooclose racing

WOW...saw this several days ago. An early model Six Day has reached $4800 on eBay with just minutes left.  Geez, it's not even a 72 - but is it a 71?

tooclose racing

SOLD...for about $4861 and some change...

There's a great-looking 76 125 (GS equipped) on eBay now also.  Cripes - how rare is that bike?


And did you see the '73 Harescrambler engine that went for upwards of $500+shipping last night (sight unseen and who knows what real condition)?  Pentons are recession-proof!
Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike


The SteelTanker didn't meet reserve.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

tooclose racing

Hah!  I didn't see that Ron...thanks for the sanity check.