Rider down, Help appreciated

Started by Mick Milakovic, February 07, 2009, 11:11:13 PM

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Mick Milakovic

Hi All, this message is being sent on behalf of Gary Ellis, but it was not prompted by him.  Gary is not the kind of person who would want to appear begging for help, but I can't help speaking out for him.  

This past week during a snow/ice storm, the house next to his, which he owns and where his son lived, was burnt to the ground due to unknown reasons at this point.  His son, wife, and granddaughter were with Gary in Gary's home at the time, so everyone is safe and secure.

I asked what I could do to help and his response was 9-12 month clothing for his graddaughter, or money for his son.  I can't remember his address right now, but I'll get it on here by Monday if you would like to send clothing.  If you would like to help out by donating to Jacob's cause, Gary's PayPal account is:  [email protected].  Thank you, and keep his family in your thoughts and prayers,




Thanks Mick for posting this situation.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


hello fellow poggers gary s address is gary ellis at 14990 e400  n.rd ridgefarm il. 61870 hope this helps dave, when in doubt gas it


Anyone putting together a program I am prepared to give cash donation.  Let me know or call me 832722.0408  Thanks.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


hello fellow poggers i just got off the phone with ron and he just made a very generous donation of $200 for baby cloths that my wife and i are going to get for gary and she is going to try and put something together at her employer comcast with some more donations as some of you know gary is one of our unsung heros of are hobby and will help anyone he can he and i are teaming up at the rr ride in the fall team wounded knee ha ha inside joke if anyone can help call me at 734 461 9908  dave when in doubt gas it


Dave & Mick,
  Thanks for starting this post.  Gary you and your Family are in our Prayers.  Thanks for all the favors you have done for me and other POG members.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mick Milakovic

Hi All,
I spoke with Gary tonight and he said his internet will be down another 2-3 days. Hopefully he'll have more information to share at that time.  Those of you who know Gary know he's fast on the track but slow to get excited, so stay tuned for the final word!



I have Gary and family in my prayers here.

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

G Ellis

Thanks goes out to everyone, for your help and prayers. Our family, are all doing fine. My sons family is stay at my house for now. We have had a house offered to us next door. I am waiting to see if the offer will go through. Thank god for everybody being at my house on the night of the fire.I will keep everyone updated. Thanks again  Gary