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Messages - hotrod392

I've never been to the Boiling Springs race.

I was a west coast guy until 2000 and was born in 1969 so I missed all the golden years of motorcycle evolution.

Dave sure has a great collection of Penton stuff.

Awesome collection!
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted: Wassell Fork Cap
January 17, 2015, 02:46:22 PM
Since everyone is checking their Wassell inventory, I could use a set of rust free fork tubes or complete forks for a Penton Mudlark if anyone has some laying around.

[email protected]
Penton Talk / V1346 pictures
December 23, 2014, 11:47:33 PM
Very nice!
Congratulations on the find!

V984 sounds like a '68 model. Pictures would be great to see if it has all the hard to find parts unique to the '68.

I'll let someone else chime in on V3186.

Penton Racing Talk / Diamond Don's 14
April 05, 2014, 12:56:55 PM
Looks good Sean! I'll be down there as well, but will just be spectating and taking in the action.

Wanted / For Sale / For Sale Bing carbs
April 03, 2014, 05:40:36 PM
I would also be interested in the endure kit if Ric is not.
[email protected]
Penton Talk / Restoring V5301
March 14, 2014, 09:01:38 PM
I'll officially chime in and say that both the steel tanker and the 501 look great. The only thing I see wrong is that they aren't parked in my garage...

Nice job!

Penton Talk / Penton sport cycles ASHTRAY
January 31, 2014, 10:08:43 PM
If you get a minute, shoot me an e-mail. I have a question for you.

[email protected]
Penton Talk / Tank shipping question
January 05, 2014, 04:03:36 PM
I agree, rinse well, dry and put in sealed plastic bag. Just don't ship it via air mail. They are much fussier. If they ask what's in the package - vintage motorcycle parts.


Kurt was a good friend of my cousin, Destry Abbott. He will be missed by his family, friends and the industry as a whole. Certainly a rising star that went out too early.

I love watching Baja footage and Dust to Glory was awesome, but it has certainly claimed some great heroes in this sport.

Rest in Peace Kurt
Penton Talk / v416
August 09, 2013, 06:00:48 PM
Your bike looks great! It provides me motivation to get some of my projects moving.

I was lucky enough to take custody of Sean's bikes for a while.
V 213 is now together, running and totally complete with all its correct parts (thanks to help from the great POG membership!).

V 99 is in the "parts gathering" phase. I have most of the unobtainable parts at this point and hope to start in on the restoration in the near future.

If you are ever in the neighborhood, swing in and take a spin.

Sounds great Nelson. I will e-mail you offline.
Thanks Dennis. If all else fails, I can fabricate the brake pedal.
I really appreciate the parts and hope you (and everyone else) enjoyed mid Ohio. I sure wished I was there...

If anyone else has a Wassell brake pedal and rear brake cable (in any condition), I could also use one.

[email protected]