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Messages - Halk

Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 18, 2012, 09:58:30 PM
Thanks for the tips Joe. I'll work slowly at it with a razor blade so as not to scratch it. I think there is a ball hone around here somewhere.

The rings look like shiny new chrome, and the piston is very clean, no scratches or score marks. When I bought the bike, there were some envelopes with small parts. I remember seeing a ring in there...but it didn't look like chrome. I'll keep picking away at the bike...hopefully I'll see forward progress soon. I will be starting on my Six Day 125 too, now that I have a little work space. Got to get some heat in there real soon though.

 I'd like to actually ride these guys somewhere in CT, MA etc. I used to mountain bike a lot till a knee went bad. I want to get back into the woods. Hal
Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 18, 2012, 07:17:45 PM
Well, I got the piston free today and took the cylinder off. Inside the crankcase looks pretty good, although some seeds and nuts had gotten down in there. I used a vacuum and I think I got them all out...

The big blobs of rust on the cylinder wall did come off with a little persuasion, but there is some that remains.

It looks like the engine received new rings and a hone before it was put away last time. There is slight color from carbon from a short amount of running.

Any suggestions on how to clean up the cylinder?  The lower ring appears to be free, but the top ring seems stuck. Any ideas there?  

Thanks for any tips.   Hal
Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 17, 2012, 04:03:19 PM
Now I know why the piston is stuck. Mighty-Mouse strikes again.
When I took off the exhaust pipe, I knew things couldn't be good...[/img]


Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 14, 2012, 09:22:05 PM
I looked on the Greeves group website under "identify" and it said the 34A motor was 1961-1962? My motor also has a Villiers carburetor. The cylinder head says Greeves on it. Am I looking at the wrong number or chart? H.
Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 14, 2012, 07:35:07 PM
This one is marked 24TJS on the frame, and the engine is marked
34A 203FF

So I would say it is a 1968 Anglian with a 1961 or 1962 moto-cross motor?  Hal
Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 13, 2012, 10:10:43 PM
Yes, it is a right foot shifter. Good thing I am dyslexic!
Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 13, 2012, 10:09:29 PM
Having ridden a few leading link road bikes, I kind of appreciate the solid (if slow) handling. I think this is one of the first years of Greeves to come with the Ceriani forks, and I'll bet they were a big improvement. So now that I have a few vintage bikes....where can I get to ride them with other riders of vintage bikes (In New England)? I am more of a trials or enduro type rider rather than moto-cross. I'd like to get my Six Day out and about. Hal
Penton Talk / Vans.....
November 13, 2012, 07:39:58 PM
Look into a diesel powered van. They are more fuel efficient. My diesel suburban gets about 18mpg pulling a 5'x8' trailer with my sidecar rig on it. One thing about hauling bikes in a really sure you have NO fuel leaks from the petcocks etc. Me and a buddy drove five hours to a meet with a leaky BSA M20 in the back of the van. We just made it, at about half our mental capacity..... and we got out of the van, laid down on the grass and slept for a couple hours. We woke up with killer headaches and staggered around the meet for the weekend. H.
Penton Talk / What am I doing? Greeves..
November 13, 2012, 09:56:55 PM
I found this old Greeves advertized, drove over and looked at it, bought it. Kind of crusty but still cool. I forgot to kick it over! It is of course.....stuck.   I couldn't find a lot of info on the net, thought maybe somebody here might have some insight. I have determined by the numbers that it is a 1968 Anglian, but it has a 1961-1962 Moto-cross motor in it. Anyone with a 1968 Anglian motor available? Hal
Penton Talk / List of all riders for 1973 ISDT?
November 09, 2012, 10:37:02 PM
Is there a list anywhere of the riders (with number) for the 1973 ISDT?
Well, I am sure there is somewhere...... There is an area of blue paint on the tank of my Penton 125, with a number scratched into it. It is two hundred and ? Thanks. Hal in CT
Penton Talk / New old Penton owner
November 09, 2012, 10:32:10 PM
Just a little intro and a Penton story. I got started trailing on minibikes in the late sixties, went on to Triumphs when I was eighteen, and onto a 1947 Harley when I was twenty. Back in the 1970's I had a friend who had a Penton 125 that I would ride up in the hills around his place. I really enjoyed it, even though I was a dedicated vintage Harley rider. It was really light (to a Harley guy) and it would go almost anywhere. I remember it was almost an intuitive thought about where you wanted to go, and it did it. I moved to AZ to do construction, and that was the last I saw of my friend and his Penton. I moved back to New England, got a career, etc.  Last month, by sheer luck, I run across the same Penton! I bought it, and now....Reunited, and it feels so good! Sadly, it has lost some pieces over the years and needs some loving to get it back on it's feet....which I plan to do. It looks rough, but it is mostly there and kicks through. How bad could it be ;)