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Messages - Justin Weiss

Penton Racing Talk / Tulsa ISDTRR pictures
November 13, 2012, 10:29:52 AM
Thanks for the pictures Brian!

Here is about 10 minutes of my video footage of the XC race.

and in case you missed it in the other thread, here is some footage of the MX track.
Penton Racing Talk / ISDT RR Moto 5 GoPro footage
November 06, 2012, 11:16:07 AM
Here is some footage of the final event, the MX track, staring Bob McCullough! It sure was fun chasing you, Bob. Seems like we were both held up for a while. On the last lap, Bob made himself a hole and I just barely squeaked my way through with him. Thanks to Bob for a great race and thanks to Jim Dale for introducing me to so many good people and for letting me ride his beautiful Penton all weekend. Good times!!

Justin Weiss