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Messages - Droobie

Penton Talk / 1979 400 motor question- Help me!
February 01, 2004, 10:01:25 PM
ok guys, this all sounds very good. you kno, your describing the bolt as an allen-hed type, whereas the one on my motor is a 17mm hex, which leads me to think that it is not the correct bolt. if all it does is hold the spacer to the frame, then good, i can fix that relaly good with either a tap( messy, require cleaning shavings out of motor) or some JB-Weld (my prefered methond of putting the boly solidly back into its home) thank you for your help!
Penton Talk / 1979 400 motor question- Help me!
January 22, 2004, 09:16:09 PM
Penton Talk / My 250GS -81 restoration
January 22, 2004, 09:15:08 PM
I just sold my 81 250GS- fun bike, real grunty power. PIstons are expensive though!
Penton Talk / Trail Rider mag cover shot!!!
December 02, 2003, 09:31:34 PM
I went to the ISDTRR with my father (tech editor UTH) and had an amazing time. He also raced, ( finished on silver) and had a great time. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. As a 17 year old, i must say i felt a bit out of place there, but i love vintage bikes and had hoped to race my 81 250 gs there this year but no luck. thanks for a great site guys.
Wanted / For Sale / WANTED 1982 250CC KTM MOTOR
April 15, 2003, 11:53:57 AM
I have a 1982 250 motor i bought of ebay for tranny parts, motor is completely dissasembled,plenty of good parts left tho.(cyl/head/cases/crank/etc) Email me([email protected])if you want anything.

Penton Talk / 1979 400 motor question- Help me!
January 22, 2004, 09:13:10 PM
Hi guys, hoping someone can shed a little light on a problem I am having on my current restoration.  On the right (sprocket) side of the engine, just behind the countershaft sprocket, is a curious bolt that held on a combination chain rub block/spacer. The bolt it roughly 1.25" long, and seems to have tapered(pipe) threads. It is hollow at the end, and has notches cut in an "X" about half way towards the head. My dillemma is that at one time, said bolt on my engine must have worked itself loose, and while it was sticking out, it suffered quite a hit, one hard enough to elongate its hole in the magnesium cases. What does this bolt do? Why are the notches there? Is it important? Can i just plug the hole up with a helicoil and a regular bolt? Help me!
Penton Talk / 400 GS Questions
December 02, 2003, 09:27:06 PM
I am working on a 1979 400gs (actually a katoom, but its ALMOST a penton!) any who, just behind the countershaft (sprocket) and just ahead of the rear enging bolt hole, there is a curios bolt, that looks to be pipe treaded, (?), and has slots cut in the end. At any rate, it seems that this bolt had come a bit loose at one time and suffered a large jolt, so the hole is a bit elongated. MY query is, what is this bolt? what purpose does it serve? and would it be alright to retap the hole/helicoil/etc and replace the odly threaded, slotted bolt with a more conventional one?
 i can see nothing inside the hole that would suggest the slots have a purpose, but by the same token im sure there is a reason for their being. Any help at all would be very much apreciated. Please email rather that or in addition to posting, i do not come here very often.
Drew Uth
[email protected]
Penton Talk / 400 piston
October 01, 2003, 09:28:21 PM
I need a piston for a 79 400, but I know that the 400 motor was the same from 75-79, so any would fit. I am desperately in need of a second or larger OS for a restoration project, Please Help Me!---Drew
[email protected]

Wanted / For Sale / 1979 400 KTM
September 23, 2003, 09:14:39 PM
I need a second OS piston for this model or any 400 from 75-79- it will be a 82.5mm. Would also consider 3 OS (82.75mm) or 4 OS (83.00mm).  Needed badly! Will pay extra for NOS or new.