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Messages - LynnCamp

Penton Talk / Future ride?
March 06, 2020, 09:25:56 PM
We are on the TAT in Salida, Co.  Soooooo if you do arrive here -- you have hundreds and hundreds of the best trails in the U.S. of A. However, one word of warning, come here and you may have to move here.  We have many, many riders who base here - or have a second home here (including Malcolm). Let me know if you plan on coming this far .. and I will try to help.
happy trails,
Lynn Camp
Penton Talk / Future ride?
March 06, 2020, 09:25:56 PM
We are on the TAT in Salida, Co.  Soooooo if you do arrive here -- you have hundreds and hundreds of the best trails in the U.S. of A. However, one word of warning, come here and you may have to move here.  We have many, many riders who base here - or have a second home here (including Malcolm). Let me know if you plan on coming this far .. and I will try to help.
happy trails,
Lynn Camp
Penton Talk / Adventure Touring Movie
November 09, 2013, 08:56:49 PM
I was recently dragged kicking and screaming into the dual-sport world and was shown these movies...... thought they were fantastic!  However, I will have to say that some of my "seasoned" friends (or is that grumpy old men :) turned their noses up at the amount of support Ewan and Charlie had during their adventure. There isn't an hour I don't go down the road wishing I could ride with my feet up on the handlebars like Charlie!!!

Dennis -- was trying to figure out what mountain your KTM was sitting on and what tires you are running. I recently switched to Heidenau and it is truly extraordinary in the dirt, gravel and on the pavement..... plus I am hearing of people getting 14,000 miles out of them.

Kip -- you may remember that we moved to Colorado for the dirt trails, but I would have to say that the dual-sport riding is equally fantastic!  Forget Cuba -- If you come to our neck of the woods, let me know.  I don't believe there is anywhere in the world where you can get such a wide variety of spectacular scenery - from deserts to canyons to multiple 12,000 foot mountain passes -- all in a day's ride!  All of the twisties your heart desires! (but maybe a few too many rocks :)
Penton Talk / POG webmaster on Daytona preshow
February 28, 2006, 12:01:16 AM
Bill -- we are just grateful that you have found a way to donate so much time and effort (and we can't forget Karen in this equation!) to the Penton projects -- given your varied interests!

Doug --- can't believe that you were into windsurfing / hawaii /sailing... we need to talk one of these Penton meeting days ....  I actually was introduced to motorcycles because of the guys that arrived on their bikes to a surf shop that I co-owned.  However, I have to admit that I was a powerboat fan and used to pretty much snub my noses at the slow-boat sailors <grin>!  But there is no question that I would have moved to Hawaii at one time if I my family (who are all afraid of flying) hadn't threatened to disown me if I moved.

Thing is........ there is only one love that has survived all these years --- and that's dirt bikes in general and more specifically "Penton Rules"!
Penton Talk / A short Tom Penton story
January 25, 2006, 06:42:16 AM
Paul's story is particularly wonderful.  And... like Dane, he is very modest about the whole thing!  He gave a brief overview of it on the Penton Racing Talk forum under "ISDT" stories. I particularly liked the comment his mother made about his Gold arriving in the mail (as I was always facing an all night drive to get home after an enduro.... I never wanted to stay as late as it took to pick up a trophy).

I would also like Paul to add the story of his first encounter with John on the "My First Motorcycle" post in the Penton Racing Talk forum. (Paul is that story up on one of the posts? also wondered if one of the POG newsletters - Still..Keeping Track has your story.)
Penton Racing Talk / total knee replacements
January 24, 2006, 07:45:19 PM
We have been doing some reminiscing on ISDT on another post... So interesting to read about one of the less desirable outcomes of beating your body to death.  But, it is so very, very good to hear that you are doing well. I worry about my knees more than anything else... but so far- so good.  

What did the doctors say when you came in with no staples!!!

P.S.  Did you ever stop to think that maybe if you hadn't switched to Rokon -- that your knees would still be in good shape? <grin>
Penton Talk / A short Tom Penton story
January 24, 2006, 12:09:31 PM
Sorry Ron....... don't know for sure who was low score... but I can tell you who the biggest heart throb was .........:D..... just kidding ....... ;)

Not sure how to interpret the numbers on for that year -- in other words it looks like there are three sets of numbers and don't know which one would be more important -- but it looks like it was one of these two -- probably Dane???

Lars Larsson...Penton...(0, 345.0)...Gold
Dane Leimbach(112)...Penton...(0, 64.1)...Gold

This is Malcolm's score on
Malcolm Smith(198)...Husqvarna...(0, 198.7)...Gold

Billy Uhl has 6 golds, but in '71 John made him <grin> ride a Puch that puked.
Penton Talk / A short Tom Penton story
January 23, 2006, 11:14:48 PM
Good suggestion Jeff. Ron has done a great job of putting together results from the ISDTs... the best that I have found. I use it a lot for reference.  The section I was talking about is the "Rider List" which list the names and the number of ISDT events that they rode.

I hadn't really looked at the "Rider List" until I was looking for Tom's Isle of Man thing.  I noticed that the list has John Penton, Dwight Rudder, Doug Wilford, Paul Danik, Dick Burleson, Dave Mungenast, Jim Hollander, Tom Shaw and Jeff Gerber.... but obviously is missing a lot of other Penton riders -- Jack, Tom, Jeff Penton, Dane, Ted Leimbach, Billy Uhl, etc. -- all who were in a significant number of ISDTs. (and yes--Speedy.... no Canadians who rode the wrong bike are on the list either!!!).

As you suggested, it would be great if people would continue to contribute to the site... and if the rider list section could get updated to reflect more riders.  For me, the ISDT will always be the best example of the extreme test of man and machine.

P.S.  sure have enjoyed your ISDT/RR articles!!
Penton Talk / A short Tom Penton story
January 23, 2006, 10:05:55 PM
Thanks for clearing up the mixed memories regarding the year of the flaming Penton.  Can't imagine how disappointing it must have been to get to the six days and have something like that pull you out.  (feel bad for him.... but wouldn't you have loved to see the look on Tom's face -- or John's for that matter)!  BTW...Tom won Gold in '71 and so did you!

Regarding "taking a place" on the Trophy Team.... I think that you are way too modest... talk about a deep bench... looks like it was a no brainer to put you there since you brought home the Gold time and again.  Amazing to get there.. incredible to finish.. miraculous to bring back this much gold:

71 gold
72 gold
73 gold
74 bronze
75 gold
76 gold
results get a little foggy after 76.

Regarding Czechoslovakia .... the military isn't known for its flexibility..... I can imagine getting Tom there was something that even John couldn't pull off.  Even as a daughter of a Navy officer stationed in Hong Kong and parts of Europe -- I wasn't allowed to go into China or Eastern Europe.  I wasn't even allowed near the borders!
Penton Talk / A short Tom Penton story
January 22, 2006, 02:13:57 PM
Had a little discussion this morning with an "old" ISDT rider who remembered that Tom was brought in from Vietnam to race the '71 Isle of Man.  He remembers that Tom set his bike on fire and burned it up while trying to quiet it for the sound test.  However, the site shows Tom brought home a Gold (amazing to think that he could have been race-ready enough to earn a Gold given that he came in from Vietnam to run!)

I searched the POG Forums..... and found this post about Tom, but wondered if anyone can anyone solve the puzzle?  Was it another Penton that was set on fire at the 1971 Isle of Man ........ or did it happen at the 1975 Isle of Man where Tom is posted as retiring on Day 1.

BTW -- our U.S. guys (and one of our "speedy" Canadian friends) definitely kicked butt that year at Isle of Man  ..... does anyone know which year was the best overall -- in terms of medals -- for the U.S. (of course Dalton rocked -- but I am not sure that Americans won more medals that year than any other year).

Also saw that some riders are missing from the rider's list.  Is there another comprehensive website with ISDT results?

Penton Talk / The old days...............
January 18, 2006, 07:59:27 PM
God bless you for sharing!  I am speechless.  I feel like I died and went to heaven.  Not only is it a fabulous collection of motorcycle memorobilia/memories, but many of these photos are works of art.

Thank you and thank your friend!

Ed -- I see a book here!!!!
Penton Talk / The old days...............
January 15, 2006, 04:14:34 PM
Wow -- what a gem!
Do you know who is putting it together?
Penton Talk / Got an idea
January 15, 2006, 04:11:06 PM
What a great idea Rod!!!!  Much easier to keep interest/attract new enthusiasts if people can learn how from the experts.  I guess the hard part is making it happen -- especially since the volunteers have their hands full.

I guess making it part of the Annual Meeting would at least not greatly increase the work that is going to be done anyway.  In addition, it will be easier for some of the elders to attend and give of their knowledge...... and, in theory, the cost of the seminar could cover the airfare to get some of our experts and their projects there. (we could bring sun lamps and a poker table for those who would have rather given their travel dollars to Vegas.)

Having given a few seminars, I know there is a huge amount of work involved (granted I am a little slower than many).  So it would probably take until next year's POG annual meeting to plan the projects and have all of the spare parts available, etc.

In addition ........ the seminars could be taped and sold as a way to raise some revenue for Penton Future Projects, etc.  It probably makes some POG folks uncomfortable to charge members for information ----- but I would argue that - in some cases - it is worth charging/paying some money in order to put together something special and be able to preserve it for future generations.
Penton Talk / Riding Areas
January 13, 2006, 02:01:27 PM
Regarding your suggestion for a gathering of like-minded people -- The three best annual gatherings that I have been to are Dave Mungenast's Museum in St. Louis, the ISDT/RR and the POG Annual Meeting (an amazing immersion in Pentons and AMA Museum History).  

We have the nearby Ozarks near Dave.  Obviously the ride piece is built into ISDT/RR............ and I know that there is a great meeting and a good dinner after the POG Annual Meeting.... but not sure about any riding opportunities -- perhaps the day after???  We could always go out and race John and his tractor on his farm!!

O.K......... who is the designated event coordinator or Concierge for the POG meeting??
Penton Talk / Riding Areas
January 12, 2006, 10:29:39 PM
Thought about replying...... but really didn't know were to begin. It's like trying to pick a favorite child.  But since you are goading us to share.......I will put in my two cents.

As indicated on the post -- Ultimate Retirement Places -- there are some amazingly beautiful places to ride (except in Mars and Illinois) ....... each one is great for a different reason -- tight single track, magnificant views, high mountain meadow, etc...  But I pick Chafee County, Co.

The Berkshires, the Ozarks, Moab, the Smoky Mountains - GA, SC, TN, W.VA, Idaho all have some magnificant trails ..... but Colorado has the most open land, the widest variety and more trails than I will ever be able to ride -- right outside my back door or a short haul down the road... but then I haven't been to Texas so what do I know!!! (but you know how those Texans always stretch the truth!)..... and oh well Big Mac -- Malcolm Smith may have put Oregan on his top ten... but he has a ranch where we are! :D

One of the things that I found of most value is either riding with a local who knows the trails -- or having a damn good map.  Even so -- we have been horribly/dangerously lost at times... even with GPS.

Let us know where you live... how many days you have off and how much driving time you want to do and I bet we can map out a great vacation for you.

P.S.... maybe here is my next job opportunity -- a dirtbike travel agency!

One more thought -- when my husband and I started on our search for the best retirement place (AKA best area for trails)... we started at Billy Uhl's off-road training school in Atlanta, ID.  My husband was new to the sport and it had been decades since I had run enduros........... it was invaluable information (for anyone at any level) plus a guided trip through some of the most awsome trails you will ever see and accomodations available in charming 200 year old mining cottages.  As a matter of fact, my husband is riding right with many 30 year veterans at an incredibly respectable pace (except tight single track <grin> which just happens to be my specialty!)