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Messages - Danny Metz

Penton Talk / Right hand numbness
December 22, 2010, 10:08:53 PM
Ken,  If it comes down to surgery for Carpal Tunnel, don't sweat it.  I had trouble for years, and had surgery done on both hands (at different times).  It was done as outpatient, and I had more movement and less pain walking out of the hospital than I did walking in...  It has been over 10 years since those surgeries, and the problems have not returned.  

Wanted / For Sale / Looking for a MC5
November 26, 2010, 09:12:43 PM
Michael,  I have a 78 MC5 400 that I will sell.  Call me at (864) 650-3655 or respond to this message.  I am in Anderson, SC.

Penton Talk / Correct Frame Color for 78 MC5
February 19, 2007, 12:33:23 PM
Thanks for the info guys.  Chevrolet "engine" orange is what I used the last time I went throught this bike.  I have noticed some fading of the colors and that is why I am doing it again.  Does anyone have any suggestions for the color of the tank and side panels?  The white is what I am concerned with . . .

Wanted / For Sale / Exhaust repair
November 29, 2006, 10:01:26 AM
OK guys, Pete Miner's phone number is (864)338-7860.  Robert, your memory is pretty good!  FWIW, Pete used to work for Ed Horton, but branched out on his own about 15-20 years ago.  He still does a lot of NHRA work building chassis.  He builds all of Roger Gustins Lava Machines (jet powered dragsters).  Pete also builds some of the finest custom motorcyles (V-twin) you will ever lay your eyes on!  

I have no idea if Ed Horton has anything to do with the trailers of the same name.  My dealings have always been with Pete, and his work is second to none! I am pretty particular about my toys, and Pete is one of the few people I have no problem leaving and telling him to "make it right".  His work has always exceeded my expectations.
Wanted / For Sale / Exhaust repair
November 27, 2006, 05:39:20 PM
Sure do!  There is a fellow named Pete Miner in Belton, SC who is the most talented welder and fabricator I know.  The pipe on my 78 400 MC5 looked like it had dropped onto a stump or log sometime in its lifetime.  I am talking about where it leaves the head and curves downward before making a 180 and back up through the frame.  

I took it to Pete and he cut away the crushed part of the tube and fabricated a new piece to replace it.  He tig welded it and did very little grinding.  It looks just like it did when it left the factory.  If you are interested, I will send you his number.
Wanted / For Sale / Looking for an MC5
August 04, 2006, 12:59:31 PM
Hi Bob,  I am in the NW corner of South Carolina.  If all I do it put the bike back together, I will take $1500.  The bike is complete and had fresh everything about 10 years ago.  It has only been ridden a couple of times since then.  It has been stored in my basement since.  The paint is good, but not perfect, but mechanically very good.  I have tons of digital pictures I can send.  If you are interested, give me your email address.

Wanted / For Sale / Looking for an MC5
July 30, 2006, 04:12:56 PM
Hi Thomas,  As you know, I *thought* about putting my 400 on the street.  I heard from a LOT of people both on this sight and privately about the pro's and con's.  I ultimately decided against it for a couple of reasons.  The main one being that I really appreciate good brakes, and although the drums on my bike are fine off-road, I would not trust them on the highway. A good set of discs are hard to beat!  I may pass you on my Harley though . . . :)  

Wanted / For Sale / Looking for an MC5
July 27, 2006, 05:30:33 PM
Teddy,  I also have a 400 MC5.  Mine is a 1978.  It is currently completely torn down to freshen everything up.  Let me know if you are interested.  I can put it back together without doing any further restoration if you are interested.  The bike is complete and runs strong.  

Penton Talk / Be Careful on the Street
May 01, 2006, 01:31:31 PM
Desmond,  I appreciate your reply to me in my post about putting my KTM 400 on the street.  Believe me, I understand your reluctance to get back on the road on a 2 wheeler.  About 10 years ago, I witnessed a collision where a minivan pulled out in front of a 600cc Honda doing about 55 mph.  The rider T-boned the van.  He was wearing a helmet, but when his face impacted the side of the van his helmet went about 50 feet in the air.  I was the first one to get to him, and it was not a pretty sight.  His body was twisted like a pretzel.  He was bleeding and went into convulsions.  I tried my best to comfort him, but all I could do was wait for the ambulance and talk to him.  It was an event I will NEVER forget.  FWIW, the rider lived, but will never be the same.  I put off ordering my new Harley for a few years after.  I finally did get the new bike, and I use that event every time I ride.  Like someone else said, I ride like everyone is out to kill me.  I would never give up my street riding because it gives me so much, but always remember the possible consequences.  I suggest you take some time to consider your choices.  Don't do anything rash.  Just because a bike has a tag on it does not mean you have to  ride it.  The way I look at it, when my time is up, it doesn't matter whether I am skydiving or sleeping . ..  Good luck!

Penton Talk / Be Careful on the Street
May 01, 2006, 01:29:12 PM
Desmond,  I appreciate your reply to me in my post about putting my KTM 400 on the street.  Believe me, I understand your reluctance to get back on the road on a 2 wheeler.  About 10 years ago, I witnessed a collision where a minivan pulled out in front of a 600cc Honda doing about 55 mph.  The rider T-boned the van.  He was wearing a helmet, but when his face impacted the side of the van his helmet went about 50 feet in the air.  I was the first one to get to him, and it was not a pretty sight.  His body was twisted like a pretzel.  He was bleeding and went into convulsions.  I tried my best to comfort him, but all I could do was wait for the ambulance and talk to him.  It was an event I will NEVER forget.  FWIW, the rider lived, but will never be the same.  I put off ordering my new Harley for a few years after.  I finally did get the new bike, and I use that event every time I ride.  Like someone else said, I ride like everyone is out to kill me.  I would never give up my street riding because it gives me so much, but always remember the possible consequences.  I suggest you take some time to consider your choices.  Don't do anything rash.  Just because a bike has a tag on it does not mean you have to  ride it.  The way I look at it, when my time is up, it doesn't matter whether I am skydiving or sleeping . ..  Good luck!

Penton Talk / 400 KTM on the Road??
April 28, 2006, 12:52:27 PM
Andy,  I think the LED light is probably a good idea, but I have doubts that you will find a 6 volt LED bulb replacement.  Running a 12 volt LED bulb on 6 volts would probably produce no more illumination than a standard 6 volt bulb.  If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.  The Motoplat is 6 volt output, correct??  Oh, and FWIW, my original Motoplat did the "splat" thing years ago ...  I got a good used one from a later model KTM.


Penton Talk / 400 KTM on the Road??
April 28, 2006, 09:10:23 AM
Hi guys.  I never expected this kind of response!  Thank you for all the replies.  

Mac, I live in SC where headlights are required "on" 24 hours a day.  I've never really thought about it, but the tail light on my Harley *must* burn all the time (like the headlight) since there is no switch or photo sensor to turn it on.  That means wiring would not be too complicated.  I have not checked with the DMV, but I believe turn signals are not necessary.  Mac, PLEASE, you're killing me with the "let the Harley get bashed" . .   Ugh, it makes me sick thinking about it!  But you are probably right . . .

Ted/John, law enforcement is present, but not overbearing. I have ridden this bike around my neighborhood on several occasions, and understand what you mean by excitement ...  One of the first mods I will have to make is to the OBNOXIOUS pipe on the bike now.  I believe it is factory, but the packing is nonexistent, and it makes a really ear splitting sound my neighbors just *love*.  I'll bet it would make the local law enforcement REALLY take notice . .  Not a good thing!  


Penton Talk / 400 KTM on the Road??
April 26, 2006, 05:00:11 PM
Mac/TC, Thanks for the replies.  WOW, you have given me a LOT to think about!  I had considered the fact that the light output would be marginal, but since I don't plan any night riding, it would probably be OK.  Decent brake lights are pretty high on my priority list though .. .  Turn signals are not something I considered.  I will have to check with my DMV and see if hand signals will suffice.
I am beginning to think this isn't the best idea . .   FWIW, I do have a new(er) Harley, but am pretty particular about where I park it, and the bike parking at work is not exactly secure . . . I figured if the KTM was damaged, I have done all the restoration on it so it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal.  Thanks again for making me realize the shortcomings.

Penton Talk / Correct Finish on Head and Cylinder?
January 24, 2006, 05:43:55 PM
Thanks for all the input!  It appears my bike is as Rocket said.  My cylinder shows no signs of paint, but the head has definitely been sprayed in the past.  I'm just not sure who did the painting!  Thanks again.

Wanted / For Sale / penton/ktm
January 11, 2005, 05:13:27 PM
Buddy and Marc:  I emailed those pictures.  Please let me know if you received them.  They are pretty large, and I may have to resize them for you ISP to allow the attachment.
