Home Page Photo Quiz - November 2004

Started by Admin, November 01, 2004, 07:07:41 PM

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  The canteen is just that a canteen.  The answer on the bike was that it was the first 250 Penton that came into the USA.  Check the 11/10/04 post by firstturn.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

john durrill

Ron did that one have the Military crank in IT?
Inquireing minds want to know![:o)][:o)]
 John D.


  I think you being on vacation is making you start discussions I can't finish.  You need to get busy with the velocity stack in the air box project.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

john durrill

Ron ,
 I have been catching up on all sleep lost in the last 3 months chuckle chuckle. I wake up for a couple of hours and this stuff pops into my mind [}:)].  I still havent figured out how to make up the bell on the velo stacks with the equipment i have. The shape is critical to how efficent the stack will work. That and what to use for a spray bar on the NOS system.[8D]
John D.


  Don't worry about the bell.  I think I have a spare....but I'll check with Santa first[:o)].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

john durrill

Hey Santa's
  Hard Drive crashed and his info on me was corrupted so you can't count on his recomendations!!!!!!!! His dog ate the printed copy. That guy always gives me a hard time.[B)]
John D.


  Well since I believe you, why don't you email me your address and I will submit to Santa and see what happens.
PS:I think you first grade teacher told me you used that "dog ate my homework" excuse on her???

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

john durrill

Its on the way Ron,
 No i told her i was attacked by Indians. Back then she believed it chuckle chuckle. I'm giving away my age:)
 John D.


Ron Carbaugh

john durrill

Osage , Oto tribes,
 The Old farm has been in the family since 1828 (  thats as far back as the records go ). The family here in the US started out with a French trapper and an Indian maiden. chuckle chuckle
John D.

Tony Price

.....and the French trapper had an old plow mule that he got to pull like an Ox using an old boot, some leather strapping, and a leaf.

If John has a riding lawn mower, I'd bet it does 80mph.....in 2nd.

Tony, who has John on his cell phone speed dial for internal Sachs emergencies!



Just a follow-up to the Quiz.  Just to bring full circle and a little history in closing of this months Quiz.

Mike Lewis
Lawton Oklahoma

  Born in Shawnee Oklahoma, Mike started riding motorcycles at the age of 14 years old.  Two racers, Jerry Mathews and Leon Bush, noticed the talent of Mike at this young age and spent the next three years teaching him the tricks of the trade.  At the time Mike was proving himself as a formiable rider in every venue on a 165 Harley.
  In 1959 Mike moved to California and it was there that he was exposed to many different types of motorcycle competition.  Mike won many events on the 165 Harley and early Jawas. 1959 was a turning point for Mike in that he won his class in the famous Green Horn 500, which was a two day desert enduro. He was also the first rider to ever finish that 500 mile event on a 125.
  After the racing and learning new skills in California he returned to Oklahoma and bought a Harley Davidson dealership.  In 1966 he took on Honda, then Husky in 1967 and Penton followed in 1969.
  In 1970, 1971 and 1972 rode the ISDT and could have ridden more if there hadn't been some words with the then person in charge of AMA ISDT participates.  Mike stood his ground and just picked his events after that to attend and in some cases won.  Remember the year he started and remember he made the 1994 ISDE and he was at the Reunion Ride this year.  As one person told me when they saw me sitting at the table with Mike at the Reunion..the legend lives on.
  Another Legend of the early Penton Days does live on and Mike carried the banner for Penton well for many races.  I couldn't end the story if I didn't tell about start of the second day of this years Reunion. Mike was at the start and calmly waited for his number.  He looked over at me as the number came up and winked.  At the touch of a button of the 400 KTM  was off....just his way of saying I have earned the right to have the Majic button to get the big bore started.  Thanks Mike for the great memories and Friendship.

The Sherriff is working late in the dark room for the new Quiz.  Please stay tuned and thanks for the record numbers of visitors to this months Quiz.  The Quiz is for the enjoyment of our members and guests of this site.  Thanks for making it a success. O.Sherriff

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Stay with me I am having the picture sent to via a downlink....sounds fast right.  Only problem is the satelite with the transmitter is orbiting the third moon of Pluto.  Those guys at NASA where told to make it orbit the moon, but not which one.  That's what happens when you locate a Control Command in Texas.[8]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh