York PA swapmeet

Started by Paul Danik, January 17, 2011, 10:51:17 PM

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Mick Milakovic

Mike, I've been racing my 1980 390CR with 40mm forks in CC events, and it's just too tall and long for the woods.  I'm going the WR route.  After all, King Richard rode the WR back in the day!

PS - Lew, if you raced the doodle bug I might be able to beat you!



Paul, there was a good crowd, lots of bikes and parts traded hands. Neet stuff, ItaliaJet 350 trials bike. Bike that had the most people talking was a GILA? Most had never seen or heard of it.


Hey, Ron - you'll have to ask Lew what he finally had to give for the DB.  He bought it!  

Hah!  Just kidding.  The 'bug didn't have the correct motor innit, so the asking price was only a duce & a quarter.


Thanks Ted....it looks nice.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

My new secret weapon for CC.:D
Ron, you probably have the right motor laying around.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Lew you look got on the race bike.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Wow! I finally found some extra time to get on the POG site.

Ted was my riding buddy for the weekend and we had a good time. It was Al & Ted's great adventure. He was a big help in unloading the van on Saturday and loading it up on Sunday. He saved me a lot of time and wear and tear on my back lifting and moving those storage bins.

Ted is A-OK for riding shotgun but leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to navigation. If I hadn't pulled off at that rest stop on I-80 we would have gone right past our exit and wound up in New York City. On the way back home we missed the turn off on I-81 after going around Harrisburg and almost wound up in Carlisle (the wrong direction and going around in a big circle). We pulled off at the first exit that came up and did a U-turn and Ted then directed me to keep going on I-81 when the exit I thought we should turn on to came up. We wound up having to get off at the next exit to turn around again only having to go another mile out of our way because all the streets are divided roads. Before we started packing up on Sunday at the swap meet, Ted was talking to his wife on the phone. I told him to ask his wife if she wanted me to bring him back or leave him in York. She has 3 dogs and 3 cats to keep her happy and I thought that he should check just to be on the safe side.

The York swap meet was fantastic, just like the good o'days. Wall to wall vendors and a herd of enthusiasts showed up spending money.
It was good seeing Lew Mayer, Mike Gallagher, Bob Gilman, Lee Buffenmyer, and many other POG members that I hadn't seen since last year.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Hey, folks.  Here's a few more pictures from the York swap.  Couple-a problems, though.  First, my camera's not so hot, so sorry for the rather fuzzy images.  Second, no Pentons among these pics.  No excuse.  I just got lazy.  Finally, I loaded the pictures backwards, so the slideshow will run in reverse.  I'm sure you'll figure it out, though.  Enjoy.


Paul Danik

Thanks guys for the pictures and the stories.

 One of my favorite vendors at York is Bob Sholly, he usually sets up a couple of booths at York that are more like a museum exhibit than a swap meet vendor spot. I would bet a cup of hot coffee and a doughnut that Ted already knows who Sholly is even after just one trip to York. Sholly carried a national number on his Triumph back in the day and he still pals around with Gary Nixon.  Gary lives not far from York and has been known to hang out at the swap meet at times.

 Thanks again guys,


Among the "other" POG members at the York swap were Mike Winter, who has already checked in, Chicago Jerry, our big buddy Dan Killian, as well as those folks featured in my slide show, such as Lew Meyer and Mike Gallegher, and Mike _ _ _ (sorry, I've forgotten your last name, buddy), who is always a regular at Vintage Days.  I'd say the event was quite well represented by POG'ers.  It seems that no matter what the venue, when vintage bikes are involved, members of the Penton Owners Group are there in force.  Tells you something, doesn't it?

Lew Mayer

Ted, that bike you asked about was a Cheney BSA purchased new, back in the day, raced and restored by Raymond (Beaver) LaForce. He wins best of show often with it. He also has a BSA Bronco that he had from new. Also perfectly restored.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer



thanks for getting the Cheney Victor 441 info for Ted,

Raymond is a great guy along with his good friend Mike Slate,
they put together some beautiful vintage race bikes,
that Cheney took Best of Show this year at the Nesco Show, well deserved !!

Ray is doing my 71 B50MX, it will be a sweetie !!

2011 has started off with a bang !!
great time at York and looking forward to the rest of the year with our great POG family,


Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]