Pipes, Pipes and more Pipes?

Started by DKWRACER, November 18, 2005, 06:30:07 PM

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john durrill

Big Mac,
 I think Fred has passed on. Here is a posting form the Vinduro Group from last week.

  Some of you "old-timers" on Vinduro remember Fred "Burma Wolf" Hunter,
who always signed off his posts with one of the old Burma Shave
jingles...I think he must have had 100s of them since I never saw the
same one twice.
Fred passed away a few days ago here in the Kansas City area.  He
evidently suffered heart failure in his sleep and went peacefully.  He
had not been active in Vinduro or the local MOVMX scene much in the
past couple of years, but still attended the HoAME club meetings here
and was at their Feb 14th meeting.  Fred was a technical writer (and
mechanical whiz) for some of the companies that put out the Clymer-
style repair manuals, as well as other technical publications.
Godspeed, Burma Wolf.

 Its sad news,
 John D.

Big Mac

Very sorry to hear about Fred Hunter. I knew his name only through Ted's post, but I would expect Ted and others in the area of MOVMX probably knew him well.

I am tracking down the availability of a Cranke-spec pipe via Pro Form Racing/Maico's Only and will advise if I can get any details. Also will post feedback if I can get one to try and compare.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR