Who's Ohio Bound

Started by chuck, July 12, 2006, 10:01:03 PM

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rob w

Quotequote:Originally posted by socalmx

SoCall996 aka Brian, nice to know that my Penton had company on the Hodaka truck rolling out of Southern California. Hope none of those Hodaka bad habits wear off on them!


I see two chrome tanked Penton's arriving, that say SixDays Rat on them. ?

Looking forward to meeting you guys.

Bob W

rob w


Can anyone please tell me - the estimated time the POG Meeting is scheduled to begin on Saturday. And...is it safe to say there will be a sufficient amount of time after the VMX races, to get to the meeting ?
Thanks alot,
Bob W

Paul Danik

The Buehner brothers plan on serving dinner around 5-5:30, the meeting will follow dinner, hopefully the races will be over in time for you guys to attend.

    Here are a couple of other POG / VMD updates.

    POG shirtmaster Scott Brogan will have a supply of this years MC-5 shirts on hand along with a limited number of this years hats, if you want a hat you better get them early in the weekend.  

    We will have a supply of the DVD from the POG / KTM dealer display on hand for those who wish to purchase one.

     There is a good chance that we will be showing some movies after the meeting.

    From the calls and emails that I have recieved, along with what has been posted here, it seems that this years VMD will be the best attended yet. The tents go up tomorrow and it won't be long till Pentonville / VMD will once again be home for Penton enthusiasts from all over the USA and abroad.

   Those of you who can not attend will be missed, but not forgotten.

See ya soon.


To the entire Family of the POG,
  This has to be the best group.  I hope it is great weather and the best buys ever.  I hope everyone signs the guest lists so we can see how many POG members attend.  Thanks Paul for all you time, energy and expense you give for this event and the entire POG program.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

The  MC-5 is the POG featured bike of the year for 2006 and we hope to showcase those machines at the POG display, but we still want to see as many different models of Pentons on display as possible. Steeltankers, all CMF models, Wassells, short trackers, ect, are all welcome and wanted for the display, heck we might even find room for a KTM bicycle if one shows up. We will have to draw the line on displaying Hi-Point trailers simply for lack of space. We have ID tags ready for each of you to fill out and attach to your machine when you roll it over to Pentonville, as always your help is greatly appreciated.

     I have an idea that one of you computer/internet/electronic experts may look upon as an interesting challange. It would be neat to be online at the POG tent and have the ability to post on the forum during the event, maybe tease the Texan who isn't coming with what you found real cheap in the swapmeet area that day, or give instant race results. Just a thought!

   The one item I already loaded is the Pentonville banner, can't wait.




Not playing fair??  That's OK I have my agents out looking....watch out for people with initials like DJ, GE, DW, DR and of course BA.  And of course I will have satelite imaging with the BIG LENSE.  I hope everyone finds what they want or need and have safe trips coming and going home.  There is just a special majic about the Pentonville area...thanks to all the hard work of the Directors and a lot of POG members.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

Gary Roach

I get goose bumps reading everyones reply about Mid-Ohio...I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET TO PENTONVILLE!!! It feels like we are getting ready to go home for a big family reunion. We will sure miss ALL of you that can't make it...really looking forward to meeting all the new-comers. We will arrive on Thursday. I am racing my yeller 175 Penton in VMX on Saturday(womens int. and open age nov)Gary is not racing this year-gonna play crew chief. Adam Giddings will be racing Kent Knudson's 125 and the 250 this year in 4 classes-that ought to be exciting. We are not taking any bikes for display this year, I wanted to have room in the trailer for the Hodaka and/or Indian that I plan on winning in the raffles. The rest of the weekend we will be swap meeting and hanging out in Pentonville-the best place on the planet!! See you all in just a few days.
Toni Roach


Hi guys,

Every year I look with great anticipation to the POG dinner/meeting and every year Rosemary and I are late and miss a lot because the dinner starts too early for the guys that are racing to get there on time. Any chance we could schedule the dinner to start at 6:30 this year??????? I know it is a little late to be requesting this, but just hoping.




My dear friend, you ARE riding the wrong marque. :D The Hodaka Only races are #1 on the schedule with a two-moto format like the others.  Just think for a moment - if YOU were riding a HODAKA you would be done by noon and all showered up and spiffy by 2:00pm (he primps [8)] a lot).

"Phast Phil" Ketchum
Hodaka 100cc Super Rat (28u) Hodaka-Only Intermediate
Hodaka 100cc Super Rat (28u) Sportsman 125 Intermediate
Saturday - 1979 KTM 250 MC (28u) 250 GP Intermediate
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group

Paul Danik


   I talked to Alan and Dale Buehner about your concern, they will hold off on serving untill 5:30 instead of 5, Dale said to tell you that he will still have some of his fine food ready for you racers when you arrive.  Hopefully the races will move along without any major time consuming situations.




In the truest spirit of non-serious joking. I would rather race a Penton and miss a meal than ride a Hodaka and get to dinner on time :D

Rain Man

I hope all of you have a safe journy to Mid O, be aware of the other travelers and of course,   the endless line of semi's.  I know 900 miles gets my nerves just a sizzling,   for days to come. Fortunately,there is a good light at the end of this trip.[8D]
Drive safe Bro's

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons