Prayers for Thomas Carmichael

Started by firstturn, February 15, 2010, 11:13:04 PM

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Jeff D

This is my first post on this thread, however you ARE on my prayer list.  Team C sounds a little embarrassed to be calling EMS.  DON'T BE!!  Helping people is what we do.  If you feel like you need to do something to acknowledge your local EMS crew, a letter of thanks to the fire chief or EMS director (depending on who provides your local ambulance service) always helps.  If you want to make the crew happy, drop a plate of cookies by the station...but check to find out when they are working.  The guys on the other shifts will be more than happy to gobble up the snacks on behalf of the ones who really came to your home!  :)  
Seriously, you have a lot on your platter and some serious challenges ahead.  Your EMS crew knows you didn't want to call them, but rather had no other option.  Don't hesitate to call if you need assistance.
Advice from a 35-yr fire service veteran.
God bless!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


Jeff thanks for your kind words and letting people know what a Great Heart the EMS life savers are and how they understand the problems people have at a time like this.  

Thomas starts Radiation tomorrow and hopefully Chemo this week.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


First I would like to thank everyone at POG for your thoughts and Prayers and for the Special Gifts.  It looks like Thomas has so many Special Friends that are helping him it is just incredible.

From Clinta - Good evening everyone!  Can I get a Hallelujah!  This morning at 7:30AM, as Trey and I were getting Thomas in the car, a very strange looking brown Ford Aerostar pulled in the driveway.  Out jumped a UPS person and immediately I thought it was the chemo!  I was so excited and almost as quickly disappointed to open the box to find his nausea pills, yuck!  

Thomas and I went to radiation, and as promised, the entire event takes 5 minutes.  Today, was a little longer, just because they had to do a CAT scan to make sure that there hasn't been much, if any change in the cancer growth since the last CAT scan.  I didn't go back with him, but he said it was simple as pie.  He didn't feel a thing and it was over in minutes.  While he was in the back, the nurse explained to me that for 23 days, the plan calls for the radiologist to target the largest cancer mass and surrounding area.  After that, for 7 days, they will target a much smaller area.  I asked her what happens after the 30 days and she said that the doctors will do a review to determine the next steps.  

He's had no repercussions from the radiation at all, but it's the first day.  I think fatique is a very common and expected side effect so Thomas is getting a lot of rest.  

When we got back home, we hadn't been home but for a few minutes when the door bell rang.  When I got to the door, no one was there, but lying on the porch was a very large box that contained 2 medicine vials with Thomas's chemo!!!  I wish that I could say that my 28 phones calls with just about everybody in customer service and the pharmacy department is the reason that the drug company finally sent the chemo, but I don't think that's the case.  I believe that it was the phone call from the oncologist telling them that this is a life threatening situation and every day that they hold up the medicine is putting Thomas's life in more danger.  I called him to thank him for making the call and that's what he told me he said.  He basically accused them of incompetence and negligence, of course, when I said those same things, I'm sure they were calling me every name in the book when we hung up, I don't care!!  

I just gave him his nausea pill and we will take our first chemo treatment around 9 tonight.  Please pray for Thomas's strength to get him through this regiment.  The doctors are in agreement, that Thomas has a little more of a challenge with having the staples still in his head and fighting an infection at the same time.  But, for those of you that know Thomas, he's a fighter and can be the most stubborn, hard-headed person you've ever met.  It's those qualities plus God's guidance and your prayers that will get him through this.  

I know I'm running long tonight, a lot happened today but I need to tell you 2 more things.  We had an in-home physical therapist come over today which is wonderful.  She had me demonstrate how I get him out of the bed, into the wheelchair and transition him over to the toilet chair.  She said she was very impressed with how well I did it because she said that Thomas would be rated at a moderate to maximum assist.  She said that she had been told that he was a minimal assist but I explained to her that since coming home from the hospital, his strength has dwindled some and he doesn't have the same abilities that he had before.  She said that she will be able to teach me how to manuver him more strategically to put both of us in safer positions.  I was saddened to learn that Cigna will NOT help us with a shower wheelchair or even a shower-accessible wheelchair.  The explanation is that Cigna bases their allowances on whatever the governmental agencies like Medicare or Medicaid allow.  We don't use Medicare or Medicaid but they set the standards.  So, unbelievably, items to assist with personal hygience such as a shower chair or shower bench is not covered, even for complete paraplegics.  In our case, we don't have a shower or bathtub on our first floor, (Thomas can't walk up the steps), so it's been a real challenge for us!  I think that it's wrong not to cover it because hygiene is so important to your mindset, your morale and from the medical side, helps with reducing disease and infection.  OK, I will stop preaching because at the end of the day, I would rather the insurance cover things like chemo and radiation and I will figure out the shower scenario.  

But, guess what, I don't have to figure out the shower scenario.  My final update for today....Robert Cross and another friend, Butch Hensley came over today and finished our now, handicapped-accessible downstairs bathroom.  It works perfect and it's just so incredibly helpful.  Both of the times that Thomas has fallen, it's because of not being able to get the wheelchair in the bathroom, now that's no longer an issue.  Additionally, Robert with the aid of another friend has also offered to build a portable shower for Thomas.  I don't have all the specifics yet, but he has told me that we will be able to put the toilet chair in the middle and he will have the same capabilities as a shower.  (We can't roll the wheelchair in because it can not get wet!)  

Having always been an incredibly independent person, very reluctant to ever ask for help or a favor, Robert, (and so many others) have stepped up and have offered and provided so much help and assistance, that I am completely at a loss as to how to repay or even thank you!  With the unexpectedness of all of this, how can anyone be truly prepared, but our friends have come to our rescue and it has filled my heart with the highest level of gratefulness that I've ever felt in my entire life.  I know, and I wish this wasn't true, that I will have to lean on friends still yet, but my appreciation for the non-ending support, love and prayers overwhelms me.  Thank you!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


We had a good week.

From Clinta - TGIF!  I'm so glad that it's Friday and the weekend's here!  It was a beautiful day today and it just feels like spring!  

Thomas had a great day today!  He took his first dose of chemo last night and had his second dose of radiation this morning.  He will take his second dose of chemo tonight and fingers crossed, the nausea will continue to bypass him.  He sat up twice today in his chair and has been in great spirits.  

Between the fabulous weather, (Thomas had me open up the windows for him so he can feel the breeze), the widen bathroom door, the ease with which his treatment is going so far, all has made Thomas feel so much more hopeful.  It lightens my heart to see him this way!  

A request for my dear friends; the doctor has recommended that Thomas cut down on sweets.  Sugar is not good for him and me too, for that matter.  So, although we have eaten some of the best desserts we've ever had in our life recently, I'm respectfully requesting that our friends not bring us sweets anymore.  If they are here, we will eat them.  

Please continue to pray that Thomas is able to maintain his strength and that the nausea stays away.  We are feeling so positive about the treatment even if it's in the early stage, we are so hopeful.  Thank you for everything!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Hello, this post is from Thomas's wife, Clinta.  I don't know a better way to do this, although it's not as personal as a thank you card, but I'm happy to share with all the people that are reading this thread, the incredibly wonderful gift that Thomas recently received.  Paul Danik sent a letter to Thomas explaining how the POG members aren't so great with sending cards but instead sent a piece of history to Thomas that is probably one of the most valued gifts he's ever received in his life.  It is a picture blown up to poster size from 1973 at Doe Run Cycle Park.  I'm quoting from Paul's letter:  " Doe Run Cycle Park was located just south of St. Louis and was owned by Dave Mungenast.  The bus is the famous Penton Cycleliner that the Penton team traveled in, the bikes were loaded in the back and the riders in the front.  The riders are from left to right, Jack Penton, Tom Clark, Dane Leimbach, Paul Danik, Doug Wilford, Jim Hollander, Jeff Penton and Billy Uhl.  We had raced in a 2 day ISDT Qualifier at Fort Hood, Texas the prior weekend and were now getting ready to ride the 2 day Potosi, Missouri Qualifier.  Dave Mungenast had graciously offered us the use of his facility to check over our Pentons as long as he could get a picture of the Team and the Cycleliner."

On the poster were signatures that had been acquired at the last POG Meeting.  The gang wanted to wish Thomas a Happy Birthday and I think it's safe to say, that is was his most favorite gift!  I've taken it to get it framed so that Thomas will have it forever to treasure and he does!  

Guys, history is so important and critical to Thomas because it's his passion and it's in his blood.  Your thoughtfulness was extraordinary and Thomas and I both thank you from the bottom of our hearts!  From Thomas, for the gift itself, from me, for giving Thomas a huge smile and many moments of complete and utter happiness!

Once framed, Thomas said there will be a nominal fee to view it!  Just kidding!  

Thank you again for your continued support and prayers, we are eternally grateful.  Clinta Carmichael

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Paul Danik

Clinta, Thomas and Family,

   You can be assured that your post brought a smile to all of us who signed the poster at the last POG meeting.   Thank you for the kind words.



The poster... how cool is that, could not have been given to a better guy... way to go guys

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)74'
250 hare scrambler (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Thanks for everyones Prayers.  Thomas had a good weekend.

From Clinta - What a lovely Sunday we had, rain & hail included!  Thomas had another great day, sitting up twice in his chair in the den!  No one that talks to him would ever guess that he's on chemo and radiation, it literally has had no physical side-effects.  Of course, we're hoping that it's killing, shrinking and stopping any further growth of the cancer!  

Our faithful readers will be familiar with our incredibly generous friend Robert Cross who came back over today with another friend, Scott Perry and the two of them built a shower for Thomas.  Honestly, if you could see it, you would think that it had been built by professionals, it's the bomb!  The way it is built, it allows me to be able to roll Thomas into the enclosed shower while sitting in his chair and then transitioning him over to the shower chair.  It is surrounded by shower curtains, has a basin underneath him and the ability to have the water sucked out afterward.  Unbelievable, truly!  Thomas had his first real shower in a couple of weeks today!  It worked great and these 2 guys worked several hours on it this afternoon.  Robert then worked on the caulking of the door he installed last week.  The assistance that Butch, Scott and especially Robert has given to Thomas and me is immeasurable and we will be eternally grateful.

I'm looking forward to a peaceful and calm Sunday evening.  I don't know why, but come nightfall, I feel really drained.  I hope everyone has had a great weekend and is looking forward to a productive week.  Thomas is scheduled to get his staples removed on Tuesday, I know he's very excited about losing them!  

Please continue to pray for Thomas's strength and the ease of his chemo and radiation.  We are so thankful for you!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Here is an update.  The mask is somewhat a very difficult item and I had to deal with it last Summer during my Cancer treatment.  I gave Thomas some pointers on how to over come the problems with breathing and other fears of being tied down by your isn't fun.

From Clinta - Thomas had a good day today.  They ran blood tests at the oncologist and all of his "scores" came back good or as expected.  He got a little unnerved at the radiation treatment today because they took x-rays, (for the purpose of tracking the placement of the cancer to ensure that the radiation is still pointed in the right direction), it was taking longer than usual and he got spooked.  He's in a room by himself and from the description, it sounds like his mask is something from Silence of the Lambs.  He is strapped down so that he can't move his head, obviously they don't want to risk the radiation going anywhere but to the target, and since there was a delay, he wasn't sure what was happening.  All he can do is yell out because there are no buttons to push or bells to ring.  I heard him from the lobby so it was scary for me too!  

He's had no repercussions from the staple removal, no drainage and everything looks good.  He said that his head hurt a little this afternoon but I don't know if it's from the staple removal or the radiation.  

His energy level is still good and he was upbeat today. It's time to whip out our custom-made shower again which always makes him feel better too!

Today, we had a very special visit from one of my bestest friends, Jamie Arens.  It's because of Jamie that we have this blog on caringbridge.  When we were first told of the brain tumor, Jamie had suggested this site and said that she would set it up for us.  Wow, what a tremendous gift that was and what a blessing it is for Thomas daily.  Jamie is the Corporate Sales Manager for Panera so she brought us a yummy lunch from there and we chowed down, it was delicious!  It was so great to see her and catch up!   Jamie hasn't been around Thomas much but he wanted to make sure and let her know how much he appreciated her getting caringbridge going for us!  

Well, it's after 9 and I'm about to drop.  Time to give Thomas his chemo and hit the sack!  As always, thanks for your support and prayers.  Please pray for continued strength for Thomas, we appreciate it so much!  

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


A new update.  When you read this remember I had radiation treatment last Summer on my head and I had a mask fitted for my treatment.  Everything is OK until they bolt the mask down to the table with you(your head) in it.....kind of like a mouse in a mouse trap.  Not fun but necessary.  Thanks for your Prayers and for the Poster sent to Thomas by the all helps.

From Clinta - Today is Good Friday, I hope all of you have a great day and a wonderful Easter weekend!  

Since I took up so much space with my stupid furry beast story, (he/she did not make an appearance last night thankfully!), I felt bad about taking up any more space to write more.  But, there was another update yesterday, nothing bad or serious, actually good news technically, just irritating to Thomas.

Yesterday when we went to radiation, we were told that Thomas has to be fitted again with another Silence of the Lambs mask.  I actually saw the mask yesterday, the nurse went and got it for me to look at and now I would say it looks more like a plastic hockey mask.  The interesting thing that I didn't know before is that it has a tab on both sides of the head that are screwed in to the table so literally there can be no movement from Thomas.  I know that sounds harsh and a little scary but the reason for it is because if they don't prevent movement from Thomas and the radiation hits just one millileter, (I hope that's a measurement, I don't know my metrics!), ok, so let's say, if the radiation hits just one itty bit off, it could cause devastating results if it was to hit his brain.  

They told us yesterday that his mask has become loose and he will have to be refitted which he absolutely hates!  The process, as he describes it is that he is put into an MRI machine, again with his head totally immobilized so that they can scan for cancer placement and redraw a mask for his head.  Initially, when they told me I questioned them because I know that radiation causes great swelling.  The nurse corrected me and reminded me that the swelling is on the inside not the outside.  So, what I'm guessing has happened is that when he was measured 2 weeks ago, he still had swelling on the outside of his head from the second operation and now that the staples are out, the infection is gone and the swelling is pretty much non-existent, the mask is loose.  All of these things are a good sign, just aggravating to Thomas that he has to go through it again.

We are having radiation at 1:45 and then we will go to the cancer center at the hospital for the mask refit.  Hannah is going with me since she will be here all day with us for "yard day!"  Last week, they lucked out with rain, but today, no such luck.  It's beautiful out and the jungle growing in our front and back yards have to be cut.  We would probably attract less wild animals if our grass was the proper length!

Have a wonderful day and I will post again tonight!  Thanks for being there for us!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks so much for the up date, I know it must be very hard for you. but your honesty helps us to know how to pray. Happy Easter... He has Risen!

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)74'
250 hare scrambler (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


An update on Thomas......he is a fighter.

From Clinta - One more day and we can celebrate the weekend!  It's gray and the skies are filled with clouds here in Greenville but it's one of those very pleasant, sleep-inducing type rains.  There's nothing I would like better than to be able to curl up and take a nap but I can assure you, that won't happen!!  

Today was a 7 for Thomas.  His Physical Therapist called and changed the appointment to tomorrow so he was thrilled that he didn't have to deal with having to put forth effort and energy he doesn't feel within himself.  He rested all day but told me a few minutes ago that he's feeling very strange.  He's been having very vivid, strange dreams which I've been told is fairly common with chemo.  

I called the American Cancer Society today to see if they had any type of medical van transport.  I was transferred to a 1-800 number where they asked me all kinds of questions, they were very nice and said that someone would get back in touch by Monday.  They don't have a medical van that would enable us to roll his wheelchair into the van but may have a car that would have a driver that can provide assistance with his transitioning.  

The day has come that, at one point, Thomas had really dreaded.  If I say "a shave and a haircut, 2 bits," would that give you a clue?  I started noticing clumps of hair on his pillowcase so I wrote Robert and asked him about buzz cutting or shaving Thomas head since Robert does his own.  I told him that my only expertise in cutting is wrapping paper which I don't think will translate into hair, even if I put a bow on his head!  He recommended a Hair Trimming kit from Walmart which I purchased tonight.  So, in the next couple of days, we will be attempting to cut Thomas's hair.  

Thanks to my very special friend Donna, Tucker has a new home.  I've cried my eyes out having to give him up, (I was crying so hard, my son insisted on taking him for me to meet Donna), but he is going to a great home where he will get the attention and love he deserves.  There wasn't a lack of love from Hannah, Trey, Thomas or I, just the inability to spend the time with him that all pets deserve.  It will be such a blessing now for Hannah to not have to worry anymore about being home at certain times to let him out or having to leave him for extended periods of time while at school or work.  

I hope everyone had a great day today!  Thank you for your prayers, we feel them!  We love and appreciate you!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


If you have time you might send Thomas a message on his site.  Caringbridge.  Thanks.

From Clinta - Good morning everyone!  In my heart,  because it means so much to us, I have been posting Thomas's visitors, gifts, services and support from our friends and family.  I've shared personal stories that were indirectly related to Thomas.  Initially, when I first started Caring Bridge we were inundated with posts, as many as 50 a day.  Recently, I've noticed that the posts have gone done to 2 or 3 a day and please know that for those of you who have remained faithful posters, I couldn't be more thankful.  However, so many people have not posted in a long time and it concerns me that I may have inadvertently offended them or perhaps they feel that my journal postings are off subject and not completely focused on Thomas.  If that is the case, I am sorry because I would not want to discourage people from reading and participating with the posts because they are not interested in anything but an update about Thomas which is reasonable.  

Obviously, my world is very focused right now and I'm ultra sensitive to Thomas's needs.  I know that you have a life, families, jobs, challenges, demands of your own and I don't want to be presumptuous and assume that the reason why people are not posting now is because of something I've done, it could be completely and only because your own life is calling on you and time is a precious commodity.  We continue to be so thankful for the outpouring of love that we have received and continue to receive.  Please know though that these posts are incredibly important to Thomas and probably are one of the most influential and motivating factors in his life right now.  EVERY DAY he asks me to read him the posts and there are days that I stall him because the posts are so few now that I don't want him to get discouraged.  He said to me last night, "People aren't writing anymore?"  It breaks my heart!

So, going forward, I will not post about visitors, gifts, food, etc, just know that we love and appreciate all of our friends, the visitors, the food, etc.  I know that many of you aren't focused on the social aspect of what's going on, but purely on Thomas's well-being and so I will change the focus of my journal postings.  I am requesting that if you have just a free minute every few
days or so, please post a short note.  Let Thomas know how you are doing, what's going on in your life, share scripture, a funny joke, or an inspirational thought.  Besides prayer, this is my request and I am hopeful that I will be able to read Thomas several new posts each night.

As always, thanks for your support and prayers.  If my post has offended anyone, please accept my apology.  This isn't about you and me, it's about Thomas and I will continue to be his advocate and ask for the moon if necessary on his behalf.  We love you!  

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thomas and Team Carmichael,
   Keep up the good work and know that the POG members are 1,000 per cent behind you and your total recovery.You are in our prayers.Once you conquer this we ARE going riding!Thanks Ron for posting the progress reports.Take Care,

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


Good morning Thomas and family. I am sorry that it has been so long since we have posted. It is not because we do not care... Things have been crazy for us as well.. As I write this my wife and I are sitting in this tiny waiting room. My Daughter has just been admitted into the birthing center.. She is 4 cm.. She has been on the edge of giving birth for several days and Kris and I have put our lives on hold to usher in the new born... Which was no easy task as my Daughter and son in law live 4 hrs from our home... By the way, We have enjoyed each and every post, We look forward to hearing from you. It helps us to know how you are doing, We want to know the struggles and the joys.. We want to hear funny stores as well as the sad stuff too... We feel like you are more than distant friends and more like family... We are pleased to know that we are a blessing.. may the God of all comfort and compassion continue to be with you always..

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)74'
250 hare scrambler (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W