Al Born has passed

Started by chicagojerry, May 08, 2012, 11:03:55 AM

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Gary Roach

It didn't matter if you met Al once or knew him for years, he made a lasting impression and he will live on in our fond memories. Al put so much pride in every single thing that he did. From bikes, church, POG and family! I had just washed up some ball hats that Gary had found in the garage, we were going to send him for his cool hat collection...Al will always hold a special spot in our lives as the friend that played the harmonica at our wedding! I am so glad that Al got to enjoy the steal tank Berkshire that we sold him. I will miss getting all his e-mails and his caring calls. Al always had a story, always had a warm hug and always could make me smile. That twinkle he had in his eye will stay with us always. Our deepest symapathy to his wife and family-they will be in our thoughts and our prayers. May they find comfort in knowing how special Al was to so many.
Toni & Gary Roach.


"Courage under the Fire" requires the utmost respect, what do you want? Listen to your Heart......
Beneath Still Waters a "Deep Undertow".....a message, sent, a long time ago......

Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Such sad news. One of the kindest,most sincere gentleman i have ever met.Godspeed Al

David Duarte loomis, Ca.
David Duarte loomis, Ca.


Never had the pleasure to meet Mr. Born, but as always after reading all the kind words and memories you all have of him I really get a sense of what a genuine guy he was.  He must have been one of the good ones they speak off and they're always a little extra hard to lose.  God rest your soul Mr. Born.

74 250 Hare scramble
68 Six Day
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

Randy Kirkbride

For those of you that never had the pleasure of meeting Al face to face.


Al was one of the nicest, friendliest, humble, hard working, humorous, energetic... people that I have had the priveledge to know.  Remembering just a few of his many great attributes and that special smile, especially when he regularly referred to Auggie, Bob, Ryan, and me as the "Mischevious boys" brings me even greater sadness to hear of his passing.  What a special and gifted man he was.  

My sincerest sympathy to his wife, children, and grandchildren all of whom he spoke of so proudly.

Pat Mickevicius
Pat Mickevicius


The POG has received a "Thank You" card from Al's wife, Marjorie. The following is what she wrote on the card:

Words cannot express what I want to say.
Al truly loved each and every one of you and gave his whole heart to support the P.O.G.
I appreciate all that showed your love for him. May God bless each and everyone.   Marjorie"

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner