Al Born has passed

Started by chicagojerry, May 08, 2012, 11:03:55 AM

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It is with great sorrow that I post this. We have lost another very good man. His son John, who I work with asked me to let the POG world know.  I will post info about arrangements and such when I know more. Godspeed Al, your family is in my prayers.

The late Al Born, 4th from the left, reading minutes at the recent POG
Meeting at the Packard Museum, Warren, Ohio.

Steve Minor

My prayers go to the entire family.

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor


I just got off the phone with John Born.

I am in a state of shock. I last saw Al Born on Thursday at the POG meeting. He was looking good and acting like his usual self. Most of you have no idea of the involvement that Al Born had with the POG. :(

He was the POG Secretary that was second to none. If you look at the meeting minutes that he kept and wrote for each meeting, you will see that he was meticulous in keeping notes and accurately described what transpired.

He was also the author of the "Way It Was" article for each newsletter. If you take a close look at each of these articles, you will see that each one took many hours of research going through old Cycle News papers and other magazines. Then many more hours were spent to type it all up. He enjoyed writing this article and never complained about doing it.

He was my associate editor for the POG newsletter. He assumed that job several years ago after a newsletter was mailed out and he found all kinds of misspelling and punctuation problems. He brought it up at the following POG meeting and told me to make sure that he proofreads everything that goes into the newsletters. And that is what he did. I would e-mail him the finished articles and he would let me know what was misspelled and correct any grammer errors.

My prayers goes out to Al's wife Margie who was down in West Virginia taking care of her sister. Her sister also passed away last night. Al died in his sleep at home in Ohio.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

paul a. busick

What a shock! I knew Al for too many years to count.  He was always there when needed and ready to lend a helping hand.  His energy, smiling face and quick wit were always welcome where ever he was. He will be sorrowfully missed.
Our prayers and thoughts go out to his familiy.
God bless you Al. Thank you for being my friend.
Amherst Paul


Our thoughts and prayers to Al and his family.  I will always remember playing the harmonica with Al at POG meetings and family nights.  He was quite the player and can imagine that he touched many people throughout the years with his musical talents.  He will be surely missed by all...

Karen & Bill

Kip Kern

Wow, I am at a loss for words, shocked to say the least:( The Born family is in our prayers.

Paul Danik

In many of the early Penton pictures there was this one guy who was a bit of a mystery to me, the caption under the photos was always the same, Al Born. I will always he grateful to Norm Miller for bringing Al to an early meeting.

   Al was one of the nicest, kindest folks you could ever want to meet, yet he must have been a fierce competitor "back in the day".

   God Speed Al,


Jeff D

Not only a great motorcyclist, but a great man...period.  I only knew Al through the Reunion Ride and his friendship was a gift to me.  Rest in peace, my friend!  God bless the Born family.
Jeff DeBell

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

scott brogan

It is a very sad day indeed.  There was no better friend to us all than Al.  I never knew a kinder more friendlier person. I will truly miss him. I am so shocked at his passing. Thoughts and prayers to the Born family. :(

  Scott Brogan


Quotequote:Originally posted by chicagojerry

it is with great sorrow that i post this. we have lost another very good man.his son john, who i work with asked me to let the pog world know.  i will post info about arrangements and such when i know more. Godspeed Al, your family is in my prayers.

In the name of all our Canadian people who did know this great Gentleman,our deepest sympathy and condolence.


Lew Mayer

My prayers go out to the Born family. Al was always cheerful to talk to and full of good stories. He'll surely be missed.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Al will be sorely missed.  I always looked forward to spending some time with Al at the ISDTRR outings.  You were always greeted with a big smile and conversation.  He was the most open and friendly person you could ever want to meet.

My prayers go out to Al and all of the Born Family.

Gods Speed Al.


Ernie Phillips

I first met Al at the 2007 Reunion Ride.  What a great guy.  He will be missed.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

jeff greenberg

Oh noooo! So shocked to read this news. Al was so nice to me when I finally got to meet him at a POG meeting. Our prayers are with his family.

Bud Green

Sorry to hear about Al.  He will be greatly missed.  He was always interested in everyone and always asked how everyone was doing.  Our condolences to the family.  Bud and Pat Green.