
Started by Fred Deagostino, November 14, 2012, 05:38:59 PM

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Fred Deagostino

Psssst..,Sean, Rocket's got us both beat! He's got V099 or 098.    Sheeesh!  I'm going out to the barn and set V416 on fire! [B)]

p.s. by the way, my choke cable assm. decided to just slide right
     out today. Oh happy day, Oh happy day!
                                            Cheers, Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

Oops, 'mixed the names up on that last post, sorry!

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


Fred, I got the racing bug 2 years back and steel tanker projects got pushed way down the list.  I love seeing those old bikes come back from the dead.  Hopefully one day I have a finished one I can use as the most beautiful pit bike in the pits!

74 250 Hare scramble
2 68 Six Day (projects)
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213


Fred, hi and a late welcome to the POG,

you are killing me :-))
i have V1346 Berkshire and V1646 Six-Days
i would love to have your V416 or something close to that low # :-))

Mr. Danik is holding my low # bike for me, maybe someday i will get it - LOL -

hey, i have W483ST Penton/Wassell Trials and there are less than 1000 of those made, i guess they were a big seller - LOL -

enough said, if someone finds a low # 1968 S/Tkr. let me know :-))


Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]

Fred Deagostino

Sean I couldn't agree more, and having ridden in that mid 60's thru mid 70 dirt bike era and having known a lot of those old marques from then, I did then and do now believe the steel tankers to be the best looking of the lot. Not that others lacked or even exceeded in other ways, but those pretty steel tanks, even back then, set them off. And then there was that snotty BRAAAP BAP BAP BAP from that stinger.
  In truth, while as I'd mentioned in the first post, I want to get V416 back up and running before it's broke down for resto. I just really also want to hear it again before that long process begins (It's been 15 yrs). But that's just a personal/nostalgia thing. I've been going through the posts gathering info. and once I get fuel through it again it'll fire. Then the breakdown begins. Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

Checkcrew, thanks for the welcome!  But I have to say if I'm killing you with the V416 then we're dying together. A few posts prior to yours gives us both Rocket with V401, and Sean with a V098 or '99.
  40+ yrs. of euphoria only to find out I have a late model 6 Day, Sheeesh........! (insert chuckle here)   Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

Well, I just have to tell somebody. V416 started right up and ran yesterday. 'First time in 22 yrs.! Guess who's a proud papa? :D

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


That sounds great Fred!  I think you gave me the kick in the pants I need to get motivated on a few of my projects.

74 250 Hare scramble
2 68 Six Day (projects)
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

Fred Deagostino

Well Sean, like a pal of mine always says "there's nothing left to do but do it":D. I've been wringing my hands and grinding my teeth going thru the old forums and photo archives and I think you have a leg up if you do 098/099 first. I mean, how many 'other' parts did they have to use up when less than 100 bikes had been produced? It's probably not that simple, but it sure is a nice thought.., no?

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


Over much debate in my mind and with some of my dirt bike buddies around Indy I think V099 will have a new home next weekend.  Another POGer and myself have pretty much come to a trade.  We do have the clause to offer it to me first if he ever sells it, but I think he'll enjoy it for a long time after she's restored.  I pick up my V214 in March so that will get some much needed time and love.  I'll get pictures of her once she is back home.

74 250 Hare scramble
2 68 Six Day (projects)
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

Fred Deagostino

V099 is changing hands? That had to involve some serious pondering. 'Sounds like it's going to a good home, and the first refusal caveat had to smooth the decision making process, that and having it stay within POG.  'Sounds good. I'd of walked around with a knotted brow for a few days as I'm sure you did, but I gotta say, it sounds OK.
  Plus.., with v214 you've still got me beat by 202 bikes[8D]. 'Looking forward to some pics of it!
Cheers, Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

 I've just finished V416 and may have actually gotten pics up here (I hope).

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

Yikes! I finally got it right!  I stuck them here on my original posts since the 'before' pics are here too. The bikes also running great!
 Cheers, Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


Nice Job Fred!
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...



sweet build !!!

if your not too busy i can send you a few more to do :-))) LOL


Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]